Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Audio Review Tour: Red Dirt Heart 2 by N.R. Walker

Buy Links: Audible US | Audible UK 

Listening Time: 7 hrs 10 mins

Red Dirt Heart #1: Audible US | Audible UK


Up until Travis arrived on his doorstep, Charlie had lived a very solitary life. He had surrounded himself with isolation; a couple million acres of red dirt, scorching sun and loneliness.

Six months on, winter has settled over the desert, and Charlie has the life he never dreamed possible. But living and working together, twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, for six months straight starts to take its toll.

Charlie is a stubborn, stubborn man, who tends to have more conversations in his head than what comes out his mouth, whereas Travis has no problem saying what’s on his mind. And even as they both struggle to communicate, struggle to make sense of need versus want, Charlie can see that he’s pushing Travis away - yet seems helpless to stop it.

When it all boils down to whether Travis should stay or go, maybe the decision won’t be theirs to make.

5 Stars! 
Narration 4 Stars! 

Again, I loved Charlie and Travis and was excited to get back to them to see how their relationship has progressed. While it was sweet to see they were settling into things it quickly becomes apparent that Charlie still harbors insecurities when it comes to believing that Travis might truly want to stay there with him permanently. The lack of communication leads to a lot of angst that could've otherwise been avoided had the characters been able to sit down and really talk things out.

Thank God Travis is so sweet and patient. Both men are obviously completely in love with the other and would do whatever they had to to make sure the other is happy and safe. Relationships take work and Charlie learns that internalizing so much is not good and sometimes you just have to trust.

Listening to an audiobook is always hard for me at first. It takes a bit before things start to flow smoothly and naturally to me. However, I was lucky with this one because Joel Leslie's voice seemed to fit great from the very beginning. I was quickly drawn into the story and found it nearly impossible to walk away. I was even a bit late for work this morning because I didn't want to hit pause. Of course, that is a combination of a good narrator and another great story from NR Walker.

I definitely recommend Red Dirt Heart 2, either audiobook or ebook it doesn't much matter. This is a must read for fans of Charlie and Travis as well as fans of NR Walker. I have to say, though, the audiobook adds the fun element of hearing that wonderful Aussie accent!

***Audible copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie by the author/publisher for my listening pleasure in hopes of an unbiased opinion, a review was not a requirement.***

Author Bio

N.R. Walker is an Australian author, who loves her genre of gay romance. She loves writing and spends far too much time doing it, but wouldn't have it any other way.

She is many things; a mother, a wife, a sister, a writer. She has pretty, pretty boys who she gives them life with words.

She likes it when they do dirty, dirty things...but likes it even more when they fall in love. She used to think having people in her head talking to her was weird, until one day she happened across other writers who told her it was normal.

She’s been writing ever since...

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