Thursday, December 31, 2015

Virtual Tour ~ Nicholas by Dianne Hartsock ~ (Review, Guest Post, Excerpt + Giveaway)

Virtual Tour ~ Nicholas by Dianne Hartsock ~ (Review, Guest Post, Excerpt + Giveaway)

Author Name: Dianne Hartsock
Book Name: Nicolas
Release Date: December 18, 2015


Betrayed by a lover, Jamie rents an isolated cabin on Lake Huron, wanting only to be left alone. Instead, he is pulled from his solitary existence as an artist and tumbles headlong into the legend of Saint Nicolas.

As a young man, Nicolas accidentally killed a man intent on murdering three children, only to have the man's malicious spirit rise up against him. Fleeing through the centuries from the Krampus, the evil troll-like creature that dogs his steps, Nico finds refuge with the young artist who takes him into his home and bed. But Jamie has questions. Who is Nicolas, and why does the Krampus want to destroy him?

When the Krampus begins to torment and torture anyone Nico comes in contact with to punish him, Jamie’s life is put in danger. And Jamie isn’t sure whether he can help Nico defeat his nemesis or if he’s merely a pawn in the Krampus’s game.

Pages or Words: 200 pages

Categories: Contemporary, Fantasy, Gay Fiction, Mythology, Novel, M/M Romance

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Promo Post: Anywhere you Go by Keelan Ellis (Review + Giveaway)

Anywhere you Go by Keelan Ellis


Jess Early and Eli Dunn, owners of Ruth’s Haven Bed and Breakfast, love married life. Every jealousy bump and insecure thought is just another expected growing pain. But with Jess redefining his relationship with his best friend and ex-fiancée Cassie and Eli’s friend Travis staying with the guys while going through marital problems of his own, things haven’t been feeling quite right between them.

Not to forget, the home’s ghostly previous owners, Clay Bailey and Silas Denton, still reside in their former bedroom and delight in making their presence known—including invading Travis’s dreams in an attempt to help. They give Travis a vivid glimpse of their adventurous trip to Paris in the early 1960s and some insight about his marriage.

With tensions mounting, Eli’s father suffers a heart attack. Now Jess and Eli must remain strong and at the same time confront their evolving feelings. The young couple’s struggles become a lesson in the true meanings of love, loyalty and marriage.


Book Blast ~ Life is a Stevie Wonder Song by V.L. Locey ~ (Review, Excerpt + Giveaway)

Book Blast ~ Life is a Stevie Wonder Song by V.L. Locey ~ (Review, Excerpt + Giveaway)

Author Name: V.L. Locey
Book Name: Life is a Stevie Wonder Song
Release Date: December 30, 2015


Authors know that their muse is a fickle creature. Best-selling spy novelist Stephen Ramsey has been in a hate-hate relationship with his inspiration for months. Stephen's publisher lays a legal ultimatum upon him, with a rapidly approaching deadline, he knows he must do something to kick-start his creativity or face the unemployment line. His daughter comes up with a possible answer: a summer camp for the creative soul. With nothing to lose, Stephen packs up his laptop, phonograph and beloved record albums and heads from Manhattan to the Catskill Mountains.
There, among a horde of college students attending for extra credits, is Declan Pomeroy, a photographer of fey creatures who is twenty years younger than Stephen. The woods are a magical place, and he quickly finds himself falling under the spell of the free-spirited photographer. Confusion wars with desire inside Stephen as he succumbs to the feelings welling up inside. But, sadly, summer camp always has to end. Can a man who has just found himself really leave the person that makes his heart sing?

Pages or Words: 24,600 words

Categories: Contemporary, M/M Romance, Gay For You, May/December

Virtual Blog Tour: Three to Get Ready by Sean Michael (Guest Post, Review + Giveaway)

Author Name: Sean Michael

Book Name: Three To Get Ready
Series: Mannies Incorporated
Book: Four
This book can be read as a standalone

Release Date: December 18, 2015
Single father Jack Jones is in dire need of a new nanny. His five year old son Nathan is legally blind, he has twin baby girls arriving in less than two months and the girl currently working for him is leaving at Thanksgiving to go home and continue her higher education. If Mannies Incorporated doesn’t come up with a viable candidate soon, he’s not sure what he’s going to do.
Dan Miller is on the hunt for a new job. He’s had some great placements with Mannies Incorporated, many as Manny to multiple birth families to get them over the hump. He even has experience with special needs children, so the job he’s interviewing for looks like it’s right up his alley.
When Dan arrives at Jack’s house, he discovers that this Jack Jones is his Jack Jones, the man he was in love with during college, and who broke up with Dan because Dan wanted children. Will Dan and Jack be able to put the past behind them and work together, or will their past keep them from having a future together?

Pages or Words: 64,000 words/190 pages

Categories: Contemporary, Erotica, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Romance


Excerpt Tour ~ Onwaachige the Dreamer by Jay Jordan Hawke ~ (Excerpt + Giveaway)

Excerpt Tour ~ Onwaachige the Dreamer by Jay Jordan Hawke ~ (Excerpt + Giveaway)

Author Name: Jay Jordan Hawke
Book Name: Onwaachige the Dreamer
Series: The Two-spirit Chronicles
Book: Three
Series is best read in order.
Release Date: December 17, 2015



What would you do for the boy you loved? What if to save him you had to abandon him forever?

Fourteen-year-old Joshua Ishkoday faces an impossible decision as a terrifying dream sets him upon a thrilling and treacherous journey of self-exploration through the dangerous vastness of the Wisconsin northwoods. There, along with his best friends, Mokwa and Little Deer, Joshua summons the power to confront his greatest fears. To do so, all he has to do is trust in his dreams. Unfortunately, Joshua discovers that his dreams have been deceiving him thanks to the intrusion of strange creatures. For out in the middle of the forest dwell the enigmatic Memegwesi, bizarre manitous who have a special plan for Joshua. Joshua soon realizes that he has three monsters to battle: the extraordinary creatures haunting his dreams, the dangerous torrential storm brewing in the northwoods, and finally, the greatest demon of all—his homophobic mother.
Pages or Words: 200 pages/57,547 words

Categories: Fantasy, Fiction, Gay Fiction, Paranormal, Young Adult


A Scout is Brave 

Joshua raced down the Tommy Drapos Trail, desperately trying not to slip. The trail had become a waterslide, as it often did during a severe storm. Joshua’s mind had been so intent on laying Tommy to rest that he failed to notice how severe the weather had become. Now he could not help but notice. Even at this distance from camp, Joshua could hear the emergency siren sounding in the background.

The trail was winding and exceptionally slippery from the mud formed since the downpour. Joshua gave full attention to navigating the twists and turns of the slippery trail at the maximum safe speed possible. He failed to notice the dark silhouettes on the trail up ahead that were approaching him fast, and then it was too late. Joshua stopped just before colliding with the darkness. Only then did a brilliant flash of lightning reveal the identities of his visitors.

“Where are you going, faggot?” Levi asked, standing before Joshua, only inches away. Levi’s gang stood silently behind him.

“Let me through!” Joshua threatened, holding his ground.

Two of the gang members positioned themselves behind Joshua. They grabbed his arms from behind and held him tight. Even so, they had trouble keeping him still as Joshua struggled to break free.

Levi removed his own shirt, revealing a black handle stuck in his pants. He clenched it tightly and pulled out the long, sharp knife. Pocketknives were quite common at camp. Hunting knives, however, were strictly forbidden. Even Levi’s gang seemed caught off guard by this maneuver.

“Jesus Christ, Levi! Are you crazy?” Ken Fenton asked as he stood behind Levi, astonished. Levi didn’t answer. He just gazed furiously into Joshua’s eyes. His expression revealed a concentrated abhorrence and disgust.

Pukawiss the Outcast 

“I hear about the manitous, and Gitchee Manitou, and it’s fascinating,” said Joshua. “But they seem like just stories. How do I know that Gitchee Manitou is any more real than the God who speaks through the burning bushes? Sometimes I think I just don’t believe in any god at all. I mean, science pretty much answers everything, right?”

“Everything?” Gentle Eagle asked skeptically.

“Well, yeah. I mean, it’s given us technology and the cures for diseases and everything. You know?” Joshua looked to his grandfather, expecting him to agree.

“I think science has given people much power,” Gentle Eagle said. “But it has not made people happier. That is what I think, Joshua.”

“Well, some of it has made us happier,” Joshua said.

“Can you name just one thing technology has done to make us happier?” Gentle Eagle immediately added a qualification. “And be sure it is something that has not also made things worse.”

“Electric guitars?” Joshua said, not entirely confident of his answer.

“Hmmmm, I think you got me on that one,” Gentle Eagle replied, sounding stumped. “So in your search, Joshua, make sure you leave some room both for manitous and electric guitars. I don’t think the manitous will mind. They like music.”

Onwaachige the Dreamer

“So, when are you going to dream?” Mokwa said, as if expecting the visions to pour from Joshua at any moment.

“It doesn’t work like that,” Joshua said apologetically. “I can’t just turn them on and off.”

“Lame,” Mokwa said automatically.

“The manitous work in mysterious ways,” Little Deer added.

“When I was at camp, my dreams were so vivid,” Joshua reflected, suddenly feeling like opening up.

“What exactly did you dream about at camp?” Mokwa asked. He started to drift off as he asked it.

“I dreamt about some kid who had been murdered by some bullies many decades ago.” Joshua himself was drifting off as he said it. Unguarded, he realized he had come across as rather gruesome. But it didn’t matter now. He wanted Mokwa and Little Deer to know all of the horrific details of that terrible week. He had been keeping some of it inside, desperately trying to bury it. But he needed to get it out. And who better to talk to than his most trusted friends, his brothers?

“Damn, Pukawiss, that’s pretty intense,” Mokwa replied, struggling to focus. “How do you know it really happened, though? I mean, how can you tell when it’s just a dream?”

“I saw the murdered boy’s face in a picture from the same time period. It was just as I had dreamt it. Exactly.”

“Well, Pukawiss, that’s good enough for me. You got some mad dream power. I’d follow you anywhere.” Mokwa’s voice trailed off a bit, exhaustion overcoming him while he enjoyed the inviting warmth of the sun.

“Me too,” Little Deer said as he continued to gaze into the river.

“Well, not like off a cliff or anything,” Mokwa muttered.

“Me too,” Little Deer agreed.

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Meet the author:
Jay Jordan Hawke holds a bachelor’s, master’s, and Ph.D. in history, as well as a second master’s in Outdoor Education. He loves everything sci-fi, especially Star Trek! He teaches high school history and anxiously awaits the day when he can write full time. His hobbies include camping, movies, reading, running, and writing. His first book, Pukawiss the Outcast, was a Lambda Literary Award finalist for Best Young Adult Gay Fiction. He resides in one of the Great Lakes states.

Where to find the author:
Facebook: (fanpage)
Facebook Author Page:
Goodreads Link:
Publisher: Harmony Ink Press
Cover Artist: Anne Cain

Tour Dates & Stops:

Rafflecopter Prize: Two e-books to two different winners from any of the three books in the series (Pukawiss the Outcast, A Scout is Brave, or Onwaachige the Dreamer).

Book Blast: The Sky People Trilogy by DC Juris (Excerpt + Giveaway)

Author Name: DC Juris

Book Name: The Sky People Trilogy

Release Date: December 30, 2015


Driven by visions of his soul mate, Tristan, Jinsu steps through the portal to Earth, leaving all he has ever known behind.. Seven months into their fairy-tale romance, and Tristan and Jinsu couldn't be happier. But when Jinsu falls ill with a mysterious, lingering condition, everything changes. Jinsu's magic is dying and taking him with it. Suddenly the couple's desire to find a way back to Jinsu's home world is more than just a dream–it's a necessity. With Jinsu's time quickly running out, Tristan is forced to seek help from someone he'd hoped to never, ever lay eyes on again.
Tristan awakens on Torottu, but the portal wasn't meant for humans, and he's been near death since his arrival almost ten months ago. Even worse, Jinsu has no idea who Tristan is—the return trip through the portal erased his memory of Earth, of their relationship, or Tristan himself. Winning Jinsu's heart again won't be easy, especially if Kelan, Jinsu's twin, has anything to say about it. Kelan loves Jinsu, too, and he won't be put aside for Tristan. Not again. Tristan knows his only chance for happiness—and the only chance for Jinsu and Kelan—is to follow his heart. Previously published by Breathless Press.

Pages or Words: 33,000 words

Categories: M/M Romance, Ménage/Poly, Romance, Science Fiction, M/M/M Romance, Twincest


Friday, December 25, 2015

Release Day Blast ~ The First Time by Caraway Carter ~ (Excerpt + Giveaway)

Release Day Blast ~ The First Time by Caraway Carter ~ (Excerpt + Giveaway)

Author Name: Caraway Carter
Book Name: The First Time
(Sequel to ‘Storming Love: Earthquake - Anders & Ujaruk
Release Date: December 25, 2015


After surviving through a massive earthquake, Anders and Ujaruk know they can handle a crisis, but what about everyday life? Ujaruk moved in to help Anders while his leg healed, now that the cast is off, what happens next? Families, holidays and the first time.

Pages or Words: 105 pages, 29,000 words

Categories: Contemporary, M/M Romance

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Release Day Promo ~ When It's Right (Mile High Romance #1) by Aria Grace ~ (Excerpt, Teasers + Giveaway)

Release Day Promo ~ When It's Right (Mile High Romance #1) by Aria Grace ~ (Excerpt, Teasers + Giveaway)
Title: When It's Right
Series: Mile High Romance #1
Author: Aria Grace
Genre: M/M Romance
Published: December 23, 2013

When Shane Greenly left his home in Casper Mountain, Wy, he was leaving more than just the closet. He needed a fresh start to pursue his dream of running a dog training ranch without having to deny who he really is. 
Meeting Alex was one of the best things that could have happened to Shane. They were at the beginning of a wonderful relationship when the unthinkable happened and Shane had to leave. The consequences of his past mistakes could not be hidden any longer.

“once again Aria has blown me away with another great book! “ ~5 Star Review (by Amy Hertzog on Amazon)
“If you love a good M/M book that is well-written, precise, and adventurous – this book is for you. Two thumbs up and 5 stars!" ~5 Star Review (by Ricky M. Hansen Jr. on Amazon)
“It is a heartwarming story that leaves the reader knowing that things really can work out for the best, and love truly does prevail.” ~5 Star Review (by wtcdean on Amazon)

Finally looking at the texts that came in throughout the day, I see one from Steph from early this morning.
Looks like you’ve been replaced
There is a photo attached of Shane on the lawn with Stormy. She is trying to grab something from behind his back and he’s laughing. He has a perfect smile. Seeing him so happy warms my heart. His dark eyes are so sexy and he looks damn good on my lawn, with my dog and… in my shirt. That is my shirt, right? I can feel little Alex starting to twitch just thinking about how that happened. He fills it out better than I do.
I wore that on Thursday. Why would he put on my dirty shirt? I know why I would put on a guy’s dirty shirt but that couldn’t be his reason… Well, maybe I was wrong about that country boy.
Pulling a couple bottles from the mini bar, I lie back on the bed debating whether to call him or not. I empty the small whisky bottle into a can of Coke that was only half full and grab my phone. He’s wearing my shirt for god’s sake. A straight guy wouldn’t do that.
Before I lose my nerve, I thumb out a quick text to Shane.
I see you met Stephanie.
Not two minutes later, I get a response.
Yeah. She seems nice.
Nice, hunh? That doesn’t give me much. I’ll have to go the more direct route.
She is nice. And single. She’d come over if you called her. She probably even has a hot girlfriend 4 a one nighter if you’re looking 4 something casual.
No way for him to be vague about that. If he responds, I should have my answer.
Thanks but not really my style. LOL
Damn, he’s good.
Which part? The hot girlfriend or the one nighter.
Please say girls, please say girls, please say girls.
Thank you, sweet baby Jesus!
I guess we have more in common than a love of dogs.
Okay. That was lame. I need another drink. Opening up a bottle of vodka, I drink the shot straight. Just enough to warm me up. It’s been several minutes so I might have spooked him. I try him again.
Is this a bad time?
No. Just took Stormy out one more time and now we’re in bed.
Oops. Forgot to ask about my dog. The whole reason he’s at my house. What a bad daddy I am! Ah well, all the more reason to find her a new daddy. Whoa, I think I feel those shots already.
So are you seeing anyone right now?
No. Very single.
Maybe we can get a drink sometime next week?
Sounds good.
So you’re in bed now? In my bed?
LOL. Yes.
Me too.
Is trying to sext too trashy for our first flirt session? I’m gonna have to assume yes so I’ll let the poor boy go. As hard as it is to do it. And as hard as I am for him.
I’ll let you get comfortable and go to sleep.
OK. Good night Alex.
Good night Shane. BTW, you look fucking hot in my shirt.
Okay, I couldn’t resist that last part.

Born and raised in beautiful California, Aria enjoys the year round sunshine and laid back environment of the west coast. Her career started out in tech writing and web development and has evolved into all things marketing with fingers in everything related to book publishing.  She lives with her husband and two children and more pets than she can keep track of. Despite her crazy schedule, she loves the time she carves out to read and write. Whether it's on the beach or on the couch at 2am, she is a woman obsessed! She loves to hear from readers so please feel free to drop her a note or visit her at If you'd like to know when Aria's next book is coming out or where she'll be signing, join her mailing list at:
Title: When I'm Weak
Series: Mile High Romance #2
Author: Aria Grace
Genre: M/M Romance
Release Date: December 19, 2015 

Jamie presents a flamboyant and slutty attitude to the world because he's been hurt before. Even though it's mostly an act, he hides behind his persona to keep people at arm's length. With only a small group of trusted friends, he's vowed to never allow a man to have power over him again. Power to hurt him. Power to take away his freedom. Power to label him as a predator for the rest of his life.
Reed and his sister run a home preschool for toddlers. His focus is on getting credentialed so he can take some of the burden from Abby. He doesn't have time for friends, much less a lover, but when he meets Jamie, he recognizes something in the man that makes him want to get closer. 
Unfortunately, Jamie's past prevents him from truly integrating into Reed's future. It's not just a matter of the heart. It's a matter of the law.

Blog Tour: The Greatest Gift by Felice Stevens (Excerpt, Review + Giveaway)

The Greatest Gift
Memories, Book 3
Felice Stevens
M/M Romance
Cover Designer:  Dar Albert/Wicked Smart Designs
Cover Photo:  StockPhoto
Release Date:   12.10.15

After five years, Alex Stern and Rafe Hazelton have what seems to be the perfect marriage. Alex is entering his last years of residency and Rafe’s veterinary business is busier than ever. For Rafe, all that is missing is a child, but Alex, afraid of ending up to be a man like his father, isn’t as sure. He doesn't want to make any mistakes. When a new patient enters the hospital, Alex is drawn to the young, desperately ill single mother, who shares her fears for the future of her young son. Rafe worries about the toll on Alex becoming emotionally invested in a patient, yet he too can’t walk away once he meets the little boy, and together they vow to help in any way possible. Families are not always born of blood— love is a gift no one can plan for. And sometimes from the darkest of tragedies, the brightest light will shine. This is a 25k word novella in the Memories series.
