Friday, December 2, 2016

Blog Tour ~ He's Behind You by Rebecca Cohen ~ (Review + Giveaway)

Blog Tour ~ He's Behind You (Treading The Boards #3) by Rebecca Cohen ~ (Review + Giveaway)

Length: 43,212

Buy Links: Amazon US | Amazon UK | Dreamspinner | AllRomance | B&N | KOBO 

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press


Overly Dramatic (Treading The Boards #1)
Summer Season (Treading The Boards #2) 
He's Behind You (Treading The Boards #3)


A trip down to Cornwall is just what Ryan Penniford needs to recover from the daily grind of London life. Ryan and his amateur dramatics society, the Sarky Players, are traveling to Porthcurno to perform at the stunning Minack Theatre. 

Stuart Box has returned to Cornwall after earning his PhD, and is killing time as he looks for a job back in London. Spending time with Ryan from the Sarky Players is a great way to take his mind off things. 

During their first meeting, sparks fly, but not in a good way, and they must work to get past their initial hostilities to discover they have great off-stage chemistry. Stuart soon learns Ryan is not the superficial man people assume he is, and Stuart likes what he sees. The feeling is entirely mutual. 

Pity Ryan is only visiting for two weeks, but both men want to see where this holiday romance might take them.

3 Stars!

I find that I have mixed feelings about this story. Technically, it should have worked for me. I like the premise and the first half was pretty entertaining but somewhere along the way, I started to find myself getting a bit bored. It was as if I was just watching these two men fumble their way through a relationship without anything really momentous or exciting happening. Even their sex was a bit boring. The scenes where over so quick that it was like it lasted two strokes and bam they're done. One of the MC's even goes through a moment of feeling inadequate in bed because it doesn't seem to last more than a minute or two. While this may be realistic for many, this is fiction and I'm reading for enjoyment and entertainment. I want the fantasy.

As for the characters, I was not a huge fan. Craig had self esteem issues that wound up getting on my nerves by the end. He was very adamant about thinking that Jason would leave him for someone better and he kept telling him he should see what else was out there because there was someone better than him for Jason. Ugh, it annoyed me to no end. If I were Jason, I would have said you're right and walked away. 

I never really figured out what it was that attracted Jason to Craig. I didn't get the connection between them and I definitely didn't really feel much chemistry. It was basically as if they didn't want a casual hook-up so they decided to be boyfriends (this is something they actually agree on) and then found they got along so, hey, why not just stay together? There was no passion involved, IMO.

Overall, the writing was well done and the premise interesting. However, the execution left something to be desired and the characters were completely forgettable. I don't think I'd recommend this one unless you are already a fan of the series.

*Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie by the Author/publisher for my reading pleasure in hopes of an unbiased opinion, a review was not a requirement.*

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Author Bio

REBECCA COHEN is a Brit abroad. Having swapped the Thames for the Rhine, she has left London behind and now lives with her husband and young son in Basel, Switzerland. She can often be found with a pen in one hand and a cup of Darjeeling in the other. 


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