Friday, December 8, 2017

Release Day Review: Fire and Flint by Andrew Grey

Title: Fire and Flint
Series: Carlisle Deputies
Author: Andrew Grey
Release Date: December 8, 2017
Category: Contemporary
Pages: 200

Jordan Erichsohn suspects something is rotten about his boss, Judge Crawford. Unfortunately he has nowhere to turn and doubts anyone will believe his claims—least of all the handsome deputy, Pierre Ravelle, who has been assigned to protect the judge, as he's been receiving the threatening letters. The judge has a long reach, and if he finds out Jordan’s turned on him, he might impede Jordan adopting his son, Jeremiah.
When Jordan can no longer stay silent, he gathers his courage and tells Pierre what he knows. To his surprise and relief, Pierre believes him, and Jordan finds an ally… and maybe more. Pierre vows to do what it takes to protect Jordan and Jeremiah and see justice done. He’s willing to fight for the man he’s growing to love and the family he’s starting to think of as his own. But Crawford is a powerful and dangerous enemy, and he’s not above ripping apart everything Jordan and Pierre are trying to build in order to save himself….

*Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie by Dreamspinner Press for my reading pleasure in hopes of an unbiased opinion, a review was not a requirement.*

Fire and Flint is Book 1 in a new spin-off series by Andrew Grey. If you're a fan of the Carlisle Cops series, you'll definitely want to read the Carlisle Deputies series. This series is set in the same town, only with Sheriff deputies and in this first book we got some interaction with a few characters in the other series. As an Andrew Grey fan, I am always excited to read anything he writes!

Fire and Flint had a little bit of mystery involved in the story. Sheriff's Deputy Pierre has been assigned a case of protecting a local judge who is getting threatening letters. The judge has a reputation in their town and it's not surprising that people he's convicted may try to retaliate, only as Pierre begins shadowing the judge does he get the impression that there's more going on than at first expected. Pierre also meets Jordan, the judge's assistant. The two men grow close, begin dating and work together to help each other.

I liked both Jordan and Pierre, they were both likable men. One problem I did have though is the first time Jordan discovered something suspicious about his boss, I felt like I had missed something. I thought maybe in my reading I had skipped a couple pages. For me, it was handled less as keeping what was found a mystery to just something accidentally left out of the story. I'm sure as I read further, and when the reveal happened that it was purposefully done that way, it just felt awkward for me. Otherwise, these are easy to like characters, with an adorable four-year-old thrown into the mix. I love books with children in their stories, but sometimes children overtake the story and become the complete focus. That does not happen with an Andrew Grey book. He does a wonderful job of making children an important, but not a dominant part of the story, even when they are. A lot of Jordan's storyline involves his son, but I never thought this is just too much of Jeremiah and not enough of Jordan.

This series does a great job of introducing new characters in Carlisle, while letting us have some interaction with previous Carlisle couples. I don't think it's necessary to read the Carlisle Cops series to enjoy this one, but it's a great series so I don't know why you wouldn't also want to read that one too! I thought this book did a great job of portraying issues of living in a small town, when someone in power takes advantage of that position. And, like with every Andrew Grey book, the relationship, love and family developed in the story was exactly what was needed for my crusty heart to sigh.

Rating: 4.5 stars!

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