Monday, December 5, 2016

Blog Tour ~ The "True Love" Solution by Julie Bozza ~ (Review + Giveaway)

Blog Tour ~ The "True Love" Solution by Julie Bozza ~ (Review + Giveaway)
Author: Julie Bozza

Length: 45,000 words

Publisher: Manifold Press

Buy Links: Amazon US | Amazon UK | AllRomance | Smashwords 


Jules Madigan loves his family and he loves his job. The only thing he’s missing out on is a Happy Ever After, like the ones written by his favourite romance author Ewan Byge. While he’s waiting for that HEA, Jules indulges himself in buying Ewan’s old typewriter as memorabilia – before realising he’s been defrauded. Through the fraud case, he makes friends with Police Constable Leonard Edgar – and through Leonard, Jules even gets to meet and work with Ewan Byge Himself! But the course of True Love never did run smooth, and soon Jules has to face some harsh realities.

4 Stars! 

Jules, Leonard, and Ewan. I hate books where the protagonist spends most of the book with one person and then just a tiny bit of the story with the person they end up with. That drives me crazy because I want to enjoy seeing the main characters together for more than a scene or two.

The writing was very good and the author is definitely talented. I personally enjoyed how the story started off, even if it seemed to drag in a few parts. However, after a while, I started to get highly irritated by the fact that Jules was still hung up on Ewan and not even thinking of Leonard as more than just a nice guy who's there. While this may be a very realistic situation, I don't particularly find enjoyment reading about it. Therefore, the second half of the story dragged on for longer than I felt the need to.

Leonard was sweet and sincere and from the very beginning, just a down-to-earth likable character. I was rooting for him instantly. Ewan, I didn't care for even though he wasn't a bad guy. I just didn't think he was as endearing as Leonard. As for Jules, I spent most of the book flipping back and forth on whether or not I liked him. I questioned his intelligence the whole time and wasn't at all impressed with his infatuation with Ewan.

It's hard to rate a book where you think the writing is very good technically but don't care for the characters or plot. I probably won't be recommending TheLove Solution to friends but the author is someone I'll keep on eye on for upcoming books. She definitely deserves another chance.

*Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie by the author/publisher for my reading pleasure in hopes of an unbiased opinion, a review was not a requirement.*

Author Bio

Julie Bozza is an English-Australian hybrid who is fuelled by espresso, calmed by knitting, unreasonably excited by photography, and madly in love with John Keats.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for hosting me on the blog tour, and for reading my book! I'm sorry the storyline didn't suit you, but I'm very pleased by your kind response to my writing.
