Wednesday, March 8, 2017

AotM ~ Better Than Friends by Lane Hayes (Giveaway)

Better Than Friends

When Curt Townsend, a successful young DC lawyer, attends his first gay wedding, he doesn’t expect anything more than a great evening out spent celebrating two lucky guys willing to commit to one another. He certainly doesn’t anticipate meeting someone like Jack Farinelli. Fourteen years Curt’s senior, Jack owns two businesses: a gay bar and a motorcycle shop. He’s gorgeous and self-assured, but Curt is positive they have nothing in common.

Jack is comfortable in his own skin. He’s attracted to Curt’s quick wit and easy manner but most of all, to their unexpected mutual love of baseball. As they forge a friendship based on their shared enthusiasm for the sport, they begin a journey which reveals how their differences might be the catalyst behind a growing attraction. Both men have experienced their share of pain, but they realize they need to set aside the past and learn to trust in a future if they are to have one together.

5 Stars!

We all know and remember Curt, who is Matt's best friend and was his college roommate and also the openly gay friend that dragged Matt out to the club/bar where he met Aaron. Curt meets the older bad boy, Jack at Peter and Jay's wedding. They share a heated make out session. This continues on for months after, while they spend time watching games and getting to know each other, before moving to smoking hot sex. I loved these men. They have so much in common, yet were different enough to keep the relationship interesting. They fit so well together, and the chemistry was electric. The book is well written and flows well.

Very enjoyable read.

5 Stars!!!

Better Than Friends is book 3 in the Better Than series and while technically it can be read as a standalone, I wouldn't recommend it as there are some recurring characters from the other books.

I loved Curtis! He is such an adorable character, so much different than what I envisioned when I met him in Better Than Good, but that just made him more... real, maybe to me. He is sweet, a good friend, clueless and forgetful, a klutz, a control freak and can't keep his apartment clean to save his life. I loved Jack, too. He was the perfect counterbalance for Curtis and I think of the three couples in the series, Curtis and Jack are the ones who have the most magnetic chemistry. They were just sizzling hot together! 

The book was very low angst, although it was simmering there in the background until the last part of the book and even then the drama was something relatively minor, just a way to show how perfect Jack was for Curtis and that they belonged together. I loved the age gap and how much of a non-issue it was for them, too. It was a great, original touch that Jack, the older one, was more adventurous than Curtis. 

All in all, a fantastic addition to the series and definitely a book that I'll revisit at some point! Highly recommendable!!!


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Yes I do enjoy books with characters with an age difference I think age is just a number some people are more mature than others.

    1. Very true, Shirley Ann! The older I get, the more I feel that way. LOL

  2. Absolutely. I love May/December stories. It gives the story an extra dimension.

    1. I agree. If they're well-written, they can give an interesting depth to the characters. xo

  3. Very much...some of my favs are May/December stories.

  4. I do enjoy stories with an age gap between the MCs. I love to see how they come together and what each brings to the relationship.

  5. I like some...depends on how well written the story is

  6. It depends on the characters mostly. I've read some I thought were great where the age difference didn't matter at all & some where the younger MCs were spoiled brats who didn't seem like they were ready to be in any type of relationship & I couldn't imagine why a mature older man would want to be with someone like that.

  7. Congrats and thanks for the post and good reviews. I love stories with age gaps...I myself am in a cross-generational marriage, we've been together 14 years, just got married last year. - Purple Reader
    - The Wrote [at] aol [dot] com

  8. Most definitely!! I am closer to 40 years old now, and I would love to see how the "older" generation can still get the love, rather than reading only about the younger guys

  9. I enjoy books with age gap between characters, that alone could bring many aspects to the story besides other issues the story itself has.

  10. Well it depends on how big of a age gap we're talking about. 10 years I think it fine, but anything after just makes throws me off. But I respect it, it works for some and not others.
