Title: Vampire Claus
Author: Robert Winter
Publisher: Robert Winter Books
Release Date: November 15, 2017
Heat Level: 3 - Some Sex
Pairing: Male/Male
Length: 30,000 words
Genre: Romance, Christmas vampire novella
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’Twas the night before Christmas, but what’s stirring is a little more dangerous than a mouse.Taviano is nearly two hundred years old and never wakes in the same place twice. Weary and jaded, the vampire still indulges in memories of childhood Christmases in Naples. He lingers in shadow, spying on mortals as they enjoy the holiday.
When Taviano spots a handsome young man in Boston loaded down with presents and about to be mugged, he can’t help but intervene. Soon he’s talking to joyous, naïve, strong-willed and funny Paul, a short-order cook who raised funds to buy Christmas presents for LGBTQ children. Before he knows what’s happened, Taviano is wrapped up in Paul’s arms and then in his schemes to get the presents delivered by Christmas morning.
A vampire turned into a Christmas elf… What could go wrong?
Vampire Claus is a 30,000-word standalone gay romance about a lonely vampire and a fearless mortal with no instinct for self-preservation. A heartwarming ending, no cliffhanger, and a young man who discovers he has a thing for fangs. Isn’t that what Christmas is all about?
Robert Winter Books | Amazon Universal | Amazon AU
Thanks for hosting me today. I’m excited
about the release of my Christmas novella Vampire Claus. I’m providing an
exclusive excerpt from the novella, and also including an audio file of me
reading the same segment. This comes from chapter 2, shortly after Taviano has
rescued Paul from a mugging and used his blood to heal a cut the muggers gave
to Paul. I hope you enjoy it!
Click to download (and listen to) VC Clip file
[Paul] looked again at his shoulder,
unblemished under its traces of drying blood, and gasped, “Dude! What the
actual fuck?” Taviano opened his mouth to answer but Paul waved his hands
frantically. “No, wait, don’t tell me. That’s the deal, right? Don’t ask, don’t
“What if I promise that you’ll forget all
this soon, so it doesn’t matter if I explain?” It was out before Taviano
thought to censor himself. Prior to that evening, he hadn’t even acknowledged
how much he missed simply talking to someone. The temptation to reveal what he
was startled him deeply. Internally, he echoed Paul’s crude words. What the actual fuck am I doing?
Seeming oblivious to Taviano’s panic, Paul
asked, “Is that what you said to the asshole? I thought I heard you tell him to
forget but I didn’t hear it all.”
“Yes. The three of them will have
nightmares but no actual memories.” He worried that would scare Paul, so he
hastened to add, “No nightmares for you, I promise. No memories at all.” He
added a grin to reassure, big enough that it felt strange on his face.
“Oh.” The shining gaze dimmed slightly.
“Can I be honest? I’m a little bummed about that.”
Taviano frowned. “Really? I would have
thought you’d want to put this all behind you as soon as possible.”
“Don’t get me wrong. I’m kinda scared
shitless. But I’ve never been around a ninja before and it’s blowing my mind.”
“A ninja?”
“Well, the black clothes. The awesome way
you move. You’re all muscled up and shit. I just figured…”
This time Taviano’s huge smile felt wholly
natural. “You worked it out, Paul. I’m a ninja on a special mission for the
“No shit? An Italian ninja. How does that
work?” Paul asked excitedly. “Were you, like, kidnapped to Japan as a child and
raised in a secret temple?”
Taviano threw his head back and laughed. It
had been sixty-seven years and nine months since he laughed like that. “Oh Paul.
You’re delightful. Yes, I was taken as a baby to a monastery at the top of
Mount Fuji. I had to battle for the respect of the monks.”
“Aw, you ruined it, dude.” Paul looked
dejected and his expressive eyes darted around as his face grew red. “Now I can
tell you’re making fun of me.”
Oh, that wouldn’t do. Taviano hadn’t meant
to hurt his feelings or make him feel bad. Damn his
ineptitude. Softly, he said, “I’m not making fun of you. I’m playing with you. There’s a difference.”
Paul still wouldn’t look at him so Taviano
audaciously, unexpectedly, reached out to stroke his cheek. The slight stubble
scritched as he curled his finger under Paul’s chin and tugged until their eyes
met. “Seriously, ‘dude,’” he said, working to speak in Paul’s modern language.
“I think you’re, uh, awesome.”
Paul smiled at him uncertainly as he
assessed whether Taviano was serious. What he saw must have convinced him
because his face lit again. He bobbed his head happily. “’Kay ’kay. We’re
To stand that close and touch recalled
long-forgotten delights from Taviano’s human life. A simple hug. A kiss. What
would Paul feel like, enfolded in his arms? Would he be warm? His brazen hand,
still on Paul’s chin, trembled slightly. Their eyes locked together, and Paul’s
lips slackened. He tilted his head forward minutely. An invitation, and all
Taviano had to do was lean in.
As Taviano is sitting near a church listening to midnight mass, he spots Paul walking down the street carrying donations to the local LGBT shelter. As three men approach Paul to rob him, Taviano intercepts them and scares them off.
This was a quick, easy and enjoyable Christmas Novella. Taviano and Paul were sweet and hot together, and although it’s very instalove, it sort of worked for them. They were both likable, although to be honest, Paul’s use of slang was way over the top and a bit annoying.
This was a well-written, delightful and perfect for reading while snuggled up on the sofa! Very recommendable!
*copy provided to me by the author/publisher*
4 Stars
As Taviano is sitting near a church listening to midnight mass, he spots Paul walking down the street carrying donations to the local LGBT shelter. As three men approach Paul to rob him, Taviano intercepts them and scares them off.
This was a quick, easy and enjoyable Christmas Novella. Taviano and Paul were sweet and hot together, and although it’s very instalove, it sort of worked for them. They were both likable, although to be honest, Paul’s use of slang was way over the top and a bit annoying.
This was a well-written, delightful and perfect for reading while snuggled up on the sofa! Very recommendable!
*copy provided to me by the author/publisher*
Meet the Author

Robert Winter lives and writes in Provincetown, Massachusetts. He is a recovering lawyer who prefers writing about hot men in love much more than drafting a legal brief. He left behind the (allegedly) glamorous world of an international law firm to sit in his home office and dream up ways to torment his characters until they realize they are perfect for each other. When he isn’t writing, Robert likes to cook Indian food and explore new restaurants. He splits his attention between Andy, his partner of sixteen years, and Ling the Adventure Cat, who likes to fly in airplanes and explore the backyard jungle as long as the temperature and humidity are just right.
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Tour Schedule
11/16 Joyfully Jay
11/17 Love Bytes
11/18 Bayou Book Junkie
11/20 It's About the Book
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