Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Release Day Review ~ Driven by MB Mulhall

Release Day Review ~ Driven by MB Mulhall

Title: Driven
Author: MB Mulhall
Release Date: March 7, 2017
Category: Contemporary, Gay, New Adult
Pages: 210

GoodReads ~ Harmony Ink ~ Amazon
Eighteen-year-old Oliver’s troubles don’t end when he’s released from prison. He has nowhere to go, and he can’t even think about moving past his crimes while trying to survive homelessness.
Helping an elderly woman after a fall guides Oliver into at least a temporary home. In exchange for odd jobs and some assistance, he’s welcomed into a life with the old twin spinsters, and it seems too good to be true. The neighbor, Simon, certainly thinks it is. He doesn’t trust Oliver or his motives. Oliver is used to that kind of judgment, but it isn’t helping him overcome his guilt. Maybe Simon is right and Oliver doesn’t deserve happiness—or any of the other feelings stirring in a heart Oliver thought he’d closed off for good.
Oliver has two options: let the pain of his past swallow him and destroy all hope for the future, or move on to the new possibilities in front of him. Choosing to live won’t be easy, and Oliver might not be able to do it alone.

3.5 Stars

This was an okay read. It was good, just not great. Ollie is 18 and has been through some really tough times. He's lost his father and sister, been in prison, lived on the streets and has had to do things he's ashamed of to survive on the streets. Ollie is so broken and my heart broke for him. But as much as this young man has been through, his and Simon's characters came off as immature. The story had a very young adult vibe, rather than the new adult one, I would have expected.

The writing was good and the story was paced well, but the book was just kinda meh. The characters were likable, but I was left wanting more, especially of them as a couple. The didn't have as much page time together as I felt the should.

All in all, it was an enjoyable read. Recommendable!

*Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie by Harmony Ink for my reading pleasure, a review wasn’t a requirement.*

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