Friday, April 7, 2017

Blog Tour ~ The Rainbow Clause by Beth Bolden (Reviews + Giveaway)

Blog Tour ~ The Rainbow Clause by Beth Bolden  (Reviews + Giveaway)


Title: The Rainbow Clause 
Author: Beth Bolden 
Release Date: April 3rd 2017 
Genre: MM Contemporary Romance, Sports



Heisman winner. Member of the National Championship team. NFL Rookie of the Year. Quarterback Colin O’Connor knows he’s become the ultimate romance novel cliché: all the success he’s ever dreamed of but nobody to share it with. Too bad it’s not as simple as asking out the next girl who intrigues him – because the next girl to intrigue him probably won’t be a girl at all. 

Unexpectedly, the solution comes in one neat package: Nick Wheeler, lead journalist for a leading sports and pop culture blog. Hired by Colin’s team, Nick comes to Miami to shine a spotlight on the NFL’s most private quarterback. 

The heat in Miami rises when Nick discovers that Colin is nothing like the hollow personality he pretends to be in interviews and he’s even hotter in person than on his Sports Illustrated cover. Nick knows this is the story of his career, and after spending his teenage years as a bullied, closeted teen, it hits very close to home. What he needs is to help Colin share his story while keeping their growing relationship from boiling over in the press, but what he wants is to tell the world. 

Purchase: Amazon US | Amazon UK 

TRC teaser 1


Nick went through the cupboards one at a time, finding an obscene amount of protein shakes and powder, and a lot of basic staples that proved Colin probably did know how to cook. That hadn’t been an act, though he was beginning to wonder how much of the Colin O’Connor he’d seen wasn’t. Probably almost none of it, and that was terrifying. 

He had just poured milk into his Cheerios when Colin jogged up to the patio and into the house, wearing a pair of loose-fitting athletic shorts, a thin layer of sweat, and nothing else. 
Nick choked on air. So much for his peaceful breakfast. 

“Good morning,” Colin said with that annoying smile. All innocence with just the tiniest edge of something more. Like he knew exactly what he was doing and how effective it was.

“Morning,” Nick mumbled into his cereal. 

“I was going to wake you up for my jog, well our jog, but you seemed to be sleeping pretty soundly.” 

Nick tried not to think about what that sort of picture that made. Or that Colin had looked into his room and had seen him sleeping. 

“Do you jog every morning?” Nick asked, even though he already knew the answer. Anything to abort that line of thinking. 

“Usually about ten miles or so. Went fourteen this morning, felt really good.” Colin reached for his forgotten t-shirt hanging over a barstool and shrugged it on. It stuck to his skin in sweaty patches, which shouldn’t have been attractive but apparently, Colin O’Connor defied logic. 

“Bullshit,” Nick mumbled. 

“Tomorrow you want to join?” Colin asked like he hadn’t heard as he grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge. 

“Not for a fourteen mile jog,” Nick said. 

“Not even for ten?” Colin wheedled. 

“Not even for ten. You could probably convince me to do about half that.” 

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4 Stars

When Colin negotiated his NFL contract he had, what has come to be known as the Rainbow Clause included into it. Colin is bi and wanted to be sure if a man was who he chose to settle down with he had a choice to come out. Colin leans more toward being attracted to men than women and decides he is tired of hiding. He goes to his agent who arranges a coming out interview with Nick, a sports writer.

Nick is out and proud, something you don't see much of in the sports world. He agrees to shadow Colin for a few weeks to get the best profile interview he can. Part of the arrangement is Nick will live with Colin while he shadows him.

This was a quick and easy read. It's well-written and paced well, with likable characters. For the subject matter involved it had very little outside angst. This is not to say the story doesn't have angst. Nick created enough angst with his push and pull routine for two books. I loved him, yet I wanted to strangle him at the same time or at least whack him upside the back of the head. I loved Colin. He was so sweet and caring. The story was a slow-burn, that had a good build up to explosive fireworks once Nick and Colin finally give in to the attraction. Their chemistry was off the charts.
This was a really enjoyable read. I liked the plot and not only were the main characters likable and well developed, but I loved the secondary characters as well. Nick and Colin worked well together. I loved watching them move from writer and subject to friends and later lovers. The progression of their relationship felt natural and unhurried. This story was funny, sweet and sexy. Very recommendable!

*Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure, a review wasn’t a requirement.*

GIVEAWAY: WIN $50 Amazon Gift Card!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


About the Author 

Beth Bolden lives in Portland, Oregon with her supportive husband and their beloved cat. She wholly believes in Keeping Portland Weird, but wishes she didn't have to make the yearly pilgrimage up to Seattle to watch her Boston Red Sox play baseball. She's a fan of fandoms, and spends too much of her free time on tumblr. 

Beth has been writing practically since she learned the alphabet. Unfortunately, her first foray into novel writing, titled Big Bear with Sparkly Earrings, wasn't a bestseller, but hope springs eternal. She's published two novels, The Lucky Charm and Getting Lucky, and a short story, Eye of the Storm. Her next novel, Summer Attractions, will be released in August 2016. 

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  1. I couldn't agree more with your review, Tracy! <3 The chemistry between them is off the charts & when their "worlds" collided, oh, man! no one would want to miss that out. <3

  2. Congrats and thanks for the post, and good review. The book sounds great, especially with my fav sport, football. - Purple Reader,
    TheWrote [at] aol [dot] com

  3. Great review! Thanks for taking part in the tour xx
