Monday, June 19, 2017

AotM: Meant For Me by Ann Lister (Review+Giveaway)

Meant For Me

(The Rock Gods #5)

Goodreads ~ Amazon

Tony Wilcox, the quiet keyboard player for Ivory Tower, has always believed he was straight. A sexual encounter with his best friend leaves Tony questioning his heart and the unwavering attraction he has for Jared. Living and working together is no longer enough for Tony... he wants more. He wants Jared as his. 

Jared Baker, the bass player for the band, has a past that is getting in the way of him fully embracing what he wants... Tony. He's tried everything to create distance between them, but none of it eliminated the feelings he has developed for Tony. 

Trying to suppress the anger and confusion from Jared withdrawing from his life, Tony does his best to get beyond the feelings he has for his friend. When Jared becomes deathly ill, it's Tony that he calls for help and Tony has to decide if he can heal Jared without giving away too much of his heart. 

Can best friends find their way to true love and discover if they were meant for each other, or will the challenges of life force them to choose separate paths?

*copy provided by author/publisher via Creative Minds in exchange for an honest review*

Sad, frustrated, heart-wrenching. These are the emotions I felt when this book started. I was so heartbroken for Tony and Jared. They are so in love with one another, but both too scared to admit it. I wanted to scream and shake them! Fuck, just talk!!! Spit it out!! They didn't listen to me for quite some time. They're the ultimate pig-headed men!

I have been looking forward to this book for quite some time, and Ann delivered me a masterpiece worth waiting for. Once these two got past the fear and admitted their feelings, Ann laid out a beautiful, sensual, sweet, and passionate love story for me to sink my teeth into.

I couldn't put this book down. The love that Jared and Tony feel for one another jumped off the pages at me. The chemistry was so strong and I really connected with these men. Ann made me feel. I felt the heartbreak, the love, the passion and the happiness Jared and Tony shared.

Now I have a dilemma, I can't decide my favorite couple anymore. I've always known that Cooper and Jayson were my favorites in this series, but now I think I have a tie... I can't decide between these two couples! (I guess there are worse things to be confused about lol)

I can't wait for Dante and Ashton's book. I'll be sitting on the edge of my seat until it gets here, but I know Ann will make my wait worth it, she always does!

5 Stars!!!


Ann Lister is a native New Englander currently living on the island of Martha's Vineyard with her husband. She has pulled details from her years living in the New England area and uses many local settings and landmarks in her novels.

After graduating art school, marrying, and raising two daughters, she established her own video production company. Her nearly two decades working in video production included work within the music industry and won her a coveted Telly Award. Her 'behind-the-scenes' exposure to the music world and her love of rock music is the inspiration for her erotic rock star romances.

The Rock Gods series gave her Bestselling Author status on Amazon. Beyond The Music, Book 7 in the series, reached #1 in Gay Erotica in the Pre-Order and held that spot for several weeks. The last book in the series launches the spin-off series, Guarding The Gods, which is releasing in early summer 2016.

Fall For Me, Book One in the series was a Finalist in the 2013 Rainbow Award. Each book in this series brings her two favorite elements together: musicians and the love between two men. These stories focus on what it truly means to love; love unconditionally, love without restrictions or labels, love without fear or judgment – to just simply love.


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PLEASE NOTE: The paperbacks are US Only since we all know how expensive posting can be. The e-copies of the books for this month-long contest will be sent directly to Kindle. 


  1. I don't have a favorite yet.

  2. Congrats on AotM. TBH, I haven't started the Rock Gods series yet, but it does sound like a great series. - Purple Reader,
    TheWrote [at] aol [dot] com

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I've never heard of this series but it sounds amazing
