A Heathens Ink Novel
RELEASE DATE: 09.03.18

I was kicked out at sixteen for being transgender, but it turned out to be one of the best things to ever happen to me. At twenty-one, I have a fantastic new family made up of my brother and a handful of wonderful friends, I own my own photography business, and I’m happier than I imagined possible. There’s just one thing missing… Okay, maybe two…
When I took the position volunteering as a therapist at Rainbow House, I knew I’d found my place in the world: helping teens who had been rejected by their families. What I didn’t expect was the friendship I formed with Liam or how it would grow over the years into a crush I just couldn’t shake. I’m happy to see him finally opening himself up to dating with someone he trusts like Owen. But when he comes to me and asks if I can help his boyfriend, I feel like there’s more to the request than just a few therapy sessions. The more I get to know Owen, the more I like him, too.
I’m not sure why I believe so much in fate when she’s dealt me nothing but crappy hands—a stint in prison and enough childhood horrors to fuel all my adult nightmares. But I still hold on to the idea that everything happens for a reason. What I can’t figure out is why fate would plop me naked into Liam’s bed under the pretext of helping him with a photo series for a gallery showing. Or why my stomach goes funny every time he smiles at me. Liam is too sweet to be exposed to my demons, but I don’t know how to protect him…Maybe that’s why fate gave us Wyatt.
***This is the seventh book in the Heathens Ink series. Each book in the series CAN be read as a stand-alone, but characters do re-occur so it’s more fun to read them all!
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My eyes greedily memorize the way Owen's soaked shirt clings to his muscles. The colorful skin of his arms glisten under the fluorescent lights of the coffee shop, and the scent of his sweat tickles my nose. I can’t say I’ve ever found anything particularly sexy about a sweaty man. Sex sweat is fine, but not something that revved my engine. Consider me a convert, because it’s taking all my willpower to keep myself from flattening my body against Owen’s and drenching myself in his sweat, licking it off his neck, and rubbing against his slick body until sweat isn’t the only thing he’s drenched in.
Fuck, I’m such a bad person. His date with Liam was last night and here I am imagining humping him like an unneutered dog.
“Out for an early run?” I guess, looking down at his running shoes.
“Yeah,” he answers without any further elaboration.
I’ve known all the guys from Heathens Ink for years now but Owen is the only one I’ve hardly talked to, and I’m not sure why. Maybe because he’s always come off as more standoffish than the other guys? That doesn’t usually stop me with people, but I don’t have any other explanation. It feels like an oversight I should rectify. If Liam’s going to be dating him, I should get to know him better.
My stomach clenches, hot with jealousy knowing I was too late. Not that I was even too late, that I never had a shot with Liam to begin with. How can it hurt this much to know I can’t have him, when I only just realized I wanted him?
“How was your date with Liam?” I ask conversationally as the line inches slowly forward. Owen looks surprised by my question. “Liam and I are close,” I explain.
“Oh, yeah, I guess I should’ve realized. I’ve seen you two together a lot. It was great, Liam is…” Owen trails off, seeming to try to think of an adjective to describe Liam. I could help him out with that— Smart, funny, adorably shy at times, flirty and playful others, sexy, perfect.
“Yeah, he is,” I agree with his unfinished sentence, knowing he must be thinking the same things I am based on the smile tilting the corners of his lips.
4.5 Stars
We finally learn what Liam’s Owl tattoo represents, and its super cute.
I love that Liam got his own book after meeting him in Book 2, Going Commando. And I loved that he ended up being Polyamorous and got his own happy ending with Owen and Wyatt. From the previous books, we get to see Liam growing up and transitioning in more ways than one. I don’t really know a whole lot of details regarding trans people and their community in real life, I just know some of the basics, but it seemed to me that the author really did a significant amount of homework and research to make sure that everything was written well and not offensive to anyone. I think this part of his story was written really well. We get to see him finding his place and falling in love with both men, separately but at the same time. Watching him navigate past all the layers of the insecurities he still carries around was interesting to see, made us feel everything right along with him. I really appreciated that added depth to the storyline.
Owen’s family drama was an interesting twist. Right from the start when we met Owen, we got hints that something deep was going on, so it was nice to finally get the background details on that explained as well. I hate that he had to go through all that and endure what he did, but think that his character was made stronger for it.
Wyatt... I just loved Wyatt, what a fun character he was. Super nerdy with his bowties, but still playful and smart, he was really the glue that brought and kept them all together and on the right path. Wyatt was given a really interesting past, which I believe made their ménage and his aversion to it at the beginning more believable, we can totally see where he is coming from and why he didn’t like the thought of it before they meshed out the details.
I really do like MMM/Ménage books, but, sometimes the writing and the relationship between three men can be off balance and not come across very well on page. And this was not the case here. I really liked that they all agreed on the terms of their relationship and expectations without a lot of fuss, *sex only when the three are together* (even though personally that would not have been my choice, I don’t mind a free for all between three people together and separately) They were really all on the same page right from the start, making a great foundation for a sturdy and long-term relationship together. This book was great all around. And I really want to see Kyle’s HEA up next.
*** Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure, a review wasn't a requirement. ***
4 Stars
The Heathens Ink series is a favorite of mine. The stories always have beautifully broken characters that overcome their struggles to find their HEA. Flash Me does not disappoint. I would say this story of Liam, an utterly charming and adorable transgender man, who sets his sights on both Owen, an older man coping with PTSD from a very traumatic childhood, and Wyatt, a psychologist with a polygamous Mormon past is extremely well-written and is the best in the series so far. I found this novel to be extremely sensitive to the challenges of each MC, heartwarming with the right messaging about loving oneself and embracing our differences, while not losing the characteristic entertaining aspect of this series. In other words, it’s deep but keeps the funny.
Sometimes when I read books about throuples, it seems like the author throws together characters in situations that just aren’t believable. Flash Me is not one of those books. In fact, I have a feeling Ms. Neuhold spent quite a bit of time developing characters that would not only fit with each other, but as part of this type of unconventional relationship.
Flash Me is a page-turner. I became quickly invested in these three and wanted to see how it turned out. My only issue with the book is that it was nearly 60% in before the coupling/throupling started, so there was quite the build-up/slow-burn. But, as I said earlier, I almost think that’s what made this MMM book work better than others.
Additionally, since I’m such a fan of the series, it was FANTASTIC to spend time with Royal, Nash, and Zade again. Not to mention getting glimpses of all the Heathens boys a few years after the last book. Knowing Madden and Thane have twin girls. And Adam and Nox are still going strong. Gage and Beck going to the next level to adopt. And I can’t leave out the cross-over with the Replay boys - Jace and Linc.
*** Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure, a review wasn't a requirement. ***
5 stars
I love this series so much! It makes me happy and warm and fuzzy. Each and every book has so many ups and downs that you never know which direction K.M. will go in.
Liam is so precious that I can’t even describe how much I love him ever since he popped up in Going Commando. He is so strong to have endured what he had to before finding Royal. I think this is the first book I’ve read with a trans main character and it was a wonderful experience. It was done with such sincerity and feeling that I learned a lot about how the people who are transitioning when I only knew a little beforehand.
I’ve always liked Owen, the big hunk that he is. You never really got to know Owen in the first six books but part of me is sooo glad it made so much more of an impact on this book than I ever thought possible. He is so strong even when he thinks he’s weak and so brave considering most would have either gone crazy with the nightmares and may have taken drastic measures to escape them. Being brave enough to get help even when it takes something bad to force it.
Wyatt is adorkable, I love his bowties (Bowties are cool, sorry, I had to make a Doctor Who reference...sue me...no, please don’t!) and his beanies. His dedication to Rainbow House is so beautiful, willing to drop whatever to help the kids there made me heart sing, their needs to be more of these types of havens in the world and not just for LGBTQ+ kids and teens. His friendship with Liam is so sweet and funny and I need more of it!
I knew going into this book that it was going to be an emotional rollercoaster. I was right! I laughed and I cried and I fell in love all over again with this genre.
*** Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure, a review wasn't a requirement. ***

I'm an author of m/m and new adult romance. I have a strong passion for writing characters with a lot of heart and soul, and a bit of humor as well.

This is one of my favorite series with tattoo artists. And I don't remember any book with doctors right now.