Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Release Blitz ~ Point Shot Trilogy Boxset by V.L. Locey ~ (Reviews + Giveaway)

Release Blitz ~ Point Shot Trilogy Boxset by V.L. Locey ~ (Reviews + Giveaway)

Buy Links: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Two Man Advantage

Victor Kalinski, all-star forward for the Boston Barracudas, is one of the biggest jerks in professional hockey. Before long his aggressive attitude gets him shipped off to play in the minor leagues.

Furious, he takes to the ice with equal amounts of skill and scathing sarcasm, which doesn’t win him any friends—except for good-natured alternate captain Daniel Arou. He won’t take any of Vic’s crap, and he won’t take no for an answer.

But Vic’s troublemaking is pulling his career one way while Dan’s talent is pushing his in the other. However much they scorch the sheets, they might soon be separated by more than Vic’s fear of being hurt.

4.5 Stars

*copy provided by author/publisher via Pride Promotions in exchange for an honest review*

After being suspended Vic heads from Boston to Upstate New York, and his new temporary team. He moves from the major to the minor league. He is an angry man, and he takes his anger out on not only on the opposing team members, but on his own team members at times. Being suspended from his Hockey team just makes him even angrier. 

When he arrives he is immediately attracted to Dan one of his new teammates. On a road trip they end up sharing more than just a room. Vic never expected to stay in NY for long. He expected to head right back to Boston quickly, and Vic definitely didn't expect to find love. Can he let himself love and be loved?

This was an interesting read. I really hated Vic in the beginning. He wasn't a very like-able character. I actually wanted to smack him upside the back of his head on more than one occasion while reading this story. 

Ms. Locey performed a minor miracle, and by the end of the story I was just as in love with Vic as Dan was. This was a good book. It flowed well, and moved at a good pace. The story wasn't rushed and took place over a realistic time period. 

Vic and Dan had an amazing chemistry, and the sex was HOT and plentiful, but there was a story here too. It was also funny. Even though Vic was a jerk, his antics had me laughing out loud. I'm glad I got to know the sweet side of Vic before this story ended. 

So, why not 5 stars? I would have liked for this to be a bit longer. I wanted to see Vic fight his demons and I felt that part of the story was rushed over. I think this book needed a few more chapters. I was left unsatisfied and wanting more at the end of this story. I wasn't ready to let go yet, and I felt there were unresolved issues that weren't dealt with. Even so, this was a great book. It was a quick read that held me captivated from the time I opened it until I finished. This is my first book by this author, but I plan on checking out others.

Game Misconduct

Life has been treating Victor Kalinski well, which is a surprise for the ginger-haired forward with the venomous tongue. His career is somewhat stable, at least for another season. His relationship with Cougars alternate captain Dan Arou is deepening, despite the fact that Daniel has yet to come out of the closet.

It’s typical Kalinski luck when a puck bunny he shared a drunken night with several months ago slaps him with a paternity suit. Despite the sizzling passion and painfully heartfelt connection between them, Dan doesn’t take the news well, and heads back to Canada alone.

If he wants to make things right and win back the man he loves, Vic has no choice but to swallow his pride—and nobody’s prouder than hotheaded, ego-driven 
Victor Kalinski.

5 Stars

*copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie by author/publisher via Pride Promotions in exchange for an honest review*

This was a great continuation of Vic and Dan's story. Still hidden in the closet, Dan and Vic have spent their summer together, lazing around the house, cuddling, having sex and attending some boring charity events. Life is going along pretty smoothly, until a summons throws a huge hurtle in their path. 

I started reading and not far into it, I sent my co-blogger, Mari a message. She had already read the book for another of our sites we host tours for. Our message is below, I have taken some things out, because it would give too much away, but here is part of it. 


YOU said Game Misconduct was funny!! 


Nah, I said I found Vic to be sarcastic and self-deprecating and I found him fun. The story is not fun.


NO!!! Wtf!


Aaah, well, I can promise you it gets better. Vic has a lot of growing up to do. 

So I grudgingly read on. 

She was right. Vic had a lot of growing up to do. She is also right about the type of character Vic is, although I already knew this from book one. He is a snarky smart@$$. He is what I think of when I think of the type of characters I want to read about. He isn't all soft and sweet. He is a manly man. He can be gross and well, a man. Yet he knows when to be that sweet and loving guy. 

I love V.L.'s characters. She writes her characters so well. She writes her characters like a man. I don't want to read a book where I feel like one of the characters is a female, and I definitely don't get that with this author. 

This book, while not always fun, and sometimes downright heartbreaking, was funny at times. It was sweet at times and it even had a couple of hot scenes thrown in.

The story flowed well, and of course, the chemistry between Vic and Dan is still has electrical as ever! I loved this story, and I can't wait for the continuation of Vic and Dan's story.

Full Strength

What a difference a year makes. Twelve months ago, Victor Kalinski was one of the best and most controversial ice hockey players in the pros. This year he’s playing in the minors, has a paternity case pending, and has just been vindictively outed to the world by one of his own teammates. 

But he seems to find life in the tiny town of Cayuga to his liking. A large part of that is Dan Arou, the Cougars’ alternate captain and the man who now holds Victor’s heart. Surely venomous, viper-tongued Victor hasn’t been mellowed by love!

Well, perhaps a little. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t intend to get sweet revenge on those who’ve hurt the man he loves and the friends he’s somehow made along the way.

5 Stars

*copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie by the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review*

In this final installment we watch Dan and Vic deal with life after Dan is outed. We also finally get to see Vic deal with his anger issues. This part of their journey uncovers some heartbreaking things surrounding Vic's childhood. My heart broke for him, but I was so happy to see Dan continue to be there to support him every step of the way. I don't want to give anything away, so I'll just say, this story was angsty, sweet, loving, heartbreaking, hot as hell and LOL funny. Ms. Locey managed to recapture the chemistry and love that Dan and Vic share, as she has throughout the first two books. This part of the journey, like the rest isn't easy, but it's so worth it!! This was a quick and easy read that I couldn't put down. I love V.L.'s writing. Hockey is a big part of who she is and it shows in her stories just how much she loves the game. I've never watched a game, but she makes me want to try it. I will miss Dan and Vic, but I'm hoping this isn't the last we have seen if them!! 

This was an enjoyable story I loved and highly recommend!! 

R-Rated Excerpt (From Two Man Advantage)

Lying beside him in the dark, I was thinking about getting under the covers to suck him off when he asked me what I thought about the team. 
I shrugged the shoulder his dark head rested on. “They suck, man.” I ran my tongue over my teeth. 
“Think so, do you?” he enquired. “I hate that sound you make when you suck air through your teeth.” 
“Um, yah,” I snorted, my palm resting on his shoulder. “I mean, no offense, but if not for you that bunch of losers wouldn’t have the few wins they do. And tough shit about the teeth sounds.” 
Dan’s exhalation blew over my nipple. It puckered up into a tiny pink bead. I really wanted to get oral on this man. He seemed to be chatty, though. I didn’t dare comment on how girly that was. My ass was still recovering from the last slur against his manhood I’d made. 
“You’re right,” he confessed, sitting up against my wishes to turn on the light. I squeezed my eyes shut and bitched about the wattage. “You think you could help us out?” 
My nose wrinkled. “Dan, man, look, maybe if I were going to be here for the season, yeah, I’d be happy to pass along what tricks I’ve learned. But this trip is just for a week or two.” I had hoped he would drop it as soon as I weaseled around. He didn’t. His blue eyes stayed glued to me. “Arou, man, don’t make this harder than it is. Why don’t you just turn out the light, lie down and let me get you off again?” 
I saw the desire flare up in his gaze. “I’d consider it a favor if you gave the other guys a hand. They’re buddies, you know?” 
“Whose buddies? Not mine. They all fucking hate me,” I countered, pulling him back to the bed. 
He flopped down with a sigh of exasperation. I rolled over him and began tasting his neck. He was just as bound up in this crazy thing we shared as I was. His neck and jaw tightened as he worked to fight the fire trail where my tongue and lips moved over him, but the nudge of his erection against my stomach showed he couldn’t control the need for me any more than I could handle my need for him. 
“That’s because you’re a dick,” he ground out as I tongued his navel. 
I agreed, then licked a long trail across his belly.

Author Bio

V.L. Locey loves worn jeans, yoga, belly laughs, walking, reading and writing lusty tales, Greek mythology, the New York Rangers, comic books, and coffee. (Not necessarily in that order.) She shares her life with her husband, her daughter, one dog, two cats, a flock of assorted domestic fowl, and two Jersey steers. 

When not writing spicy romances, she enjoys spending her day with her menagerie in the rolling hills of Pennsylvania with a cup of fresh java in hand. She can also be found online on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and GoodReads. 

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