Friday, April 7, 2017

Release Day Review ~ Heart Unseen by Andrew Grey (Giveaway)

Release Day Review ~ Heart Unseen by Andrew Grey (Giveaway)

Title: Heart Unseen

Author: Andrew Grey

Release Date: April 7, 2017

Category: Contemporary
Pages: 200

As a stunningly attractive man and the owner of a successful chain of auto repair garages, Trevor is used to attention, adoration, and getting what he wants. What he wants tends to be passionate, no-strings-attached flings with men he meets in clubs. He doesn’t expect anything different when he sets his sights on James. Imagine his surprise when the charm that normally brings men to their knees fails to impress. Trevor will need to drop the routine and connect with James on a meaningful level. He starts by offering to take James home, instead of James riding home with his intoxicated friend.
For James, losing his sight at a young age meant limited opportunities for social interaction. Spending most of his time working at a school for the blind has left him unfamiliar with Trevor’s world, but James has fought hard for his independence, and he knows what he wants. Right now, that means stepping outside his comfort zone and into Trevor’s heart.
Trevor is also open to exploring real love and commitment for a change, but before he can be the man James needs him to be, he’ll have to deal with the pain of his past.

*Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie by Dreamspinner Press for my reading pleasure in hopes of an unbiased opinion, a review was not a requirement.*

I love Andrew Grey's men and books! He gives us imperfect men finding love but never overwhelms that love or story with angst and drama just for the sake of it being there. At first, Trevor comes across as an overconfident, shallow player but as the story develops, I loved that he worked so hard to become the man he thought James deserved. Though Trevor seems to have a perfect life, it's taken work to get to where he is. He's suffered important losses in his life which makes it difficult for him to let go and love someone. Then he starts having trouble with his business and an employee, the one thing he's worked so hard to create and struggles dealing with the change this brings.

I loved James. He may have come across as the perfect man, but his imperfections were revealed throughout the story. After losing his sight as a boy, he's fought to have his independence but he's settled into his comfortable life and accepted his lot in life. He owns his home, has a job he loves, and a great family for the most part. I really enjoyed James' point of view. I don't have anyone in my life that is blind, but I felt like his character, thoughts, traits, and insecurities were really accurate. Because of James' blindness, he had to trust people and accept that not everyone would deserve that trust. When Trevor comes into his life, he struggles with accepting that any man would want him. I loved how thoughtful Trevor was in regards to dates with James, the times in the story that allowed James to step outside his normal life and experience something that others take for granted. I think it was a great reminder to me to stop and appreciate the little things in life that I normally overlook.

I really enjoyed the characters in this story, I loved Trevor and James and would love to see Trevor's friends appear in books finding their HEA. If you love to read about men overcoming personal struggles, finding love, and working to get their HEA, then this book and all Andrew Grey's books are for you.

Rating: 4.5 stars

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I cant think of one right now but I know I have read some

  2. What are your favorite books in which one of the MC's has a disability?
    Misfits by Garrett Leigh
    Caged Sanctuary by Tempeste O'Riley

  3. I can remember reading Andrews Senses Series and also a couple with brain injurys "The World As He Sees It" by A M Arthur and "Ethan Who Loved Carter" by Ryan Loveless both were great books. I know I've read books with deaf characters but unfortuntely I can't remember the titles at the moment.

  4. Caged Sanctuary by Tempeste O'Riley is one of my favorites.

  5. The Andrews Senses Series.

  6. Heidi Cullinan's Carry the Ocean & Shelter the Sea

  7. Can't think of any at the moment.

  8. Congrats on your release. There are so many opposites attract books out there. One from last year I thought did that well in a fav genre of mine, steampunk, was Blue on Black.- Purple Reader,
    TheWrote [at] aol [doy] com

  9. Thanks for the post. I had a close friend in HS who was blind, so I'm intrigued by this one. Hmm, interesting that I can't think of a book with a character with a disability, maybe because I tend to forget about that as I get to know the character. But than I see ones in the other posts and go, oh yeah - Misfits and Carry the Ocean were both good.- Purple Reader,
    TheWrote [at] aol [doy] com

  10. Definitely The Mating of Michael by Eli Easton. One of the main characters is in a wheelchair.

  11. Kim Fielding "Speechless". Travis has one empty eye socket. Drew cannot speak or write after suffering from aphasia

  12. I have loved a lot of books where an MC has a disability. One of my favorites was Suki Fleet's Foxes.
