Thursday, March 9, 2017

Virtual Tour ~ Darkness by Kate Sherwood ~ (Review + Giveaway)

Virtual Tour ~ Darkness by Kate Sherwood ~ (Review + Giveaway)

About Darkness, part 3 in the Common Law series

A murdered prostitute. An obvious suspect. Clear evidence. For once, Jericho Crewe has a straightforward crime to investigate, and Wade Granger isn’t involved.

It all seems so simple, but Jericho’s instincts won’t let him rest. As he investigates, he finds troubling suggestions that the murder is a part of something larger and more sinister. But working within the boundaries of the law may keep him from finding the truth. If Jericho doesn’t break the rules, an innocent man may rot in jail while a killer remains free to strike again.

Inevitably, it all comes back to Wade. Because who else knows as much about breaking rules? And who else knows Jericho the way Wade does—not wisely, but far, far too well?

4 Stars! 

Another excursion into the live of Jericho, Wade and what happens in small town America.

Book 3 in this series can't really be read as a standalone, as it picks up the leads' history and where they're now at in their relationship of sorts, and yes, this time round they ARE in a relationship. Of sorts. Jay's on the right side of the law as under-sheriff and Wade is on the other, as informant and criminal. But, there is something between them, something that I am slowly coming to see doesn't need to be expressed on-page, or via sex, simply via what's not actually said, and via what the author uses as visuals, i.e the looks that pass between them, Wade's actions to keep Jay away from the darker side of his life, Wade's tenderness towards Jay and his refusal to ask anything of Jay, but to be there - almost unspoken - when Jay needs him. I am so, so glad that the connection between the guys that had started as teens, has finally been rekindled, but I will say that if readers are after hot, sexy sex scenes, they won't be getting those here. The author has gone with 'less is more' and I've realised why this works for her guys.

In between all of the above, there's another murder to solve, and the Feds and DEA are still hanging around small town America waiting for some bust/s to happen, because believe me, it all seems to happen here, just not like what we see on TV. There's no major drama, but there is intrigue, stuff is on the down-low and tbh, I'm kind of seeing that people here protect their own.

This series is finally coming into its own, 3 books into the 4, and I'm glad I persisted with it. It's not an out-and-out romance, but it is a pretty well-done, intelligent foray into small town America and all that goes with it.

ARC courtesy of Riptide Publishing, for my reading pleasure.

About Kate Sherwood

Kate Sherwood started writing about the same time she got back on a horse after almost twenty years away from riding. She’d like to think she was too young for it to be a midlife crisis, but apparently she was ready for some changes!

Kate grew up near Toronto, Ontario (Canada) and went to school in Montreal, then Vancouver. But for the last decade or so she’s been a country girl. Sure, she misses some of the conveniences of the city, but living close to nature makes up for those lacks. She’s living in Ontario’s “cottage country”--other people save up their time and come to spend their vacations in her neighborhood, but she gets to live there all year round!

Since her first book was published in 2010, she’s kept herself busy with novels, novellas, and short stories in almost all the sub-genres of m/m romance. Contemporary, suspense, scifi or fantasy--the settings are just the backdrop for her characters to answer the important questions. How much can they share, and what do they need to keep? Can they bring themselves to trust someone, after being disappointed so many times? Are they brave enough to take a chance on love?

Kate’s books balance drama with humor, angst with optimism. They feature strong, damaged men who fight themselves harder than they fight anyone else. And, wherever possible, there are animals: horses, dogs, cats ferrets, squirrels… sometimes it’s easier to bond with a non-human, and most of Kate’s men need all the help they can get.

After five years of writing, Kate is still learning, still stretching herself, and still enjoying what she does. She’s looking forward to sharing a lot more stories in the future.

Twitter: @kate_sherwood 


To celebrate the release of all four books in the Common Law series, we’re giving away one four-tour-wide GRAND PRIZE of $100 in Riptide credit! Enter at each stop on each tour (once they go live) to maximize your chances to win! Leave a comment with your contact info to enter the contest. Entries close at midnight, Eastern time, on April 8, 2017. Contest is NOT restricted to U.S. entries. Thanks for following the Darkness tour, and don’t forget to leave your contact info!


  1. I appreciate the thorough and honest review!


  2. Excellent & an in-depth review. I couldn't agree more with you, Rita. ^_^


  3. Thanks for the review. It gives a good understanding of the book.
    tankie44 at gmail dot com

  4. Congrats and thanks for the post and good review. This book and the whole series sound great. I love gay mysteries and thrillers, and I've got to get started on this one. - Purple Reader
    - TheWrote [at] aol [dot] com

  5. enjoyed blog post today

  6. Thank you for the review! It sounds great!
    humhumbum AT yahoo DOT com

  7. congrats on the latest release
    can't wait for them all to land on my kindle


  8. Congrats on the release & thanks for the review

  9. I looked them up and am planning to buy book 1 today.
    debby236 at gmail dot com

  10. Thanks for the review, I can't wait to read it.
