Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Blog Tour ~ Fair Chance by Josh Lanyon ~ (Review + Giveaway)

  • Pub date: March 13, 2017 by Carina Press
  • Series: Lessons in Control, 3 of 3
  • ISBN: 9781335-661302
  • Price: $8.99
  • Genres: Carina Press Romance Promise, Male/Male, Romance, Romantic Suspense
  • Add it to Goodreads
  • Where to buy: Amazon | iBooks | B&N |  Kobo |   Google Play

Elliot Mills comes face-to-face with evil in this follow-up to Fair Game and Fair Play from bestselling author Josh Lanyon
One final game of cat and mouse…  
Ex–FBI agent Elliot Mills thought he was done with the most brutal case of his career. The Sculptor, the serial killer he spent years hunting, is finally in jail. But Elliot’s hope dies when he learns the murderer wasn’t acting alone. Now everyone is at risk once again—thanks to a madman determined to finish his partner’s gruesome mission.
When the lead agent on the case, Special Agent Tucker Lance, goes missing, Elliot knows it’s the killer at work. After all, abducting the love of his life is the quickest way to hurt him.
The chances of finding Tucker are all but impossible without the help of the Sculptor—but the Sculptor is in no position to talk. Critically injured in a prison fight, he lies comatose and dying while the clock ticks down. Elliot has no choice but to play this killer’s twisted game and hope he can find Tucker in time.


  • Deleted scene, or your favourite scene in Fair Chance  

No deleted scenes in this one, but here’s one of my favorite scenes.

Elliot was making a mental note to ask MacAuley for a guest list—and double-checking Tucker hadn’t phoned—when his host reappeared.
“Uh-oh. Checking your messages? You must be bored.” MacAuley grinned broadly.
Elliot pocketed his phone. “Just making sure I remembered to pay the electric bill.”
MacAuley guffawed in delight. “God, you’re a bastard! I love it!”
Elliot took a closer look at him, considering both the hectic flush of MacAuley’s face and the feverish glitter in his eyes. He thought MacAuley seemed noticeably drunker, though still in control.
An experienced drunk. It was not a recommendation, in Elliot’s view.
MacAuley leaned in close and whispered in whisky-soaked accents, “Having fun?”
“Would you like to see my playroom?”
“I’ve seen it,” Elliot said. “Lots of dead mammals. No Ping-Pong table.”
“That was the game room. Very different. Now I’d like to show you my playroom.”
“Want to see it?”
“I’m thinking no.”
“What are you afraid of?”
“Encouraging you.”
That time MacAuley’s laugh had an edge to it. “And I know why. I know everything. What you really want. What you crave.”
Elliot set his empty glass on the tray proffered by one of the circulating caterers and smiled. “I can tell you right now what I really want is nothing in this house.”
“You’re so wrong. I know all about you. I knew the first time I ever looked in your eyes what you needed, what you wanted.” MacAuley leaned forward and whispered hotly into Elliot’s ear, “Sexual. Submission.”
Strangely, Elliot’s heart gave a little jump at the words. He still managed an unimpressed “Hmm.”
MacAuley drew back, smiling. He looked supremely self-satisfied. “It’s no use trying to pretend with me,” he said softly. “You’re a sub, Elliot. A sub desperately, urgently in need of a Dom.”
Elliot said, “And here I thought the evening couldn’t get any weirder.”
MacAuley ignored that, putting his seductive, silky voice to good use. “Submit to me for one night—one night of mind-blowing pleasure—and I guarantee in the morning you’ll be begging me not to send you away.”
Mind-blowing pleasure. Did people really say that? “That’s quite a load of…confidence.”
“I am confident. I have plenty of reason to be.” MacAuley glanced pointedly at his own crotch, which admittedly did appear to be listening. In fact, it was starting to look like he kept surveillance equipment down there.
“I’ll take your word for it.” Elliot managed to keep his voice steady—he’d had enough to drink that he was finding the very inappropriateness of this funny.
“I don’t want you to take my word for it. I’m offering you something I don’t offer just anyone. Something you want. Something we both want. Something you need.”
Elliot opened his mouth, but MacAuley rushed on. “Yes, need. I know all about you, Elliot. I’ve made a study of you.” His expression was weirdly earnest. “You know, people talk.”
“I appreciate the offer, but no thanks.”
MacAuley drew back. “But why?” He seemed truly perplexed.
“Because…” Was there a polite way to say this? “I’m not— I’m in a relationship. I’ve already got what I need.”
In fact, he was looking forward to sharing some of this conversation with Tucker, hopefully later that night. He’d had an earlier text saying Tucker had arrived safely in Wyoming but couldn’t talk.
Granted, when Tucker heard about this, he was liable not to be nearly as amused.
MacAuley was now openly pouting. “Special Agent Lance? That…that tabby cat. What you want is a tiger.”
Don’t laugh. Do. Not. Laugh. MacAuley was potentially useful, too useful to mortally offend, and there were some things no guy could forgive. Laughing at MacAuley in the middle of his big seduction speech was one of them. Not that this wasn’t getting old fast, but it was nothing Elliot couldn’t handle.
“As a matter of fact, I’m allergic to cats, Will.”
MacAuley opened his mouth to protest, but they were interrupted by an elegantly dressed actress Elliot vaguely remembered from tabloid covers in the market checkout line. Hadn’t she killed her sometimes director–sometimes boyfriend during a domestic violence incident?
MacAuley was all charm bidding his guest goodnight, and then turned determinedly back to Elliot, who tried to head him off.
“Corian’s accomplice isn’t here, is he? He never was. There is no unsub. Somehow you got hold of that rumor and thought you’d use it—”
“That’s not true!” MacAuley seemed honestly indignant. “He was here. He left before you arrived.”
“Then give me a name. Or at least give me your source.”
“I’m not giving you a name!” MacAuley’s voice had risen, but he lowered it hastily, with an uneasy look at the watchful faces turned their way. “I’m not doing your job for you.” Calculation flared in his eyes. “Not without something in return.”
“You’re playing a dangerous game,” Elliot warned.
MacAuley grinned, his good humor suddenly restored. “Maybe. But I like games. As you know, hunting is my favorite sport.”
“I think you’re underestimating the ability of people to put two and two together.”
MacAuley winked suggestively. “I think you’re underestimating my ability to put two things together, Elliot.”
This was going nowhere—or at least nowhere Elliot wanted to go. He said quietly, “If one of your guests really has gotten away with murder—do you not grasp how edgy, how anxious, how dangerous that person could be?”
MacAuley murmured back, “One night. That’s all I’m asking. That’s all it will take. Wear my collar for one night, and you’ll never willingly remove it again.”
Elliot sighed. The heavy-handed seduction routine had gone from funny to wearying. MacAuley was into costumes and rituals and roles. He couldn’t understand that it had never been about that for Elliot, and it certainly wasn’t about that now.
“Good night, MacAuley.”
“Coward.” MacAuley’s tone was indulgent. “You’ll change your mind. You’ll see!”
Elliot shook his head, unwillingly amused again by this totally unfounded optimism. He kept walking. “Sure I will. Stay safe.”
MacAuley called after him, “Where’s the fun in that?”

5 Unputdownable Stars!!!

Fair Chance is book 3 in the All’s Fair series and it can be read as a standalone, which is what I did. The author provides enough background information so that the reader doesn’t feel lost with the events that happened in the first two books. However, it was such an amazing read that I’ll read the first books ASAP, because I want more Elliot and Tucker.  

Elliot and Tucker are going strong one year after they got together. The Sculptor has been caught and it’s likely he’s facing life in prison. However, new developments seem to point to the possibility of him having an accomplice and they haven’t found the place where he disposed of the rest of the bodies of the persons he killed. Corian is intent on engaging Elliot in a game that might prove tragic and even if it’s the last thing Elliot wants to do, he might not have the chance to say no. When Tucker goes missing and Corian is attacked in prison and left in a coma, Elliot will need to step up to the plate.

I loved this book to bits! The love story between Elliot and Tucker, who are amazing together and have a magnetic chemistry. The emotional upheaval when Tucker went missing and all Elliot went through when that happened. This fast-paced, action-packed crime thriller had enough twists and turns to keep me wondering and theorizing and plain hanging on to every single word. The balance between the romance and the suspense was great, and the vast array of secondary characters gave more depth to the story and kept me guessing at their involvement. The writing was stellar and I was swept away into the complex, intelligent and witty plotline from the first to the last word.

Definitely a must-read for fans of crime thrillers and Josh Lanyon!

*** Copy provided to the reviewer for my reading pleasure, a review wasn't a requirement. ***

About Josh Lanyon

Bestselling author of over sixty titles of classic Male/Male fiction featuring twisty mystery, kickass adventure and unapologetic man-on-man romance, JOSH LANYON has been called “arguably the single most influential voice in m/m romance today.” Granted, that was yesterday.
Today Josh’s work has been translated into nine languages. The FBI thriller Fair Game was the first male/male title to be published by Harlequin Mondari, the largest romance publisher in Italy. The Adrien English series was awarded the 2nd Annual All Time Favorite Male Male Couple by the Goodreads M/M Group. Josh is an Eppie Award winner, a four-time Lambda Literary Award finalist for Gay Mystery, and the first ever recipient of the Goodreads Favorite M/M Author Lifetime Achievement award.
Josh is married and lives in Southern California.

Find Josh:

Blog Tour in March
Monday, March 6th – Tome Tender – Guest Posts
Tuesday, March 7th – Alpha Book Club – Guest Posts
Wednesday, March 8th – Books,Dreams,Life – Interview (Author or Character)
Thursday, March 9th – Rainy Days and Pajamas – Guest Posts
Friday, March 10th – Gay Book Reviews – Guest Posts
– –
Monday, March 13th – Joyfully Jay 
Tuesday, March 13th – The Silver Dagger Scriptorium – Guest Posts
Wednesday, March 15th – Bayou Book Junkie – Guest Post
Thursday, March 16th – – Interview (Author or Character)
Friday, March 17th – Bewitched Bookworms – Guest Post


  1. I love romantic suspense/thrillers and this sounds like a wonderful series! Thanks for the review and spotlight and giveaway!

  2. I love this type of book. Sounds really good.

  3. Congrats on your release, I hope to read the series soon

  4. I love Josh's books and this sounds awesome

  5. Sounds so good. Looking forward to reading it =)

  6. I just started reading it last night! Love this series.
