Friday, October 12, 2018

Release Blitz: Take It All - Steamy Encounters Collection by Quin Perin (Excerpt + Giveaway)


Book Title: Take It All - Steamy Encounters Collection

Author: Quin Perin

Publisher: Self-Published

Cover Artist:X Potion Designs

Genre/s: Gay Erotica

Length: 15 000 words/65-70 pages - three short stories

Release Date: October 11, 2018


From the bestselling authors’ of Meik&Sebastian - Obsessed come three steamy encounters of twisted, forbidden lust...

What do lust-driven men do when they think no one is watching? Find out now. Be a fly on the wall in a seedy motel room, a gym shower and the heart of suburbia, where three torrid pairings nurture the beasts inside of them.


Carter&Dave - The one with Daddy

Gordon&Jett - The one with the Politician

Josh&Graham - The one with the Jock

They can hardly handle it, can you?


Blue eyes narrowed, and when Graham was about to push him again, Josh’s hands darted out, fingers wrapping around his wrists. When he shoved, Graham stumbled back, landing against the hard wall of the shower. “Lemme go.” He huffed, twisting under Josh’s grasp.

“Only if you stop being an ass,” Josh shot back. His fingers flexed, tightening as he took a step closer. Eyes fixed on Graham.

“Pot meet fucking kettle,” Graham ground out dryly.

“God, you’re so frustrating.”

Mere inches apart now, Josh’s breath warm as blue and grey eyes connected. Tense silence crackled, electrifying the air between them. Josh’s eyes dropped to trembling lips. Graham took a breath but before he could tell Josh to not even think about it, Josh did it. He slammed forward, clashing their lips together. Graham’s wrists were still grasped in Josh’s strong fingers; hips forced back against the wall by the jock’s.

Graham bucked forward, trying to throw Josh off of him. He jerked his head back from the kiss. “Don’t.” He hated how breathy his voice sounded. Hated the way his cock started to stiffen. Hated how much he wanted Josh.

Soft lips brushed over his throat, warm breath tickling across his Adam’s apple. The kiss was far better than the last—and the first—time they’d kissed. Though he supposed they both had more experience now than when they were sixteen. “You want this.” Josh’s voice vibrated against his heated skin.

“N-No.” God, he did want it.

Josh chuckled low, husky. “Liar,” he murmured, dropping Graham’s wrists. He pulled back, a smug smirk spreading across his cheeks, exposing those too perfect dimples that made Josh want to punch him.

Graham didn’t move. Water soaked the back of his shirt, weighing down his pants. Blood rushed through his ears, heart pounding like a bird’s wings against his ribs, desperate to escape. The air between them was too thick to inhale, too loaded with testosterone that Graham held his breath, gaze skipping lower. A faint flush spread over the center of Josh’s chest, and a bulge, large and obvious, rose beneath his damp towel. “You are the biggest fucking asshole.”

Words barely managed to form before Graham launched towards Josh and reunited their lips in a smoldering kiss. Colliding desperately and with burning fervor, Graham’s hands scrambled to yank the towel down so he could grab both of the jock’s tight ass cheeks. Josh’s palm slapped against the wall next to Graham’s head, deepening the kiss. Reckless and oh, so fucking stupid.

About the Authors

This is Quin&Perin. We are a team of Sultry Gay Romance writers who focus on detailed, toe-curling, and realistic smut scenes with a fair share of dirty talking (Oh, boy). Unlike other authors in the genre, we write without the goal of publishing anything. Publishing is just the cherry on top of a cream-covered bubble butt.


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