Friday, February 3, 2017

Release Day Review ~ Open Case by Mickie B. Ashling

Release Day Review ~ Open Case by Mickie B. Ashling

Title: Open Case

Series: The Open Series: Book Three
Author: Mickie B. Ashling
Release Date: February 3, 2017
Category: Contemporary
Pages: 200

Seth Wilder and Bryce McFarland deal with the aftermath of Owen Lightfoot’s destructive rampage. Once again, the insurance company denies the life insurance benefit despite the compelling evidence regarding the underlying cause of Mark’s death. However, they acknowledge their former employee’s complicity in the multiple crimes that have blindsided Seth and Bryce. They settle to keep their name out of the news, offering the couple a million dollars apiece, which they accept.
Owen learns of the big payoff and is determined to get his cut. Just when Bryce and Seth think it is all over, Owen reappears, and what follows tests the very limits of their endurance. Through the help of friends and relatives, Seth and Bryce find the strength to keep their relationship intact while seeking out the best way to stop Owen once and for all.

3.5 Stars! 

Seth and Bryce are trying to figure out how to move on from the destruction caused by Owen Lightfoot. The Insurance company doesn't seem to be admitting their culpability in the whole situation. The police can't track Owen down and Seth can't stop looking over his shoulder. The two men are living in limbo as they try to find normalcy while too many questions are left unanswered.

Owen hasn't given up on his mission to destroy Seth, get Bryce back and walk away with a windfall of money. Having lost his sense of safety Seth finds he needs to make some changes in his life. Bryce will do anything to give Seth back the sense of security he needs and so he agrees and embraces some major decisions about their future. Before it all can be finalized however Owen will need to be stopped.

While I've been a fan of Bryce and Seth this particular installment of their story was not my favorite. I'm not sure if it's because I absolutely loved book 2 so it was hard to live up to it or if something was just off this time around, either way, I was left a tad disappointed. That being said, I am still loving these boys as a couple. They have great chemistry and are sweet and sexy together.

This whole Owen storyline became too over the top for me to take seriously anymore. Owen went from being a somewhat believable sociopathic villain to a crazy bumbling idiotic madman right out of a bad B movie. I found myself fed up with him and his inner dialogue, as well as his obsession with Bryce and Seth.

I liked the ending, the epilogue gave a sweet ending for the two men and it was done in a way that things came full circle. The best part of the story was definitely the fact that these two men are closer than ever and their devotion toward one another is definitely cemented. I recommend Open Case because it wraps up the story left unfinished in book 2 even if it wasn't my favorite.

*Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie by Dreamspinner Press for my reading pleasure in hopes of an unbiased opinion, a review was not a requirement.*