Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Release Day Review ~ Dyed and Gone to Heaven by Aimee Nicole Walker (Giveaway)


Gabe and Josh’s romantic dinner date to celebrate love and life takes a shocking twist when a man who’s presumed dead enters the restaurant. What Gabe learns that night and the days that follow sends the homicide investigation down a road full of sharp twists and dangerous turns.

Josh is finally living the life he's always wanted. He has a man who loves him just the way he is and an exciting new career opportunity. All of that feels threatened when a mysterious neighbor moves into the neighborhood. Josh is convinced his presence is more than a coincidence and questions what fate has in store for the happy couple. 

Can Gabe find the balance between work and love or will his focus on justice put their harmony in jeopardy? Can Josh continue to overcome his insecurities or will they overshadow the beautiful life he’s building with the man he loves?

Dyed and Gone to Heaven is the third book in the Curl Up and Dye Mysteries series. These books were written to be read in order. They contain sexually explicit material and are intended for adults 18 and older. 

5 Stars!

Wow these books are so fun to read. A combination of Mystery/Suspense, Romance and Comedy. What I enjoy the most is the fact that Josh and Gabe are solid as can be yet not sappy and boring. The sexual tension from book one still exudes from the story, making every time they're together exciting as well as hot.

I love both of these characters. Josh is so funny and snarky yet he has this wonderfully sweet and loyal side he only really shows to those he cares about. I love watching him with Meredith and Chaz. The three of them together remind me of my best friend and I leaving me laughing out loud more than once. Then his personality when it comes to the mysterious Emory/Fabio left me wiping the tears from my eyes from laughing one minute to wiping them because they broke my heart the next. Most of all, though, I loved seeing him with Gabe and how much he loved him.

I'm a huge Gabe fan and I absolutely adore him. He is so different from Josh and seeing how much he loves him and the fact that he has no problem showing it melts my heart. We really get to see him working this case and how determined he is in finding out the truth of what is going on.

With the story picking up from where the last book left off we jump right into the case. Things are so much more complicated this time around though because there is a lot going on here. We have the murders, a Nate lookalike, Emory the mysterious new neighbor, sketchy lawyers and proposed Casinos. All of it seems to be connected and Gabe has to figure it all out while making sure he's not letting his relationship with Josh fall by the wayside. There are lots of places this series still can go and I'm so excited about that. I can't wait for the next book in the series. Great characters, great story and well written, I totally recommend these books.

***Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie by the author/publisher for my reading pleasure in hopes of an unbiased opinion, a review was not a requirement.***

4.5 Stars! 

Another really good foray into the busy, busy lives of Josh and Gabe. Love how ANW has 'built' these guys' relationship.

This book can't be read as a standalone, as barely 3/4 pages into it, a bombshell gets dropped in that takes readers back to part of the storyline in book 3, and from then on out, it's a bit of a roller coaster ride. Not in the sense that it's rushed or messy, but that event after event links into the guys' lives and the intrigue and machinations that are going on in Josh and Gabe's version of small town America, come thick and fast.

Whilst there is a very good storyline to the tale, and whilst yes, it absolutely worked, it did feel like all of a sudden a few too many names made it into the fray, and I did occasionally have to pause to remember who was who, and if I recalled seeing or hearing about them before. But, at the end of the day, ANW built a solid explanation for the murders taking place.

What I loved about the tale was the mishmash of relationships that vary from the rock-solid-and-getting-even-more-so (Josh and Gabe), the 'I like him, but I don't stand a chance with his gamer-ass' (Chaz and a certain sexy guy who's been around for a couple of books, and who's lost out on love), Mere and her new mystery guy (her mum's matchmaking was both funny and cringeworthy) and the 'I don't deserve happiness' and 'I can't get a read on this guy' romance that's developing between two characters new to the series, who make their first appearance in this tale. Did I like either of the latter at first glance? Not so sure, as ANW built the tension between them, Gabe and Josh very well, and had me going in different directions as to how the tale would pan out and whether these guys would be good, bad or shades of in between. But, Josh's matchmaking was sweet and I can see more than one HEA being lived out at the end of the series, which for now seems to be concluding on 2 May 2017.

This tale ends with Josh getting his very deserved dues, and with a happy, happy event. I loved how it ended up being orchestrated, I loved his reaction, and how a certain someone even went one step further, having 'read' Josh's actions and having sussed what Josh is like, by making a couple of things happen, and by introducing the subject of what they'd each like in their future.

I can't wait to read book 4, and see the culmination of all that started off in the closing chapter of this. Josh and Gabe were made for each other, and I loved seeing them blossom over this series, which is perhaps the best ANW has done.

ARC courtesy of Bayou Book Junkie and the author, for my reading pleasure.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Congrats on your new release, Aimee Nicole. Dying to read it.
    The Thomas Elkin Series by N.R. Walker. Amazing books.

  2. congrats Aimee...another winner!!!!

  3. Congratulations Aimee on your new release I wish you many sales.

  4. Congratulations on your new book!

  5. But I've bought it already! But I often wonder whether you (Aimee) have ever read the Stan Kraychik mysteries by Grant Michaels?

  6. Congrats on your new book!

  7. Congrats on the new release, it sounds really fun!
