Monday, February 6, 2017

Review Tour: Revolutionary Temptation by Silvia Violet ~ (Review + Giveaway)

Review Tour: Revolutionary Temptation by Silvia Violet ~ (Review + Giveaway)
Buy Links: Amazon US | Amazon UK | Smashwords | KOBO 

Length: 67,500

Cover Design: Meredith Russell


1777 New York City 

The American colonists are fighting for their independence, but the battlefield is not the only place to wage war. When General Washington’s head of intelligence asks Captain Jack West to spy on the British in New York, Jack agrees, despite reservations about this ungentlemanly pursuit. 

Jack’s contact in the city recruits bookshop owner Elias Ashfield, an impeccably dressed sensualist who flaunts his desire for both men and women and seeks a place in high society. Jack longs for a simple life guided by clear principles. Eli is a risk-taker who knows how to get what he wants. And he wants Jack in his bed. 

Events in Jack’s past have made him fearful of acting on his secret craving for a man’s touch, but Eli intrigues Jack as much as he infuriates him. As Jack and Eli search for the information the rebel army needs, they realize there’s more between them than mere lust. But finding a way to be together may prove more difficult than defeating the British Empire.

5 Stars!!!

The last thing Captain Jack West wants to do while he recuperates from an injury is to spy on the British, but orders are orders, especially when they come from George Washington's head of intelligence.

Having to work closely with Elias Ashfield, who makes it clear he's interested in Jack, isn't easy, but neither is trying to resist temptation, even with as afraid as Jack is of them being discovered after a horrible event in his past. The closer they get, though, the clearer it is that what they have is much more than just lust. Will they be able to find a way to be together or will Jack's fear get in the way?

I loved Elias from the start, but once we knew him better, I wanted to cuddle him and make it all better. He was such a fascinating character and I yearn to see more of him. I liked Jack, but there were times when I wanted to give him a good slap. They were electric together and had amazing chemistry. The way their relationship evolved was very believable and I adored that we got to see a glimpse into their (hopefully) HEA.

I hadn't read a historical book set in this time period and I absolutely loved it! The intrigue, the suspense and the drama as Constance, Elias and Jack try to find out what they can to help the rebel army as Jack and Elias try to find a way to make their liaison work was really top-notch. The cover is breathtaking, the writing, the setting, the realism of the plot and the pacing of the story had me on tenterhooks until the very end, the suspense and the romance were well-balanced and the love between Elias and Jack had me in awe. I'm really hoping we'll get more stories with Constance, Elias and Jack in the future as I couldn't get enough of them!

Highly recommendable!

*** Copy provided to Bayou book Junkie for my reading pleasure, a review wasn't a requirement.***

January 19 - MM Good Book Reviews

Author Bio

Silvia Violet writes fun, sexy stories that will leave you smiling and satisfied. She has a thing for characters who are in need of comfort and enjoys helping them surrender to love even when they doubt it exists. Silvia's stories include sizzling contemporaries, paranormals, and historicals. When she needs a break from listening to the voices in her head, she spends time baking, taking long walks, curling up with her favorite books, and spending time with her family.

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