Wednesday, December 7, 2016

2016 Advent Calendar Review ~ The Stockings Were Hung by Cassie Sweet

2016 Advent Calendar Review ~ The Stockings Were Hung by Cassie Sweet

Title: The Stockings Were Hung
Author: Cassie Sweet

Category: Holiday, Contemporary
Pages: 44

Hill hates Christmas.
The shoppers. The cheer. The drama. All of it.
Each holiday season is a painful reminder that seven years before, his lover, Drew, walked out of his life and moved across the country, leaving Hill like a cup of rotten eggnog. Now Drew is back and wants Hill to put a little jingle in his bells. Well, not this Scrooge.
Drew admits he moved to get away from Hill—but not for the reasons Drew gave him all those years ago. Some of his best memories are of Christmases he celebrated with Hill, and he wants nothing more than to spend a little holly jolly with the only man he’s ever loved. However, getting Hill to agree to a reunion is going to take a Christmas miracle.

*Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie by Dreamspinner Press for my reading pleasure in hopes of an unbiased opinion, a review was not a requirement.*

Hill has hated Christmas ever since his lover walked out on him and moved across the country seven years ago before the season started. Now Drew is back and wants to resume things where they left them all those years ago, but Hill is not all too convinced this is a good idea. However, Drew has a plan and with any luck, it will grant him the second chance he craves.

I loved Hill from the start of the book. There was something about him that just made me want to cuddle him and make it all better. I can't say the same about Drew. Even if his motives for leaving were valid, the way he went about it and how he behaved the first time he and Hill met again didn't work all that well for me. I warmed up to him later in the story, though.

This book would have easily been a 4.5 or 5-Star read for me, it had so much promise, I loved the writing and I was so engrossed in the story, and then, it suddenly ended with just the promise of something. It wasn't even a HFN, at least not for me, and I kind of felt cheated. Still, if you don't mind being left hanging, it was a nice read.

Rating: 3.5 Stars

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