Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Release Day Review ~ The Mystery of the Curiosities by C.S. Poe

Release Day Review ~ The Mystery of the Curiosities by C.S. Poe

Title: The Mystery of the Curiosities
Series: Snow & Winter: Book Two
Author: C.S. Poe
Release Date: March 7, 2017
Category: Mystery/Suspense
Pages: 200

Life has been pretty great for Sebastian Snow. The Emporium is thriving and his relationship with NYPD homicide detective, Calvin Winter, is everything he’s ever wanted. With Valentine’s Day around the corner, Sebastian’s only cause for concern is whether Calvin should be taken on a romantic date. It’s only when an unknown assailant smashes the Emporium’s window and leaves a peculiar note behind that all plans get pushed aside in favor of another mystery.
Sebastian is quickly swept up in a series of grisly yet seemingly unrelated murders. The only connection tying the deaths together are curiosities from the lost museum of P.T. Barnum. Despite Calvin’s attempts to keep Sebastian out of the investigation, someone is forcing his hand, and it becomes apparent that the entire charade exists for Sebastian to solve. With each clue that brings him closer to the killer, he’s led deeper into Calvin’s official cases.
It’s more than just Sebastian’s livelihood and relationship on the line—it’s his very life.

4 Stars! 

Another great addition to this series - I just wished it were longer. Clever, witty, sexy and a little sad for one character.

This book picks up a month or so after book 1 ends, with Seb and Calvin's relationship on track, with Calvin having outed himself to his family, and with them not being OK with it. I felt for him, but at the same time, I loved his relationship with Seb's dad, William, and how the latter welcomed him and cared about him. I also loved William, who has to be one of the best-ever dads I've read about over my 44yrs of reading, and it made me wish mine had been like him.

The tale is another blend of murders/mystery, and once again, it's very well done and it's clear that CSP has done her research into the theme she uses. I had begun to suspect a certain person's involvement, which turned out to be a red herring, a person I'd both been annoyed at and felt sorry for in book 1, and here, he seemed even more broken. CSP hasn't said yay or nay either way, but I hope she gives this guy his HEA, and that he finds happiness and the courage and peace to accept himself with pride.

The tale had me puzzled until the clues began to come together, but I liked the red herring aspect and when the reveal came, it threw me. I have to say that I struggled the tiniest bit buying the identity of the twisted killer, but, maybe like Seb, I missed a trick or two.

Seb and Cal's relationship strengthens in this, with Cal admitting he's got a problem, yet at the same time, being a guy about it and not wanting it on his record. But, with William's help, they seem to find a start to the solution, which I hope works out for them. I can't wait to read more of them and their growing relationship, as due to events in this book, there was very little time for them to be together, which is not a complaint (nothing like things coming to a complete halt in the middle of danger, so the leads can very conveniently get it on - NOT!!! HATE that!!!) - it's just that I'm invested in them and how they work things out. Love Cal loving ampersands!

Having spoken with CSP, she's happy to confirm that at present, 4 books are planned for Seb and Cal, and she's currently in the middle of book 3. There could also be something else afoot, but she's not in a position to confirm right now, but you can bet that I'll be keeping on top of it, because if it comes off, it'll be sooooo satisfying!

ARC courtesy of Dreamspinner Press and Bayou Book Junkie, for my reading pleasure.

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