Friday, March 10, 2017

AotM ~ Better Than Safe by Lane Hayes (Reviews+Giveaway)

Better Than Safe

Paul Fallon is a fashion advertising guru. He’s a genius at dealing with difficult editors, art directors, and designers alike. He thrives on the chaotic atmosphere and constant challenges. But in his personal life, he’s hoping for peace and stability. Settling down with a nice doctor or lawyer sounds perfect. Anyone but an artist. He’s been there, done that, and he doesn’t want to relive the heartache.

Seth Landau is a model, occasional guitarist, and aspiring painter. He’s quirky, flighty, and wise beyond his years. Life has taught him some tough lessons, then given him opportunities he never dreamed of. He’s learned to appreciate the fragility of life and to express it in his work. Seth’s flare for the absurd combined with a supple mind and a beautiful body are too alluring for Paul to ignore. Against his best intentions, Paul is drawn to the younger man whose particular brand of crazy challenges Paul to accept that things aren’t always as they seem. Sometimes taking a chance is better than being safe.

5 Stars

While I have loved most of the characters throughout this series, I have to say, in this book I found the character I loved the most and also the one I disliked the most. I loved Seth. I know he is flighty and flaky, but I was drawn to him. I really wanted the story to be told from his POV. I didn't really care for Paul. I found he was a prim, proper and a British snob. Too uptight, but I guess Seth is so Rock~N~Roll, artsy and crass, they seemed to find a balance that worked.

Although I didn't like Paul throughout most of the story, both men had interesting and intriguing backstories. Both men are slightly broken and damaged in different ways and they grow throughout the book. They find a way to help each other trust, heal and fall in love. This was a well written, and well paced book filled with laughter, beauty, sweetness and steamy sex.

4 Stars!

Paul Fallon thinks settling down with a nice doctor or lawyer sounds perfect. He isn't going to let himself fall for another artist, that will only lead to pain. So when his friend sets him up with the gorgeous model he has been eyeing, Paul can't help but be skeptical, if only the man wasn't so beautiful.

Seth Landau isn't just a model, he's also a musician and more importantly, an artist. His quirky, off-the-wall attitude and his aversion to being on time may turn some people off, but underneath his laissez-faire attitude is a strong, intelligent man. As much as Paul fights his attraction to him there is something that keeps drawing him back in.

Even though Paul knows deep down things won't work out, he lets Seth talk him into taking a chance. Now Paul will have to learn to let go of his tight control and take a risk. History doesn't always repeat itself and sometimes taking a chance is better than being safe.

Well it was hard for me at first to like Paul, he's a snobby humorless control freak. But somewhere along the line Paul started to break my heart and I realized that he was much more than meets the eye. I started to find his grumpy disposition endearing. Paul was actually one of those people I think you either love or hate and somehow I wound up loving him.

As for Seth, I'm not going to lie I was absolutely not a fan. Again, however much he got on my nerves at first I wound up truly liking him by the end of the book. Will he be my favorite? No, but I think he makes a great match for Paul and I was very happy with the ending.

And on a side note it was nice to have a small glimpse of Rand. It's making me excited to start the next series A Kind Of Stories. I definitely recommend the Better Than series.

***A copy of these books were provided to Bayou Book Junkie by the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review.***

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I like opposites-attract stories, I have a number of them I like; among others Strawberries for Dessert by Marie Sexton and I Spy series & The Dickens with Love by Josh Lanyon.

  2. I do like opposites-attract romance. On top of my head are "Rose is a Rose" by Jet Mykles, "Strawberries for Dessert" by Marie Sexton, "The Burnt Toast B&B" by Heidi Belleau & Rachel Haimowitz, and "A Seditious Affair" by K.J. Charles

  3. My favourite opposites attract is "Muscling Through" by J L Merrow

  4. I do like opposite-attract romance. The Enemies to Lovers series by Anyta Sunday, Trouble and the Wallflower by Kade Boehme, Sixty-Five hours by N.R. Walker. To name just a few.

  5. I love opposites attract. I recently read Scary by J.M. Dabney. Definitely opposites. LOL

  6. I do like some opposites-attract stories. Like the other posters have mentioned above Strawberries For Dessert is a wonderful story. I've read it several times & it's my favorite from the Coda series.

  7. I recent one I really liked was Falling by S.K. Grayson.

  8. Thanks for the reviews. Yeah, opposites create a nice set of dynamics for tension in a story. One I've recently read and loved is The Sallee Rover by M. Kei, a nautical historical - just imagine if Hornblower & Sparrow were gay and met on the high seas! - Purple Reader
    - TheWrote [at] aol [dot] com
