Friday, December 2, 2016

Release Day Review ~ Private Truths by C.B. Lewis

Release Day Review ~ 

Private Truths by C.B. Lewis

Title: Private Truths

Author: C.B. Lewis
Release Date: December 2, 2016
Category: Contemporary
Pages: 264

For two role models with their reputations on the line, privacy might be a luxury they can’t afford, and love might be impossible.
After returning from service, Army veteran Jack McCall fought his way back from addiction and joined a charity supporting homeless veterans in London, where he became an inspiration to others. He approaches Edward Marsden, Viscount Routhsley, a known playboy and philanthropist, about sponsorship for his charity. To his surprise, Edward isn’t the shallow pleasure-seeker everyone assumes, and he and Edward share many interests. Little by little, they are drawn together in spite of the different worlds they come from.
But for two men in the public eye, happiness won’t be so easily achieved. Edward fears coming out as gay will shift attention from his charity work, and Jack worries his relationship with the aristocrat will undermine the integrity of his foundation. They come under intense scrutiny, leading to an inevitable clash between Jack and the press who won’t stop harassing them. As what they’ve built comes crashing down, Jack and Edward must make a choice: continue presenting the facade the public expects, or expose the private truths in their hearts so they can be together.

***Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie by Dreamspinner Press for my reading pleasure in hopes of an unbiased opinion, a review was not a requirement.***

Army veteran Jack McCall has been working for a charity supporting returning vets in London, as well as fighting against his demons and addiction, and he's become an inspiration for others. He's asked by his boss to approach Edward Marsden, Viscount Routhsley, since he's a very well-known philanthropist and Those Returned needs all the help they can get. Edward is not what Jack expects, though, and when he starts pursuing Jack, there's not much resistance on Jack's part. They come from very different worlds, but their attraction to each other is undeniable. However, both men are very private and in the closet and the media vultures keep trying to find something to bring them both and Those Returned into public scrutiny, until Jack reacts badly to the constant harassment, forcing Jack and Edward to make a choice that might cost them the privacy they value so much.

I grew up reading my mom's Spanish versions of Vanity Fair and Harper Bazaar magazines, so I'm very aware of how their pages were splashed with gossip and tidbits regarding the monarchy and European aristocracy. Because of that, I feel this book presents a very realistic account of how the paparazzi can stalk their targets until they explode.

I loved Jack and Edward. They were as different as night and day, and yet, they complimented each other brilliantly. Jack had gone through so much while in service and afterward when he came back. He is dealing with PTSD, recovering from his addiction and trying to live with the guilt of his bad decisions and his anger. He works harder than anyone at Those Returned to give something back, doing everything he can to help others that have been in his position. He barely has a social life, until he meets Edward, who pursues him relentlessly once he realizes his interest is returned by Jack. I adored Edward. While Jack made me want to cuddle him and make it all better, Edward was like this charming force of nature that saw Jack and just had to have him. He wasn't the playboy the media thought he was, and he proved his worth more than once throughout the whole ordeal they had to endure. I just loved that while they fell into bed together at first, Edward was there for Jack in any capacity he needed him, and Jack was also willing to be there for Edward. They had amazing chemistry that slowly grew into more and no matter if it was just talking, Edward comforting Jack or them having sex, it was obvious they were so perfect for each other.

I absolutely adored Matilda and Edward's lawyer, they were both kicka** characters! Jack's boss, Edward's parents and Jack's best friend Tommy were amazing as well and I loved them to bits. I hated Randall and his coworker with the passion of a thousand suns and really, I have to give props to Ms. Lewis for the very satisfying resolution to that issue.

Overall, Private Truths started a bit awkwardly, it took me a bit to get into it, but once I did, I just couldn't put it down. I was completely enthralled in the intrigue and the suspense of what would happen and how it would all unravel. The book is well-written, realistic, engaging, with a fantastic array of both principal and supporting characters that will make you laugh and cry and care for them. Definitely going on the re-read shelf! Highly recommendable!

Rating: 5 Stars!!!

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