Sunday, December 4, 2016

Audio Book Review ~ A Matchless Man by Ariel Tachna

Audio Book Review ~ A Matchless Man (Lexington Lovers) by Ariel Tachna

Title: A Matchless Man
Series: Lexington Lovers
Author: Ariel Tachna
Narrator: John Solo
Release Date: October 6, 2016
Category: Contemporary, Dreamspun Desires
Length: 5 hours, 22 minutes
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None of the matches caught his eye as much as the matchmaker himself.
Growing up poorer than poor didn’t leave Navashen Bhattathiri many options for life outside of school. All of his concentration was on keeping his scholarships. Sixteen years later, he’s fulfilled his dream and become a doctor. Now he’s returning home to Lexington and is ready to prove himself to the world. In doing so, he reconnects with Brent Carpenter—high school classmate, real estate agent, all-around great guy… and closet matchmaker.
Brent makes it his mission to help Navashen develop a social life and meet available, interesting men. Unfortunately Navashen’s schedule is unpredictable, and few of those available, interesting men value his dedication like Brent does. Brent’s unfailing friendship and support convince Navashen he’s the one, but can he capture Brent’s heart when the matchmaker is focused on finding Navashen another man?

*Audible code provided to Bayou Book Junkie by Dreamspinner Press for my listening pleasure in hopes of an unbiased opinion, a review was not a requirement. *

Navashen grew up poor, living in government funded housing.  He was transferred to a different school because of his intelligence and used that experience to motivate himself to become more.  Through hard work, he earned scholarships and grants and became a doctor. He continued working hard to gain experience until he was able to return to his hometown and take a position in NICU.  He contacts an old school friend, Brent who is now a real estate agent, to help him find a home.  Navashen and Brent hit it off and Brent takes him under his wing.  He finds him the perfect house that will allow Navashen's younger brother to live with him.  Brent collects people and has a large friend base.  He loves to spend time with people and is a matchmaker.  He invites Navashen and his brother to many different activities to help them make friends and uses the chance to introduce Navashen to single men.  But Navashen isn't interested in any of those men, he's only interested in Brent, although he doesn't see how his busy life will allow for a relationship.  Between his busy work schedule, on call schedule, his brother and his very traditional Indian parents, Navashen doesn't foresee any man accepting what little time he can spare.

I really loved Navashen!  He was so focused on making something of his life, but not just for himself.  He wanted to provide a better life to his parents, but more importantly, for his brother.  His younger brother, Akshat, was born prematurely and suffered disabilities due to that, both physically and mentally.  He has not reached his potential because his mother treats him like a toddler instead of the 25-year-old man that he is.  Navashen has plans and is strong enough to stand up to his mother to help Akshat grow.  As much as his focus is on becoming a doctor and helping take care of the neediest of patients, his end goal is to give Akshat a real chance at life.  I absolutely connected with this story, and truthfully found myself teary eyed several different times listening to this.  

I also loved Brent!  He was so outgoing, personable and considerate.  He brought Akshat into his life and became friends with him just like he did everyone he ever encountered in his life.  Brent was bisexual and has a failed marriage in his past so he's afraid to get involved again.  There is a part where Brent isn't the perfect guy anymore, and it's an understandable situation, but it was hard and made me want to yell at him.  Well, I was alone in my car, I may have yelled a little at him but he did redeem himself!

This story is narrated by John Solo and I thought he did a great job.  His storytelling was well paced and there weren't a lot of blank air space.  He did a great job with all the various characters, though I wasn't a fan of the voice used for Navashen's mother.  I didn't always realize it was her speaking until I was told.  But, otherwise, fantastic job!

A Matchless Man is Book 2 in the Lexington Lovers series, but can be listened to on its own. I really enjoyed this audio, and plan to get Book 1 and Book 2 so I can read them.  I really hope there is more to come from the various guys I met in this book.  I highly recommend the audio of this book and even though I haven't read it (yet), I would imagine I'll feel the exact same way about the book!

Overall:  5 stars
Performance:  5 stars

Story:  5 stars

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