Monday, March 6, 2017

Release Day Review ~ Talking In Code by Ariel Tachna

Release Day Review ~ Talking In Code by Ariel Tachna

Title: Talking in Code

Series: Talking in Code
Author: Ariel Tachna
Release Date: March 6, 2017
Category: Contemporary, M/M/M or More
Pages: 256

Some things crumble under pressure. Others are tempered by it instead. For three former soldiers, a tragedy might be the catalyst that binds them together—stronger than ever.
Richard Horn and Timothy Davenport met in the SEALs twenty years ago and have been lovers ever since. Now running their own paramilitary organization, Strike Force Omega, they work in the shadows to protect their country and its people. When Tim falls for Eric Newton, a deadly sniper and strategist on their team, Richard accepts that Tim’s heart is big enough for two men. He respects, admires, and even desires Eric enough to accept him into their relationship—and their bed—but he’s never been fully a part of what Eric and Tim share.
Then Eric is captured by terrorists and Tim is gravely injured in an op gone wrong, bringing Richard’s world crashing down around his ears. Even if he gets his men out alive, Eric must face the aftermath of months of physical and psychological torture—and without Tim to lean on, Eric’s PTSD is tearing him apart. Richard has to figure out the third leg of their triangle fast, or Tim won’t have a life to come back to.

4 Stars!

I am a fan of a really well-done polyamorous love story. The problem with this theme, however, is usually either believability or realism when it comes to successfully sustaining the relationship when there are more than two people involved in it. Let's face it, relationships are hard enough when it's only you and one other person. Throw in someone else and things can get very messy. Balance is very necessary but also very difficult to always maintain.

Talking in Code was a perfect example of a polyamorous relationship in which balance was skewed and it made things very difficult. Richard and Eric had no idea how to truly communicate with one another. Tim was obviously the glue in their relationship. Tim was wonderful with both men and individually he knew them both and how things worked. They could look to him to make things flow smoothly between them all. Tim was connected to both Eric and Richard. However, there was a connection outside of the bedroom that was missing between Richard and Eric. This had to be found and strengthened now that Tim couldn't be there with them and that took work, it was not at all easy for them.

Luckily, they find that connection and it helps the dynamic to be even stronger and in my opinion, sweeter. These three men worked so well as a unit and they had wonderful chemistry. By the end, it was easier to believe they would be able to make it, that their love was the real thing. They needed to know that if all else fails they wouldn't implode but could weather the storms they might face.

All in all, I enjoyed Talking in Code and would recommend it to fans of MMM. The story was full of emotion and I really liked the action as well. I wouldn't mind seeing these men again.

*Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie by Dreamspinner Press for my reading pleasure in hopes of an unbiased opinion, a review was not a requirement.*

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