Friday, November 2, 2018

Release Day Review: Where Nerves End by LA Witt (Giveaway)

Title: Where Nerves End
Series: Tucker Springs
Author: L.A. Witt
Release Date: November 2, 2018
Category: Contemporary
Pages: 192

Dreamspinner Press

Welcome to Tucker Springs, Colorado, where you’ll enjoy beautiful mountain views and the opportunity to study at one of two prestigious universities—if you can afford to live there.

Jason Davis is in pain. Still smarting from a bad breakup, he struggles to pay both halves of an overwhelming mortgage and balance the books at his floundering business. As if the emotional and financial pain weren’t enough, the agony of a years-old shoulder injury keeps him up at night. When he faces a choice between medication and insomnia, he takes a friend’s advice and gives acupuncture a try.

Acupuncturist Michael Whitman is a single dad striving to make ends meet, and his landlord just hiked the rent. When new patient Jason, a referral from a mutual friend, suggests a roommate arrangement could benefit them both, Michael seizes the opportunity.

Getting a roommate might be the best idea Jason’s ever had—if it weren’t for his attraction to Michael, who seems to be allergic to wearing shirts in the house. Still, a little unresolved sexual tension is a small price to pay for pain and financial relief. He’ll keep his hands and feelings to himself since Michael is straight… isn’t he?

First Edition published by Amber Quill Press, LLC, June 2012.
Second Edition published by Riptide Publishing, June 2014.

3.75 Stars

I read the blurb for this book and it sounded really good, then I started reading and it felt really familiar, so I checked GoodReads, and it turns out I’d already read it like four years ago, but hadn’t written a review for it. Haha

This was a frustrating read at times, not so much the story, but the progression of the relationship between Jason and Michael. It’s a very slow burn to begin with, so it takes forever for Jason and Michael to get together and once they did it was definitely hot, but Michael frustrated me to no end. I wanted to shake him and maybe even scream at him. I understand wanting to protect your kid, but he tortured not only himself, but Jason as well by trying to keep them as just friends/roommates. My heart went out to Jason and I really wanted to tell him to just forget Michael and find someone who really wanted him.

I absolutely loved Seth, Michael and Jason’s mutual friend, whose story is told in book four of the series, Covet Thy Neighbor. I really loved that one and can definitely recommend it.

This was a well-written and enjoyable story, but it left me with a huge knot on my head from banging my head against the wall, so maybe wear a helmet to read?

*copy provided by Dreamspinner Press in exchange for an honest review*

4 Stars!

Jason has grown exasperated by the agonizing pain he’s been living with for over five years. Dealing with constant and sometimes debilitating shoulder and neck pain, the financial difficulties of his large mortgage (now that his ex has left him to pay it by himself) and his nightclub Light's Out, Jason is sinking fast. But finally taking his buddy Seth’s suggestion to try acupuncture leads him to Michael and the possibility of finally being able to breathe easy.

Michael is not what Jason pictured when he thought of an acupuncturist. He’s gorgeous, easy to talk too and Jason instantly feels comfortable with him. Discovering Micheal is a divorced single dad and struggling the same as Jason when it came to making ends meet sparks the idea to become roommates which will help each other out. But Jason's growing attraction to Michael begins to become too much and since Michael happens to be straight Jason knows nothing will ever happen or will it?

I really enjoyed this story and felt it was easy to connect to. I loved Jason. He was witty and realistic and I found myself enjoying his sarcastic tone. I grew a tad tired of the constant focus on his shoulder but understood it was s big part of the two men getting together.

I liked Michael also, although sometimes he irritated me and I wanted to smack him. Of course, I thought he and Jason made a great couple and had wonderful chemistry. It was balanced quite well.

Overall, I really enjoyed this story and would definitely recommend it. I’ve read over half of this series and I really like it.

***Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie by Dreamspinner Press for my reading pleasure in hopes of an unbiased opinion, a review was not a requirement.***

4.25 Stars!

Jason is a nightclub owner with a lot of stress in his life and a shoulder that keeps him in constant pain. He doesn't like taking the pain medications he has, but they are also getting less effective. After a particularly bad night, he takes his friend Seth's advice and tries acupuncture. Michael is the acupuncturist. Seth (who is a mutual friend) insists that Michael is straight. Both are struggling with living expenses and eventually, Jason offers Michael a chance to rent out space in his house. The arrangement would help them both.

I felt for Jason; he's got a lot on his plate on top of the never-ending pain. As the story moves on and you get a fuller picture of how he ended up with so many financial issues, you have to sympathize with how hard he's trying to make things work. Michael seems like a great guy. He helps Jason with acupuncture even when Jason tries not to take advantage of Michael living with him. Michael hates seeing Jason in pain, but Jason is also stubborn. I really liked Michael, and was glad that he made sure he knew what he was doing before he approached Jason. I was disappointed though with the number of times that Michael made things personal with Jason and then backed off again. I thought Jason was justified in his anger about the situation. I get that their situation was complex and Michael needed to protect his son, but you'd think that he would have considered that before approaching Jason in the first place.

I was glad when Michael finally decided to move forward and be honest with his son and ex-wife. I think her reaction was honest and unexpected. I also found Seth's reaction very interesting and I'm hoping that we'll find out more about Seth in another book.

*** Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie by Dreamspinner Press for my reading pleasure, a review wasn't a requirement. ***


  1. I haven't read very many LA Witt books, but I liked her Skin Deep Inc series.

  2. Risky Behavior is my fave but I really love the entire Bad Behavior series.

  3. I have read many LA books I enjoyed the Bluewater Bay books as well as "Conduct Unbecoming" series.

  4. Static is my favorite L.A. Witt book.

  5. Tooth and Claw trilogy is my favourite

  6. I still haven't read a L.A. Witt yet. I keep saying I will but I never get to her books.
