Friday, September 8, 2017

Series Recap Blitz ~ Heart & Haven Series by Heloise West (Review + Giveaway)

Series Recap Blitz ~ Heart & Haven Series by Heloise West (Review + Giveaway)

Heart & Haven Series

Loose Id

Cover Design: Syneca Featherstone

Hitting Black Ice (Book #1) - Amazon US | Amazon UK

Length: 75,000 words


ER physician's assistant Hunter guards his heart carefully, but that doesn't stop him from falling for Shawn, the front desk clerk. He keeps his distance from relationships for a reason, but just can't help himself when it comes to Shawn.

Shawn is on the run from the law and love to protect himself and anyone else involved. One man is dead because of him, and his life now is simple and easily thrown into a bag at any hint of danger. Until he meets Hunter, and he no longer wants to run.

Forced into a hostage situation, buried passion explodes in the aftermath, and sex in the supply closet brings their hearts back to life. Tentatively, step by step they begin to explore a relationship together until the past catches up with Shawn.

FBI agent Nick Truman has finally found his man, but when Shawn escapes, he focuses his attention on Hunter. Shawn returns, even though it means sacrificing himself to save Hunter from the man who framed him for murder.

Send Lawyers, Guns & Roses (Book #2) - Amazon US | Amazon UK

Length: 82,000 words


When Hunter and Alex (formally Shawn) are given the vacation of a lifetime, it’s a chance for them to pay attention to romance and get out of the path of danger. The tiny Caribbean island of Saba is gorgeous, the first to have marriage equality, and the Sabans are the nicest people on earth.

There’s lots of rum poolside for relaxing and a room with a mirror on the ceiling for passion. Hot karaoke nights, cold beer, and new friends.

Their new friends Orfeo and Max, and Max’s sister Talisha, share a troubling secret. Alex and Hunter want to help. As a hurricane bears down on them, a dead body surfaces, and a purple backpack loaded with stolen jewels leads a gang of dangerous men to the island.

Alex would rather poke his own eyes out with a pointy stick than call on his old enemy Nick Truman for help; he’d also do anything to keep Hunter out of danger. But even his old nemesis can’t reach them now.

Once again, they only have each other to depend on as their paradise is about to become hell on earth.

*Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie by Signal Boost Promotions for my reading pleasure in hopes of an unbiased opinion, a review was not a requirement.*

Currently there are two books in the Heart and Haven series, and I strongly recommend reading both of them in the correct reading order. These two books have the same MC's and characters and storylines from Book 1 do continue into Book 2. Seriously, I know I always say it, but you really, really, really need read these in the correct order!

Hitting Black Ice - Heart and Haven Book 1 by Heloise West

A lot happened in this book. It begins as a typical book set in a hospital, but it doesn't take long to disabuse me of that notion. Hunter loves his job in the ER as a physician's assistant. He comes from a family of law enforcement, and just like them, thrives on the controlled chaos and constant change. Hunter has a difficult and crazy past with an ex-boyfriend, and doesn't do relationships now. He has a crush on another hospital employee, but repeated attempts to get Shawn to go out with him, haven't gotten him anywhere. For his part, Shawn keeps to himself and is secretive. He's attracted to and noticed Hunter, but his life does not allow him to get close to anyone else. When drug dealers with weapons end up in the hospital, Shawn and Hunter work together to stay alive which leads to a supply cabinet life affirmation "meeting" when they survive the ordeal. But, if you think this is the end of the crazy, you would be wrong. This is just the beginning.

Once it got started, this story was non-stop action.

I liked both MC's and felt bad for both of them with their history but didn't have a strong connection to either of them. Honestly, I'm a little surprised with their history that I didn't feel more about them. I think maybe there was just so much action, that I didn't really feel the connection between the men. I mean, Hunter walked away from a job that he loved, and put his life on the line for Shawn/Alex, but I just didn't understand how he went from no connections to this. I really liked that both men had such supportive families, and thought they were great characters in this story. At first, the pace of this story was slow, but the author hit warp speed and suddenly there was chases, guns, FBI agents, drug dealers, kidnapping, and love on a path to giving Shawn a future. 
Once you get past the slow start, this is a fast paced book filled with action, two likeable MC's, supportive families and a HFN ending. 

Rating: 4 stars

Send Lawyers, Guns and Roses - Heart and Haven Book 2 by Heloise West

This book starts soon after the last one ended. Hunter is recovering from what happened previously, and Alex/Shawn is working and putting his life back together. and considering becoming a FBI agent. When Alex's mother comes to visit for his birthday, they give him and Hunter a vacation to a tiny Caribbean island that his family has a history with. Hunter and Alex go and plan their days of alcohol, sex, sun and the beach but if you read the first book, you know nothing is as easy as it should be. Hunter and Alex are enjoying their time together, but they're pulled into other people's crazy stuff and soon find themselves fighting for their lives during a tropical storm.

I struggled with this book. I enjoyed seeing Hunter and Alex trying to get their life back in order and dealing with everything that had happened. I was happy that they were able to get some rest and relaxation together. The story of Alex's childhood friend, the childhood friend's boyfriend and the boyfriend's sister was unexpected (for lack of a better word). I just didn't understand the purpose, unless this is the lead-up to Alex's career in the FBI and to always have Hunter and Alex stumble into crimes and have to fight for their lives.

The second half of this book was very action packed, like the first book. It had a mystery, multiple bad guys, and the heroes coming out the winners. I really enjoyed seeing Hunter and Alex together, and see their relationship and love for each other.

Rating: 3.5 stars

Author Bio

Heloise West, when not hunched over the keyboard plotting love and mayhem, dreams about moving to a villa in Tuscany. She loves history, mysteries, and romance of all flavors. She travels and gardens with her partner of 10 years, and their home overflows with books, cats, art, and red wine.



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