Thursday, October 20, 2016

Release Day Review: Ethan by Ryan Loveless

Title: Ethan
Author: Ryan Loveless
Release Date: October 20, 2016
Category: Contemporary, Gay, Teen Fiction
Pages: 210

School-wide, fifteen-year-old Carter Stevenson is known as “that twitchy, stuttering kid” thanks to his Tourette’s syndrome. After a disastrous talent show places him at the center of attention, he dreams of disappearing. When his parents announce the family is moving cross-country, that dream comes true. He’ll lay low through the summer in his new quiet California town, and when school starts, he’ll keep to himself. No one will ever be the wiser.

He doesn’t anticipate Ethan.

Seventeen-year-old Ethan Hart, the neighbors’ older son, is a few years into recovery from a traumatic brain injury. He is sensitive, joyous, and uninhibited. To him, Carter moves like the music only Ethan sees. He knows he and Carter are destined to be best friends and then boyfriends, if only Carter would get on the same wavelength.

Carter isn’t sure about a social life, but as Ethan introduces him to a new world of friends who accept him, tics and all, he starts to see the bright side of not hiding away.

Adapted as a YA edition of the award-winning novel Ethan, Who Loved Carter by Ryan Loveless.

4.5 Stars

*Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie by the author/publisher via Harmony Ink Press for my reading pleasure in hopes of an unbiased opinion, a review was not a requirement*

This book is a YA adaptation of "Ethan, Who Loved Carter". I haven't read the original work, so I can't compare the two. What I know is that this was a heartfelt book about two damaged young men, Ethan, 18 with damage from a traumatic brain injury, and Carter, about to turn 16 who suffers from Tourette's Syndrome. Two young men who feel like outcasts in different yet very similar ways, find a friend and confidant in one another. They eventually fall in love. The love between Carter and Ethan felt true, innocent, pure and untouched. They had an amazing chemistry and I really connected with them.

I really enjoyed reading about Carter and Ethan. They were both such lovable characters and some of their moments together were so sweet, I thought I might melt into a pile of goo. The story is well-written, and though it moved a little slowish at times, it kelp me interested and entertained. It's an emotional read, and you just can't help but love Ethan and Carter and root for them to get their happy ending. I look forward to reading the adult version in the future. Highly recommended!!

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