Thursday, December 1, 2016

Release Day Review ~ Architect of Love (Fated Soulmates 2) by John Charles ~ #Review

Release Day Review ~ Architect of Love (Fated Soulmates 2) by John Charles ~ (Review)

Title: Architect of Love (Fated Soulmates 2)
Author: John Charles
Genre: Fiction, M/M, Romance
ISBN: 978-1-882598-14-4
Number of pages: 187
Publication Date: December 1, 2016


He could work miracles with His Hands

Lance Bartner loved working with his hands, made his living refinishing furniture. Nights out were for fun with friends and the occasional hook-up. Though the L word had never been spoken, he would have enjoyed a relationship had the right man crossed his path. But who would want a laborer like Lance? He wasn't college educated, didn't live in a fancy loft condo, didn't drive a Lexus, and didn't even
own a suit.

Forrest Dentren, was an architect and city planner who had become a local name when his design for the Monroe City Center was chosen as one of the top three contenders. Well educated, extremely well built, and as both men and women put it, just plain hot. Some said he was married to his job, others said he was too picky, many said he didn't want to share the spotlight.

One hot, uninhibited sex-filled night

When Forrest broke his routine and went clubbing on a weeknight, he spotted Lance. The attraction was immediate from both sides of the dance floor. They both felt it. A few drinks later, still feeling it, they left for Lance's apartment.

It was never supposed to turn into anything more than one hot fuck

Two people from opposite ends of the world, no roadmap, not directions, no ideas how to make it work.

Architect Of Love is a hot and steamy, gay romance novel with no cliffhangers. It is the second book in The Fated Soulmates series and can be read as a standalone.

*Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie by Dreamspinner Press for my reading pleasure in hopes of an unbiased opinion, a review was not a requirement.*

Architect of Love is Book 2 in the Fated Soulmates series by John Charles.  I did glance at Book 1, which you can get free from the author, but I did not read it as it didn't seem to be connected to this one.  This was the first time I've read anything from this author. 

This book starts with a hook-up between Forrest and Lance who met at a club.  The two characters seem to be more focused on what is their type and isn't and less on the attraction they have to each other.  They enjoyed their time together but don't exchange any information.  The next day, Lance is working with his mother at an estate sale when he's asked to speak with a customer about refurbishing an item he bought.  Lance is surprised to find that customer is Forrest.  Even though they are not each other's type, they decide to explore more of each other.  Lance works as a restorer and Forrest is an architect.  This causes a lot of conflict throughout the book.

This book is written in both MC's POV and it seemed to switch, sometimes mid-paragraph, so that made it a little difficult to keep up with who was saying what.  And for those that would be bothered, one of the MC's does have sex with someone else (not cheating).  This doesn't always bother me, depending on the context, but I know there are readers who feel very strongly about this, so you've been forewarned.

Rating:  3 stars

About The Author:

As a youngster, I not only had trouble reading, I couldn’t string two sentences together. Reading was a chore, but I had to read for school and work. In my sophomore year of college, with the help of my aunt and several courses I learned to get past my, until then undiagnosed, dyslexia. After that, reading actually started to become fun. Now I read constantly.

My desire to become an author developed through the years as my own children grew. We read books every night. When they were little I read to them. As they grew, and learned how to read, they read to me.

We congregated on the couch, or on one of their beds, and read stories together. It was fun, crazy, and sometimes frustrating. There were times when schedules made group reading difficult, but individual sessions were managed most nights.

During those years of family growth, I developed the desire to write my own books. Initially I thought about writing children’s books – and developed outlines for a couple of them. As my children grew and began reading different genres, my desires changed, too.

Then I discovered the gay themed suspense thriller – I couldn’t get enough.

I started writing gay (male/male) themed novels, using my pen name John Charles and never looked back. I enjoy the romance aspect that only two men can have. I find developing a character that is passionate about his life and the life of his lover is a turn on to many readers as well as to me. So I try to develop that passion in my books and endeavor to make each character special.

The plots in my novels come from real life situations. I have always believed that real life is more interesting than anything a person could make up. I listen, keep my eyes open, and let the world give me the ideas that make my stories believable and interesting.

I find myself enjoying writing more than anything I’ve ever done in my life.

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