Friday, April 7, 2017

Blog Tour ~ Holeshot (A Supercross MM Romance) 2 by Lynn Michaels (Review + Giveaway)

Blog Tour ~ Holeshot (A Supercross MM Romance) 2 by Lynn Michaels (Review + Giveaway)

 TITLE: Holeshot 2
SERIES: Holeshot
AUTHOR: Lynn Michaels
PUBLISHER: Rubicon Fiction
LENGTH: 101,260 words
RELEASE DATE: March 31, 2017

BLURB: In the world of Supercross, taking the holeshot means one racer leaps ahead of the crowd and into first, leaving the rest of the pack behind. Supercross racer, Tate Jordan, wants to take his holeshot on and off the track, but no one else seems to cooperate. His love life is in turmoil and his sponsors don’t expect him to win. Will Tate find someone new to love and a team that believes in him?

Pilot Mahan is a bodyguard and a street fighter looking to build a future, but his plans get derailed when a Supercross racer catches his eye. Can he make a go at a life with Tate Jordan, on the road?

Bryce Nickel is new to Supercross and adulthood. He’s young and fun, but super serious about what he wants. And what he wants is to win races and Tate Jordan. Will he be able to take his holeshot or will the big Apex bodyguard get in the way? Or perhaps, the three can make a compromise?

A super sexy MMM romance set in the Supercross industry – 18+ please.

“In two years, you're going to be gunning me down hard on a 450.”

One eyebrow lifted under that purple hair. “You think?” Bryce looked so vulnerable and sincere, Tate wanted to kiss him. He shoved that thought down hard, though. It would be pretty stupid to have a fling with another racer right then.

“Yeah. I totally think.” His stomach growled hard, interrupting the conversation, making Bryce laugh out loud. “Yeah, I'm starving. Wanna go grab some chow? Or do you need to keep practicing?”

“Nah, let's go eat. I'm not even supposed to be here.” Bryce gave him a sly smile, making those deep blue eyes twinkle. “I heard some hot shot Supercross star was going to be around, so I gave my coach the slip and stalked the track.”

Tate's stomach fluttered with Bryce's admission. He was totally getting under Tate's skin with his cute freckles and arrogant little smirk. “Let's go then.”

3.75 Stars! 

What I Loved: I enjoyed Tate and Pilot and I loved their interactions with one another as well as their banter. Tate and Pilot hooked me from the very beginning of the book. Funnily enough, Tate had me wanting to shake him sometimes and hug him at others. But the two of them together was fun, sweet, sexy and a whole list of adjectives.

The writing is very well done and Lynn Michaels is a great writer. The story flowed well and I was able to picture it vividly in my mind as I read the story. While I didn't always care for the content, it didn't take away from the writing itself.

I also found myself falling in love with Johnny and am looking forward to what is in store for him.

What I Liked: I liked Bryce. I wasn't in love with him like with Pilot and Tate but he grew on me as the story progressed.

What I Didn't Like: I have to be honest and say that I had a big problem with Bryce's age. When we first meet him he isn't quite 18 years old. Reading that had my stomach dropping and I started to pull away from the story. He's too young to me and it made me uncomfortable when I thought about his age. I would have preferred to have us readers meeting him when he was 20.

Tate himself was only 21 which didn't bother me as much but the fact that I never got a clear idea of how old Pilot is made it a bit awkward for me. I don't mind age gap but I don't particularly like it when one of the characters is just barely of age. Maybe I'm getting older or maybe I've been working with children too long, whatever the reason, I wasn't completely comfortable thinking of a kid in this relationship.

***Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie by the author/publisher for my reading pleasure in hopes of an unbiased opinion, a review was not a requirement.**

Lynn Michaels lives and writes in Tampa, Florida where the sun is hot and the Sangria is cold. Lynn is the newest addition to Rubicon Fiction, and she loves reading and writing about hot men in love.

Winner’s Prize: Signed copy of Holeshot 2!

Runner up’s Prize: E-copy of Holeshot 2!

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