Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Release Day Review ~ Hell Takes a Holiday by Kiernan Kelly

Release Day Review ~ Hell Takes a Holiday by Kiernan Kelly

Title: Hell Takes a Holiday

Author: Kiernan Kelly

Release Date: December 7, 2016
Category: Paranormal: Angels/Demons
Pages: 48

Despite a major setback, Lucifer has no time to feel sorry for himself. Running Hell is a monumental task, even though he’s taken steps to modernize it with technology like closed-circuit cameras and security systems.
As he struggles with his infernal issues, an unannounced visitor threatens to break his black heart. Lucifer hasn’t seen Uriel since his Fall, but he remembers how much he loved Uriel and how betrayed he felt when Uriel didn't stand with him during the War.
Uriel has been sent to inspect the changes Lucifer has made and report back to Heaven. Lucifer has no choice but to give Uriel a guided tour of the Nine Circles, and all the feelings come rushing back.
Uriel hasn't forgotten Lucifer either, and they pick up where they left off—with enough sizzle to rival the hottest of hell's fires. But their reunion will be short-lived, unless Uriel relinquishes his halo—which Lucifer is unwilling to let him do.
First Edition published by Torquere Press, 2008.

4.5 Stars!

Lucifer is having trouble with the technology he has had installed in hell. While watching his monitors to see what might be the problem, he sees someone he could never forget. Uriel had been Lucifer's lover since almost the very beginning but when War started, Uriel did not stand by Lucifer's side. Now Lucifer is surprised to see Uriel walking into hell with a smile. Uriel's admittance to why he's there leaves Lucifer wondering what really might be going on.

Very interesting story and I must admit I was enthralled with Lucifer a bit. This was a different take on the whole fallen Angel stories I usually read but it definitely was not a negative thing. Many very valid questions about religion and sin are asked and theories on organized religion expressed in an intriguing manner.

One thing I've found when it comes to Kiernan Kelly's writing is that she has a way of painting a clear, vivid picture with her words. This may only be the 2nd book I've read by her but it is not going to be my last. I definitely recommend this story.

*Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie by Dreamspinner Press for my reading pleasure in hopes of an unbiased opinion, a review was not a requirement.*

*Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie by Dreamspinner Press for my reading pleasure in hopes of an unbiased opinion, a review was not a requirement.*

Lucifer and Uriel were in love when they both were in Heaven, but Uriel refused to take Lucifer's side during the War. They haven't seen each other in millenniums until The Boss (aka God) sends Uriel to investigate why Lucifer hasn't been punishing all souls in Hell as he's supposed to. The feelings and the attraction they feel for each other sizzle as they reconnect and they can't stay away for long, but even if Uriel is ready to leave everything behind to be with Lucifer, Lucifer won't allow for it.

This is my first Kiernan Kelly book and let me assure you, it won't be my last! The first thing that drew my eye to this book was the stunning cover and then the blurb, I have a weakness for this kind of stories and this one didn't disappoint!

I loved the black leather-clad Lucifer! I adored how he loved Uriel so much, over everything else, even God. I loved that he wouldn't conform to what was expected of him and that he questioned things even to his own detriment. I really liked him and Uriel together, they had great chemistry and their scenes were definitely hot.

All in all, this is a well-written, interesting, well-paced short story that, despite its length, feels complete within itself. Very recommendable!

Rating: 4.5 Stars!!!

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