Saturday, September 30, 2017

AotM: In the Spotlight with CC! (Giveaway)

This month we are thrilled to be welcoming Cardeno C. to Bayou Book Junkie as our author of the month. I know Mari and Jaymie here at BBJ wait with bated breath for each and every one of her sweet and sexy new releases. CC is a talented author and has published a plethora of heartwarming stories that will make you swoon and we are very happy to be talking to her today!

BBJ: Hi Cardeno C.!
Thank you so much for being here and agreeing to talk to us today. Please, tell us a bit about yourself and your current project(s)

CC: Thanks so much for having me! I’ve loved this month at BBJ and I greatly appreciate the honor. As you said, I write gay romance of the sweet and sexy variety. I try to alternate between novel and novella length books as well as contemporary and paranormal (mostly shifters) books. All of my books can be read independently and most are grouped in collections, which mean they take place in the same “universe”. Right now, I’m working on a book in my Pack collection – that's wolf shifters.

BBJ: When did you know you wanted to be a writer?

CC: I decided I wanted to be a writer shortly before I started writing my first book – Where He Ends and I Begin. At the time, I didn’t realize it would be a book, actually. I also didn’t consider the possibility of publishing it. After that came He Completes Me and then Home Again. It wasn’t until that third book that I actually thought about my stories as books and publishing as an option. I haven’t looked back since!

BBJ: What is the most satisfying thing about being a writer?

CC: I love almost everything about being a writer so that’s a tough question but if I have to choose one thing, it’s making people happy. When I hear that a reader has felt joy from reading my words, I know I’ve accomplished something important.

BBJ: How much research do you do when writing a story and what are the best sources you’ve found for giving an authentic voice to your characters?

CC: As far as research, I do my best to be accurate in my descriptions of places, jobs, etc. To do that, I talk to people who have first-hand knowledge of those things and I look at source data. My books are very relationship driven so the focus is much more on the people and their interactions than on their surroundings. To that end, I spend a lot of time with my characters in my head so I can get to know who they are before I write that. I’ve found that’s the best way to give them an authentic voice.

BBJ: How did you discover and begin writing in the MM Genre?

CC: My inspiration for writing my first story was a desire to show a happy, fulfilling relationship where neither character ended up dead or damaged. At the time, it felt like all the movies I saw featuring gay relationships “punished” the couple with a beating or death or other tragedy. I wanted to see a happy ending so I decided to write it. I wasn’t until after I shared that story and the next one online that I learned from a reader about published romance books with gay couples. I hadn’t been a romance reader to that point so this was a new world to me. I’m so grateful to that reader for introducing me to a wonderful community!

BBJ: Of all the books you've written is there one couple that is special to you above all the others? What makes them special

CC: I spend a lot of time with my characters in my head so they’re all special to me, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to write them. I may relate to some more than others at certain times but I can’t pick favorites!

BBJ: When you're not writing and have some down time what do you enjoy doing?

CC: I like cooking and baking and spending time with friends and family. BUT my newest thing is making wreaths! Well, it has been only one wreath so far but I have plans for more. Years ago, a nearby store was going out of business and I popped my head in. They had gorgeous ribbon being sold at a huge discount so I bought it. I didn’t have a use for it so it sat in my house all this time until recently, I was doing some organizing and came across it. A quick Google search on “how to use leftover ribbon” later and I was learning how to make a wreath. I’m so happy with how it turned out and I loved doing it so I’m going to make more! Step 1: find more discount ribbon. I’m hoping for blue and white so I can make a wreath for Hanukkah.

BBJ: What is your favorite genre to read?

CC: Gay romance of course!

BBJ: Your sex scenes are smoking hot to read, but what's it like writing them? Is it sexy or does it become clinical and all about where to place this and that body part?

CC: I love writing sex scenes! My books that are slow burns and have fewer sex scenes involve a lot of me mumbling to myself: “Next book is a sex romp, damn it!” As far as writing them, yes, I need to make sure positions make sense and that sexy times are in fact sexy, but mostly, I focus on the emotion and the relationship. I write romance books and physical intimacy is a great venue in which the characters can show their connection and the growth of their relationship. Sex scenes are romantic (and hot) when that emotion shines through.

BBJ: We know you are a huge LGBT activist. Tell us a bit about the project/charities that mean the most to you.

CC: Currently, my focus is on OneNTen. It’s an organization that supports LGBT+ youth by providing safe places to go, education, camp, food, and housing. They’re a wonderful group doing work for the most vulnerable and I’m proud to help them in any way I can.

BBJ: Can you tell your readers where they can find you in the upcoming year. Will you be attending any events or conventions?

CC: Readers can find me online. I’m pretty active on Facebook and Twitter. I make occasional posts on Instagram and Tumblr. I even have a Pinterest account but I use it mostly to look at cute dogs and find recipes. J

Quick fire round:

BBJ: Favorite T.V. show
CC: I don’t have time to watch TV so I don’t even really know what shows are on BUT I’ve caught a few episodes of American Ninja Warrior at a restaurant/bar I love and got semi-hooked. I’ve spent some late nights watching the latest season online. I’m not caught up yet though so don’t tell me who wins!

BBJ: Coffee or Tea?
CC: Both. Mostly iced. And in HUGE volumes.

BBJ: Last song you listened to?
CC: I’ve been listening to Kesha’s Praying a lot lately. Very powerful.

BBJ: Last person who sent you a text?
CC: Someone from my day job.

BBJ: Favorite curse word?
CC: Hmm, tough one but I guess I’ll go with the classic “fuck”. It has so many meanings.

BBJ: Thank you so much for being here it's been a pleasure to talk to you today!

CC: Thank you for having me and for the fun month!


  1. Favorite part of interview: New obsession with wreath making.

  2. It would be the wreath making hobby.

  3. Thank you for the interview. I think this is the first interview I've seen from you. Love that you try to be accurate with your research =)Wreath making sounds pretty darn cool too =)

  4. Congrats, CC, on AotM, and thanks for the interview. I'm like H.B., I liked the Q&A about research. For me, reading is like a fun way to learn, and I trust the author to be accurate, whether it's to capture a place, to authentically depict the psychology behind the people, or to learn about things like the gray-asexual spectrum. - Purple Reader,
    TheWrote [at] aol [dot] com

  5. Thanks for the interview! Wreath making sounds like a cool hobby. Violet817(at)aol(dot)com
