Thursday, March 9, 2017

Throwback Thursday Review ~ As I Am by A.M. Arthur

Will Madden is healing.

Thanks to therapy and a growing support system, he's taking baby steps into a promising future. One of those steps leads him to an online chat room, where he quickly bonds with fellow PTSD sufferer Taz Zachary.

Despite their virtual connection, Taz is initially freaked out at the idea of meeting Will face-to-face. A sexual relationship may be the last thing on his mind, but his craving for human interaction—and more of the way Will makes him laugh—gives him the courage he needs to take the next step.

In person, the chemistry between them is undeniable. But Will is hurt when Taz doesn't seem to be in any rush to get him into bed. Still, acceptance, love and happiness all seem within reach for the first time in forever—until demons from the past threaten the future they both finally believe they deserve.

5 Stars

I love broken boys, and A.M. Arthur gave me two of them. Two very broken young men that found one another and helped to learn how to love and help one another heal. They could lean on each other, not in a co-dependency way, but in complete understanding of what the other was experiencing.

I loved Taz. I loved watching him learn to love himself and grow stronger as others accepted him without a second glance at his disfigurement. I also loved watching Will learn to accept love from others and learn that he is worth so much more than being just a sex pawn.

This book is about growing up and healing. Both characters support each other and grow and mature together throughout the story. They have bumps in the road along the way, but what relationship doesn't? The story is heartbreaking at times, yet also sweet and sexy. It has strong characters you can root for to get their HEA.

The book was enjoyable, well-written and paced well. It's a bit instalove, but the time frame seems much longer, so it didn't feel instalove. It's filled with a host of emotions from sadness, happiness and of course, love, as well as some passionately sweet sex. I loved catching up a bit with Tag, Nate, Ezra, Donner, Ale, Jaime, Brendan, Romy and, of course, Jonas and Tate. I love that Ms. Arthur continues to keep me informed as to what's happening with some of my favorite characters. A great read, highly recommended!!

*Copy provided to me via NetGalley for my reading pleasure, a review wasn’t a requirement.*

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