Sunday, March 12, 2017

Blog Tour ~ A Tiger's Tale by Lisa Oliver ~ (Excerpt)

Blog Tour ~ A Tiger's Tale by Lisa Oliver ~ (Excerpt) 

Title: A Tiger's Tale
Author: Lisa Oliver
Series: Book 1 of The Arrowtown Series
Publisher: Lisa Oliver
Length: 200 pgs

Seth Carmichael never did anything wrong, but instead of working at the local library, he was running for his life. His herd was hunting him and with few resources, Seth's options were fading fast. Until, that is, he heard the rumble of a motorcycle. Peeking through the tree he was hiding in, he couldn't believe his eyes. Had salvation come in the form of a badass biker? 

Ra (no last name and proud of it) was a tiger on a mission. He'd scented his mate and then the little rabbit ran away before his teeth could engage. Ra heard the gossip around Arrowtown; he knew his mate was a hunted man. But if the sweet man was on the run, he needed someone to look after him; Ra figured he was the right man for the job. 

A meeting, a mating and yet another meeting. What should have been a straightforward relationship turned into so much more on their very first outing as a mated couple. Now Ra has to count on the strength of his mate and the help of his friends, if he and Seth are ever to have the HEA they'd planned for. And what was with all these Fae turning up out of the blue? 

Warning: Contains a tiger who keeps putting his foot in it; a tiny lop-eared rabbit who is stronger than he looks and a bunch of friends who’ll hide a body, no questions asked.

Ra wanted to sing and roar and dance and shout to the heavens. He finally had his mate where he was meant to be. But as he didn’t want to scare his little darling now he’d got him, he restrained himself, watching with delight as Seth polished off two salads and nibbled on some bread. Seth was so dainty with his pale skin and his white hair. His eyes were such a washed out blue they were almost gray, yet Ra had seen them sparkle when his mate laughed. He wanted to see that every day.

“So, my little sweetness, I have to ask, and you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, but it’s just….”

“Is this about my running away when you grabbed me?” Seth met his eyes easily, a small smile creating dimples in his cheeks.

Ra nodded. Truth be told, he was easily distracted and now he’d seen them, his tiger wanted to lick those dimples.

“I knew you were my mate from the scent, of course,” Seth explained looking down at his hands. “I don’t know if you remember but you’d come into town with the other members of your gang, club, or whatever you call your group of friends.”

“We’re a club, not a gang; a group of lone shifters who simply like riding motorcycles. We’re not harmful.”

“Oh, I know,” Seth peeked up at him. “I’ve er…seen you around town. I’d always look for you when I heard the bikes.”

Ra beamed. It was a good sign his mate had been attracted to him before they even met. Then he frowned. “Why did you run then?”

“Have you seen your reflection lately?” Seth chuckled and Ra stopped frowning. “You’re huge and you stomp around town in your badass leathers, with chains hanging off your belt loops. You wore your skull bandana and your black fingerless leather gloves. Do you remember?”

Ra hadn’t given any thought to the way he was dressed. “My outfit bothered you?”

“No, you looked like my ultimate fantasy,” Seth’s head was bowed again. “But then you growled and roared and your teeth shifted and I don’t know. We were in the middle of town; your friends were laughing and I thought they were laughing at me and my body went into stress. When a tiger roars, a rabbit runs for the nearest hiding place.”

Ra frowned and he found himself rubbing Seth’s back softly. He could feel every knob of his mate’s spine. “I was really excited to meet you,” he offered even though he knew it was a lame-ass excuse. Thinking back, he probably did get a little overexcited.

“I know that now, and I was going to come to the clubhouse to see you…but….” Seth trailed off, his voice sad.

“What happened, sweetness,” Ra rocked Seth gently in his arms, trying to soothe his mate’s tension-filled body.

Lisa Oliver had been writing non-fiction books for years when visions of half dressed, buff men started invading her dreams. Unable to resist the lure of her stories, Lisa decided to switch to fiction books, and now stories about her men clamor to get out from under her fingertips.

When Lisa is not writing, she is usually reading with a cup of tea always at hand. Her grown children and grandchildren sometimes try and pry her away from the computer and have found that the best way to do it, is to promise her chocolate. Lisa will do anything for chocolate. Lisa loves to hear from her readers and other writers. She welcomes you to follow her at the links below as well as reach out to her.


  1. Thank you for hosting Lisa Oliver and A Tiger's Tale!

  2. Thank you for posting this for me - thrilled you could be part of my release day :)
