Friday, September 8, 2017

Release Day Review: Never Let You Go by Andrew Grey (Giveaway)

Title: Never Let You Go
Series: Forever Yours: Book Two
Author: Andrew Grey
Release Date: September 8, 2017
Category: Contemporary
Pages: 200

Friends since they met in school, Ashton and Brighton soon become much more. Ash and his aunt are Brighton’s haven away from his mess of a family, and when Ash enlists in the Army, Brighton learns to endure his long absences and eagerly awaits his return from missions.
Until one day Ash doesn’t come back, and Brighton thinks his greatest fear has come true.
Months pass and Brighton grieves for Ash, not knowing that a terrible misunderstanding sent Ash running, unable to cope when he thought Brighton had betrayed him. Even after an emotional reunion, their relationship isn’t the same—Brighton is now responsible for his young niece, and he’s having a hard time rediscovering the trust he once had in Ash. Ash must still tend to his mental health, but before he can, he’ll have to deal with a past secret that puts all their lives at risk. With so many forces determined to tear them apart, can Brighton and Ash hold on to each other and never let go?

*Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie by Dreamspinner Press for my reading pleasure in hopes of an unbiased opinion, a review was not a requirement.*

Never Let You Go is Book 2 in Andrew Grey's Forever Yours series. This book could probably be read as a standalone, but the characters from the first book make an appearance in this one. And, really, I always recommend reading the books in a series in the appropriate order. For me, I think you get more from the stories when you know the history and connection of the characters.

Ashton and Brighton were best friends growing up and found love as teenagers. They continue their relationship throughout Ashton's time in the service, and then on Ash's last mission, the worst happens. Brighton finds out that Ash is missing, and then believed dead. He never hears anything more regarding Ash and grieves for the loss of his love. But Brighton doesn't have time to grieve. His sister dies leaving a daughter that Brighton is now raising. His cousin moves in with him, and though it's a tight squeeze, they're both raising her and Brighton is trying to move his life forward. Ash is finally able to leave the hospital and is making plans to get his aunt's house remodeled and move her from the nursing home back to her home. He heads back to town to let Brighton know he's alive and back for good, when he sees Brighton with another man. He leaves to lick his wounds but continues to work on the house and himself while grieving the loss of Brighton. When Brighton and Ash see each other again, it takes talking from both men to figure things out and they quickly fall back into their relationship. But, Ashton's mental health is still a concern and Brighton's lack of understanding creates issues for the men to work through.

I liked Ashton and Brighton. I thought they were both easily likable characters; they were both family oriented, which is pretty typical for this author's men; and they both needed to be smacked in the back of the head to wake them up a little. Thank goodness for Ashton's aunt and Brighton's cousin, who were the ones to point out the obvious and push these two men together when they needed the help. I wasn't a fan of Ashton's jumping to conclusions and just walking away at the beginning. And, I was less of a fan of Brighton's trying to sweep Ashton's PTSD under the rug. But, in the end, they get it together and are able to be adults and understand what is needed to be partners. Though, as I'm thinking through this review, their behavior may be understandable. These are two men who know each other. All their best stories involve the other. They've been close since a young age and found love early in their lives with each other. But, even though they still love the other, they don't really know this version of each other so it's expected that they're going to have difficulties as they adjust to the changes in each other.

Regardless, I think this is an enjoyable story with great supporting characters, and of course, a cute little girl. This is a story about young love growing into an adult and forever love.

Rating: 4 stars

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Eyes Only For Me. There are still so many to read though!
    jlshannon74 at

  2. The Bronco Boys and his Carlise Cops series.

  3. I've got so many favourite so I'll go for "The Farm Series" and "The Range series".

  4. I like his westerns, and especially those featuring Native Americans, like The Fight Within. - Purple Reader,
    TheWrote [at] aol [dot] com

  5. My favorite so far is Eyes Only for Me

  6. Believe it or not, I haven't read ANY Andrew Grey's books :p. So I can't answer this question.
