Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Release Day Review: Tru Burn by Edie Danford

Release Day Review: Tru Burn (Ember Peak ~ Book Two) by Edie Danford 

Title:  Tru Burn
Series: Ember Peak Book Two
Author: Edie Danford
Publisher: Edie Danford
Release Date: December 7, 2016
Pairing: Male/Male
Genre: Romance


As snow flies across Ember Peak, Jones and Tru are making their own kind of warmth, but a family secret could send a chill over their future plans.

Jones Hudson is ending the year the right way. He’s taking his sexy fiancé and his sweet dog on a fun road-trip to visit his mom’s new family. He’s found a groove with new friends at Ember Peak Ranch and his job at a local diner. And, best of all, he’s regularly basking in the flame-hot love of Tru Larkin.

But things go unexpectedly wrong when Jones uncovers news that may change life at Ember Peak forever. And when the secret detonates, the after-burn is more painful than he or Tru could have imagined.

Tru knows it might be too late to save the season, but he’s determined to move forward with his planned surprise for Jones. When a blizzard knocks out power at Ember Peak, he’s forced to rethink his ideas on giving and forgiving.

Maybe it’s the gift of a simple vow that will burn brightest on a dark, starless night.


4 Stars! 

True life intrudes, but all works out because love, trust and honesty are what it's all about.

This is book 2 in the Ember Peak series, and it's pretty much a given that trying to put out a 5* book 2, following a 5* book 1, isn't the easiest feat, but ED came very close with this.

The tale picks up pretty much where book 1 ends, with the leads engaged and able to express freely - for the most part - what they want, what they feel and what they need. Except, that is, when it comes to their wedding....I don't think I actually quite figured out what Jones himself wanted (though a certain person close to him blabbed), but Tru wanted what he felt would be the best for his fiancé - a bit of a wait, during which time Jones could further his education, look at a career, write the book he'd been interested in starting. Events and people interfered a bit, some on purpose but with good intentions, some simply because stuff happens in real life that can't always be planned for.

To me, it felt as if book 1, and understandably so, had been all about the leads, getting to know them and them finding each other as lovers, rather than as friends, and it did that perfectly. This had a few too many things happening that distracted a little from the guys, but at the same time, it was more 'settling into real life' and all that goes with that. I loved that the guys were more open with each other, and yes, the sex was as hot and sexy as book 1, and the tender side of Tru came out more, especially when he chatted with the person who blabbed. The tale also had some misunderstandings which came from not always communicating, though at the end, all worked out and the guys ended up alone together, somewhere where life couldn't really interfere (hopefully, Jones turned off the signal booster he unearthed!) and were starting to finalise their plans for the rest of their lives together - Jones had lost his 'I'm not equal to you/I'm not on your level' attitude, and Tru was learning to compromise, and not impose his demands, and the guys felt more equal and comfortable with each other.

I couldn't wait to get my hands on this book and I read it in just over an hour uninterrupted, and it didn't disappoint, though I wanted perhaps a little more progress in the guys' relationship. But, they were happy and settled, which made me happy. Now, I have to learn patience for about 3 months, until book 3, the last in the series, comes out on Valentine's Day 2017. It's going to be hard, but hey, all things come to those who wait (even if a little impatiently), right?

ARC courtesy of the author and Bayou Book Junkie, for my reading pleasure.

Meet the Author

Although her extended family hails from the Rockies, the Plains, and the Midwest, Edie has spent the last ten years in her Green Mountain home. She seeks romance wherever and whenever possible.

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