Virtual Tour: M/M ~ When Will I Be Loved by Julie Lynn Hayes ~ (Author Guest Post, Excerpt + Giveaway)
Book Information:
Author Name: Julie Lynn Hayes
Book Name: When Will I Be Loved
Miller Fenwick wants the kind of happy ending his best friend got, with the hunky werewolf of his dreams. Trouble is, there doesn’t seem to be a Prince Charming on the horizon, and casual encounters don’t cut it anymore. Now that Alexx and Raoul are engaged, Miller is becoming resigned to being the bridesmaid, never the bride. But a chance encounter with a sexy stranger at Charisma has his hopes soaring, and his heart is wide open to possibilities.
Holt Wynne is the head of Helios, the largest vampire organization in the country. He’s a very influential and wealthy man, with a deep-seated hatred of werewolves. His running into Miller at Charisma isn’t entirely accidental. He’d meant to wait, but his emotions got the better of him, and he couldn’t stay away. And now see what he’s done…
Wait until Miller finds out he’s sortof just gotten married to the sexy vampire who hates the people who are Miller’s best friends. Sparks are gonna fly—and not just in the bedroom. One thing for sure—life in Crescent Bay is never dull!
Pages or Words: Approximately 115,000 words
Categories: M/M Romance, Mystery, Paranormal
Miller forced himself to take a breath, unaware until he did that he’d stopped breathing.
Quit being ridiculous. Wine going to your head already?
But he’d only had the one glass. And he hadn’t even finished that. He wasn’t such a lightweight, when it came to holding his alcohol, and he knew it.
He told himself it was just his imagination. But just to be safe, he began a slow cautious turn, looking around him, without appearing to be searching for anything—or anyone.
And there he was.
Standing a heartbeat away from Miller was one of the sexiest men he’d ever seen in his life. A man every bit as sexy as Raoul Marchand, although not in the same feral way as the werewolf.
This man was light where Raoul was dark. His hair was a honey blonde which stood out by virtue of being obviously natural, in a place where most blondes were either created by the sun or came from a bottle. He stood a little taller than Miller, exuding a presence that went beyond the merely physical, possessed of the bearing and mien of a veritable god.
But it was his eyes that drew Miller in and held him spellbound. Blue and green, like staring into tropical waves, flecked with bits of pure molten gold. And the way he was staring at Miller was sending the most delicious shivers traveling up and down his spine.
The man took a step toward Miller, his hand outstretched. Before Miller quite realized what had happened, he’d placed his own hand inside of the other man’s, and he found himself being drawn onto the dance floor.
Author Guest Post:
We are very excited to have a special guest, Julie here at Bayou Book Junkie today!
Hi Julie!
Thanks for being with us here today! Can you talk about what inspired this story?
Thanks for having me on your blog today!
When Will I Be Loved is the second book in the Crescent Bay Chronicles. When I wrote the first book, When Will I See You Again, I hadn’t thought of a name for the series, because there was going to be no series. It was meant as a single novel. End of story. No more to say. I thought I was done. Finito.
I mean, you can’t have two million different series, right? Sometimes a book’s just gotta stand alone, and be a single title.
Then a reader changed all that. Shorty asked me when I was going to write Miller’s story. Miller deserves to be happy too, she said. And I was rather flummoxed. Um… um… um… I hemmed and hawed, not knowing what to say. She very graciously said it was up to me, of course, but I felt bad, so I said maybe I can write a little Christmas story or something. I figured a short story for the holidays, something cute, right? And of course she was very nice and said that would be good.
But my Muse had other ideas. Despite my telling him no, and refusing to entertain the idea any farther, by the end of the next day, I had the plot for When Will I Be Loved in my head.
The first hero was, of course, Miller, who appears in the first book in an almost sidekick sort of way. He’s Alexx’s best friend, and he works at the Crescent Bay Chronicle as a receptionist. He served as a confidante, and, at times, as comic relief. In fact, his last name, Fenwick, is a reference to the old Dudley Doright cartoons, named after Inspector Fenwick, Dudley’s boss, and his girlfriend Nell’s father. I thought it was funny,, not realizing he’d end up as a main character in a second book.
Then of course I needed his love interest, and I considered maybe one of Raoul’s pack. But then I remembered that I had mentioned vampires in the first book, but never did anything with them, as if they were no-shows at a class reunion. So I decided Miller would fall in love with a vampire, one who was certainly no friend of Raoul and the wolves, thus creating automatic drama. And Holt Wynne, head of Helios, largest vampire family in the country, came to pass. I can thank my daughter Sarah for the face of Holt Wynne, by the way, as she is obsessed with the TV show Lost. She suggested Josh Holloway, so I looked him up, and he was perfect! So picture him when you read about Holt. Isn’t he yummy?
Wait, did I actually answer the question? I think I did. It was Shorty who inspired me to write the story, which originally was intended to be a short holiday story, but ended up as a 115k novel.
Thanks, Shorty, I owe you!
Thanks for having me on your blog today!
Thanks so much for being here!!
About the author:
Julie Lynn Hayes first began publishing short stories and poetry in the 1990’s, when it was a different ballgame altogether, and Ebooks hadn’t been dreamed of yet. That changed in 2010 with the acceptance of her first romance novel. She’s come a long way since that first book appeared, and is finding the journey a very educational one.
She lives in St. Louis with her daughter Sarah and her cat Ramesses. She often writes of two men finding true love and happiness in one another’s arms, and is a great believer in the happily ever after. She likes to write in different genres, to stretch herself in order to see what is possible. Her great challenge is to be told something can’t be done—she feels compelled to do it.
When she isn’t writing, she enjoys crafts, such as crocheting and cross stitch, needlepoint and knitting, and she loves to cook, spending time watching the Food Network. Her favorite chef is Geoffrey Zakarian. Her family thinks she’s a bit off, but she doesn’t mind. Marching to the beat of one’s own drummer is a good thing, after all. Her published works can be found at Dreamspinner Press, eXtasy Books, Wayward Ink Press, and Amber Quill Press.
Where to find the author:
Facebook: FacebookTwitter:
Goodreads Link: My Goodreads
Publisher: Amber Quill
Cover Artist: Trace Zaber
Tour Dates & Stops:
Rafflecopter Prize: 1 copy of When Will I Be Loved and 1 copy of When Will I See You Again or if winner has that, another book from my backlist