Tuesday, December 6, 2016

2016 Advent Calendar Review ~ Matthew's Present by Sarah Hadley Brook

2016 Advent Calendar Review ~ Matthew's Present by Sarah Hadley Brook

Title: Matthew's Present
Author: Sarah Hadley Brook
Category: Holiday, Contemporary
Pages: 23
Dreamspinner  Goodreads

Matthew Blick is almost thirty years old, and he hates the thought of another holiday alone. He has become a bit of a wet blanket when Christmas rolls around every year. So much so that even his five-year-old niece, Hannah, knows something needs to change. She asks the department store Santa to bring her uncle a man to love, and when Santa sees her uncle, he formulates a plan to set that possibility in motion.
Santa shows up at Matthew’s house and at first Matthew can’t place him, but then the memories of his first kiss flood his mind and he is shocked to find that Santa is the man he has carried a torch for since high school. Will this twist of fate help Matthew change his view on the holidays? Only a kiss can tell.

*Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie by Dreamspinner Press for my reading pleasure in hopes of an unbiased opinion, a review was not a requirement.*

Matthew is not happy being alone during the holidays, so much so that even his five-year-old niece has noticed and asks him to take her see Santa at the mall. What Matthew doesn't know is that Hannah has asked Santa for a man his uncle can love so he isn't alone any longer for Christmas, and when Santa realizes who her uncle is, he sets a plan in motion.

Turns out that Santa aka Tyler, is the man Matthew has been carrying a torch for since they shared a kiss at a party when they were 18, but is a kiss enough to change Matthew's whole outlook on the season?

The story had so much potential, and really, if it had been just a tad longer, maybe an epilogue to show us how the guys were doing down the line, I would've been way happier with it. As it is, I was just left wanting more. Matthew was downright grumpy, but likable. And Tyler was adorable, even if kind of stalker-ish, what with just showing up at Matthew's door like that.

Still, it was a nice read, very short and sweet, with no angst.

Rating: 3.5 Stars!!!

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