Sunday, December 4, 2016

Audio Book Review ~ Marriage of Inconvenience by M.J. O'Shea

Audio Book Review ~ Marriage of Inconvenience by M.J. O'Shea

Title: Marriage of Inconvenience
Author: M.J. O'Shea
Narrator: John Solo
Release Date: September 12, 2016
Category: Contemporary, Dreamspun Desires
Length: 5 hours, 35 minutes
Buy Link
Lights, camera, lies.
Kerry Pickering has a problem. As a publicist for Hollywood bad boy Jericho Knox, it’s Kerry’s job to keep Jericho in the news. So far, Jericho’s partying and public escapades have made it easy. But Jericho has a secret, and when that secret is revealed in the most spectacularly disastrous way, it’s up to Kerry to spin it.
The team decides the best course of action is to make the public fall in love—with Jericho’s secret committed relationship. The one that doesn’t exist. Yet.
The team wants someone they can trust. Someone in the inner circle. That someone is Kerry. But what will happen when Kerry realizes that for him, the romance is no longer pretend? Can Jericho love him back, or is he just playing a role?

As a fan of MJ O'Shea I went into this book with high hopes. It's not a secret that I have a secret addiction to TV movies and this book sounded like something straight from Lifetime Movie Network. Unfortunately, though, it didn't quite live up to my expectations and that was very disappointing. The story was okay and mostly entertaining, however, the cause for my dissatisfaction wasn't the plot but the characters as I absolutely could not stand Jericho.

Jericho is forced to clean up his playboy image or the new hit tv show he's been hired on will drop him. After agreeing to date whoever his publicist comes up with, Jericho decides he deserves a night out. Too many drinks and a tempting guy lead to Jericho being outed all over Social Media. Now his team scrambles to do damage control and it's the newest member of the team, Kerry, who comes up with a perfect plan.

Kerry Pickering had no idea that when he pitched his idea for cleaning up Jericho's mess, it would be him who'd be ordered to pretend he was engaged to the actor. Kerry wants nothing to do with being in the spotlight or seeing his face plastered all over tabloids and social media. With no choice but to go along with the farce, Kerry reluctantly takes on the role of Jericho Knox's fiancé. Too bad Jericho is not so keen on this new plan or his fiancé.

Jericho, in my opinion, is a huge jerk. I couldn't stand him from almost the beginning of the story in which his bratty behavior grated on my nerves up until the very end where he barely says sorry and all is forgiven. He wasn't charming and honestly, even when he wasn't being a complete and utter a**hole, he still rubbed me the wrong way.

Having not liked Jericho it was not easy for me to truly connect with the story or invest too much on the romance. I really liked the premise, though, so I feel like I would've enjoyed the story a whole lot more if Kerry would've been paired with another character. Or if Jericho would have had a much more redeemable personality.

As for the narration, I think it was done fairly well. It took a bit of time for me to get used to the narrator's voices for Kerry and the women but it finally stopped bothering me. I think if you like audiobooks you'll most likely be fine with this one.

Rating: 3.5 Stars

**Audible code provided to Bayou Book Junkie by Dreamspinner Press for my listening pleasure in hopes of an unbiased opinion, a review was not a requirement.**

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