Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Blog Tour: Sight and Sinners by Susan Mac Nicol (Blog Post, Review, Excerpt + Giveaway)

Blog Tour: Sight and Sinners by Susan Mac Nicol (Blog Post, Review, Excerpt + Giveaway)

Book Name: Sight and Sinners
Book 2 in theThe Men of London (can be read as standalone)
Release Date: February 23, 2015
Author Name: Susan Mac Nicol

Author Bio:
Susan Mac Nicol is a self confessed bookaholic, an avid watcher of videos of sexy pole dancing men, self confessed geek and nerd and in love with her Smartphone. This little treasure is called ‘the boyfriend’ by her long suffering husband, who says if it vibrated, there’d be no need for him. Susan hasn’t had the heart to tell him there’s an app for that…

She is never happier than when sitting in the confines of her living room/study/on a cold station platform scribbling down words and making two men fall in love. She is a romantic at heart and believes that everything happens (for the most part) for a reason.  She likes to think of herself as a ‘half full’ kinda gal, although sometimes that philosophy is sorely tested.

Lover of walks in the forest, theatre productions, dabbling her toes in the cold North Sea and the vibrant city of London where you can experience all four seasons in a day , she is a hater of pantomime (so please don’t tar and feather her), duplicitous people, bigotry and self righteous idiots.

In an ideal world, Susan Mac Nicol would be Queen of England and banish all the bad people to the Never Never Lands of Wherever -Who Cares. As that’s never going to happen, she contents herself with writing her HEA stories and pretending, that just for a little while, good things happen to good people.

Where to find the author:

Publisher: Borough’s Publishing Group
Cover Artist: Art Department of Borough’s Publishing Group


From Charing Cross to Waterloo, theres no escaping love.
28-year-old Draven Samuels has a tragic past, but as an investigator with a high-profile London company he now gets what he wants. Tough, sarcastic, and sceptical, he has no patience for lies and even less for people who waste his time. Even if they’re as beautiful as the wild and dark-haired Taylor Abelard. Especially when they’re talking over the body of a murder victim.


Psychic Taylor Abelard is used to people calling him a freak. He can see past events and feel the ghostly vibrations of people close to him who've passed on. It’s why he doesn't get too close to the living. But this time, against his better judgment, despite Draven’s mocking rejoinders, Taylor will get closer than ever before. The mystery surrounding a dead friend will lead the two men down a dark and seedy trail of blackmail and lies. Add in the heartbreak of a family tragedy, and events lead them straight into each other’s arms. By the end of this night, all their demons will have risen—and been banished with the dawn.

Categories: Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Romance, Mystery


The man Taylor was blowing definitely didn’t know how the hell to keep quiet. Taylor’s lips were wrapped around his dick, while above him a man stood, panting and moaning, turning the air blue with his curses. Taylor stopped what he was doing, causing the blowjob recipient to groan in dismay, and glared at the sweaty face above him.
         “For Christ’s sake, Georgie, can you stop it with the fucking porn noises?” He glanced around him nervously. “This is where I work, damn it, and if anyone hears you they’ll come outside to see what all the fuss is about.”
         Georgie’s wide eyes cast a quick glance around the deserted alleyway behind ‘Music Mayhem’ where Taylor was employed, then looked down at Taylor kneeling between his legs.
         “Sorry, mate, it’s just that you’re so damn good at this and it’s been a while.”

Pages or Words: 66,000 words

Tracy's Review:

5 Stars

*This book was provided to me by the Author/Publisher via Pride Promotions in exchange for an honest review*

Taylor is a psychic. He is able to see things that have happened or sometimes are happening to people he's close to. Sometimes, he's able to stop something bad from happening before it happens. Other times he just knows something bad is coming.

Draven, an investigator has suffered great tragedy in his past. Draven is also a non believer. He thinks Taylor is a fraud.

The two don't like each other, but they can't deny the attraction that pulls them towards each other either.

This was a powerful book. I can't imagine being faced with the choice that Draven is faced with. I also can't imaging living with the horrors that Taylor is faced with thru the visions he sees. Susan wove a beautiful and at times heartbreaking tale.

The characters had a chemistry that was out of this world. They were so good together. The author kept me on the edge of my seat, and sometimes curled up in a fetal position with tears streaming down my face from page one to the end.

I loved the secondary characters in this book, and also seeing Eddie, Gideon and Leslie again. I am looking forward to more in this series!

Blog Post

I’m very fortunate to have one helluva over active imagination and anything I hear, see or feel sometimes sparks it off. My first book was sparked by an event that happened in my home town. A concrete block was thrown off a motorway bridge to land on a car below, causing extensive injury to the driver. I used this incident as the start point for my very first book (which was M/F!)

The Men of London series was a suggestion from my publisher and from thereon, the ideas for writing about men loving men simply flowed through my head and I ended up with various scenarios, all very different from each other. I can’t really pinpoint the exact time I decided to write about something I’ve thought about, sometimes it’s pretty random.

As far as bringing a book to a desert island- I’d love to go all literary and highbrow on your ass and say one of Charles Dickens’ or Shakespeare’s masterpieces, but instead I’ll go with the one I really would take. *grins* That book would be Cody Kennedy’s ‘Omorphi’. I recently read this again for the umpteenth time and as ever, I’m struck by the beauty of this tale, the emotion and the beautiful love story it tells, showing human nature at its very best and worst. It should be a film *hint hint to Cody* It’s just one of those books I feel you can re-read forever. And that’s probably how long I’d be stuck on a desert island as no one would want come and find me…*sobs* L

Ahh, those romantic evenings and days....what does the word ‘romantic’ mean to me? Romantic is listening to your partner, and seeing what he/she really enjoys doing. Picking up those nuances (or hints lol) about what they want or need, making it happen, making them feel special and loved and even perhaps sacrificing something for them. It’s about making the other person happy and watching them glow with the knowledge that you care and that you listened.

My idea of a romantic evening is firstly to have the fella arrange it all from start to finish. I tend to be the one always organizing everything and it would be nice to have it done for me for a change. (I can see the nods of agreement around me). So, a weekend getaway to Paris or Venice (two places I really want to see but haven’t yet), perhaps by Eurostar or first class flight, a beautiful, secluded and quaint hotel or bed and breakfast within walking distance of everything, and be spoilt rotten. Soft towels, power shower, a luxurious bed, views of the city, and a loving partner to share it with. Perfect.

The talent I quite fancy having is singing. I’ve been told I have a good voice, but I’m too shy to take it anywhere and I honestly don’t think it’s that special. So I’d like to really be able to sing rock ballads and perhaps jazzy blues, wow the audience and have the blokes throw their thongs at me on stage. I want to be adored damn it, idolized...while making people swoon with my vocal attributes.

My favourite foods/colour/music

Quick blitz here – Bacon sandwich, steak pie, seafood of any kind, biltong (a South African dried meat) crisps and Cadbury’s chocolate. I do love fancy cooking too, and am a real meat eater …
I love the colours purple and blue. Bronze and Gold are a close second.
Music- I love classical (not opera) and particularly Tchaikovsky and Shostakovich-I love the Russians. Contemporary- Foo Fighters, Arctic Monkeys (their new album AM was wicked), Jack Savoretti, Muse, The Killers, Ed Sheeran, Eminem, The Fray,Fun.,IAMX, Joe Jackson, Kasabian…the list is really endless.

Tour Dates:




















Sales Links:

Rafflecopter Prize: 2 copies of Double Alchemy and Double Alchemy: Climax


  1. Thanks so much for featuring me and Sight and Sinners today. And, Tracy, thanks for the fabulous 5 star review ! I am so glad you enjoyed this story. Not too long for Leslie's one now :)

    1. You're Welcome, and I am looking forward to Leslie's story! ~ Tracy
