Friday, September 8, 2017

Review Tour: Memories by Ruby Moone (REV, EXC + Giveaway)

Length: 69,458 words

Publisher: JMS Books


Will Marsden is a man on the run from his memories and his past. Steward of Denton Manor was a good position until Captain Dearne, the owner, lost the manor on the turn of a card. When the feckless Dearne is dumped unconscious and near death on his doorstep, Will grudgingly accepts an enormous sum of money to care for him.

Dearne regains consciousness but has no memories of how he came to be in the bed of a dark-haired, angry, but gorgeous man or how he came to be so badly injured.

When nightmares drive Dearne into Will’s arms every night, the attraction between them explodes. As Dearne battles with lost memories, he is forced to accept the fact that someone in his family wants him dead, and Will is forced to confront his past head on. Will the revelations uncovered tear them apart?

August 29 - Gay Book Reviews, RAM PA Group

September 2 - Making It Happen, My Fiction Nook
September 4 - BooksLaidBareBoys
September 8 - Bayou Book Junkie, Bonkers About Books


Will returned with a bag and pulled out the salve and some more linen. He quickly washed and dried his hands, and then busied himself with unwrapping him, eyes firmly fixed on his thigh, although his hands felt a little unsteady. Dearne adjusted his shirt when his cock twitched at his gentle touch. Any budding arousal was swiftly truncated though when Will pulled off the pad of gauze, sending red hot agony through his entire body and Dearne couldn’t stifle yet another high-pitched shriek.

“Sorry, sorry…” Will put his hand on Dearne’s arm and held on tight whilst he brought his breath under control. He hardly dared look at his leg.

“It’s not too bad,” Will said, so he peeled open one eye and squinted down. It was healing well. He presumed the pain was simply from dislodging the scabs. He breathed more evenly as Will dipped a cloth in the warm water that had been left in the rooms for them and bathed him. He relaxed fractionally.

“It is healing well,” Will said, drying him and then smoothing the salve over the wound. He replaced the old pad with a new one, then wound the makeshift bandage back around. “We could see if there is a physician in the town? Perhaps you should see someone who knows best how to deal with injuries.”

Dearne shook his head. “It is doing just fine. No need to involve anyone else in our escapade.”

Will smiled at that. “We have a couple of hours before we eat. Why don’t you sleep.” Dearne watched Will fold the old bandages and then wash his hands again. When he turned around and looked at him, lying on the bed with no breeches or smalls, he felt oddly exposed and for some reason, that excited him. Beneath his hand his cock hardened. He let himself relax against the pillow and watched Will’s jaw tighten and his eyes become fixed to his groin where he still cupped himself beneath his shirt. His whole body flushed as a surge of need tightened his skin. Will felt it too, judging by the bulge in his breeches.

“Will…” His voice was low, husky.

“Don’t.” Will closed his eyes and swallowed. “Don’t.”

“Don’t what?”

Will opened his eyes, those beautiful dark eyes, and Dearne was shocked to see misery in them. “You know what I mean.”

Dearne looked pointedly at Will’s groin. “Why?”

“Because it’s wrong.”


“Yes, wrong. I can’t go through all that again. I can’t.” He turned away and picked up his bag. “I’ll see you for dinner.”


He paused momentarily by the door as if he would respond, but then yanked it open and left. Dearne flopped back on the bed and groaned.

* * * *

Will sat on the edge of his bed. His whole body trembled. He held his hands before him and watched them shake before jamming them under his armpits and rocking. His heart was pounding as though it might burst out of his chest and fierce longing made his entire body ache. He screwed his eyes closed and willed the need to go away, tried to think of sad things, horrid things, the pain, the shame, but all he could see was Dearne laid on the bed, hand on his cock. Those long, strong legs finely dusted with hair, that watchful smile that crept out at odd moments, and his eyes. Christ, his eyes. Ever since the morning they had woken and, half asleep, he had kissed Dearne’s shoulder, run his tongue over those freckles that sat like gold dust on his skin and he had begged him for more, all he could taste was Dearne’s mouth. All he could feel now was Dearne’s mouth. All he wanted was Dearne’s mouth.

He wrapped his arms around his middle and bent over until his head almost touched his knees and barely recognised the keening sound that came from his mouth as everything threatened to spiral out of control.

He didn’t hear the door open, he didn’t hear Dearne until he sat beside him and put an arm around his shoulders. And try as he might, he didn’t resist when Dearne pulled him into his arms. They sat, side by side, with Dearne holding him awkwardly, and Will pressing his head onto Dearne’s shoulder and gradually the trembling subsided.

“I don’t suppose you want to talk about it?” Dearne said.

“God, no.” Will shuddered.

“Thank Christ.”

Will glanced up and Dearne offered him a crooked smile.

4.5 Stars!!!

Will had found his ideal job as a steward at Denton Manor until the owner lost the manor at the games' table. So, of course, the last thing he expects is to have said owner, Captain Dearne, delivered by his sister, unconscious and badly injured. However, he can't say no to helping the Captain, especially when he's offered a sum that would mean he won't have to worry about money again in his life if he takes care of Dearne and guards him against whoever wants him dead. 

When Dearne (aka Max) wakes up, they realize that he's lost his memories of everything that happened after the battle of Waterloo, other than the nightly nightmares which drive Dearne into Will's arms. Even when Will is understandably angry at Max, he can't escape the attraction that blooms between them. As Dearne slowly regains his memories, they start to realize that maybe Dearne wasn't the one who lost Denton Manor and that perhaps there's someone that is interested in making sure he's not alive to claim it back.

Will is prickly and angry and he just wants to be left alone, however, furious as he is of having lost his livelihood, he can't turn Dearne away when he needs him. My heart broke for him when his past came to light. I can easily imagine many men going through what he went through during that time period and it's just horrible. Dearne was amazing! Even with his memory loss and his injuries, his confusion, there was this strength and innate goodness to him. I adored them both individually and together. They had great chemistry and worked well together, their relationship changing from enemies to friends to lovers in a very organic way. 

The mystery portion of the book was full of intrigue and suspense to culminate in a big reveal that I truly can say I didn't see coming. Perhaps there was too much build-up for the way it was ultimately resolved, and I had hoped for a more satisfying conclusion, but it was a solid one. 

I loved Gussy and Araminta, Max's nephew and sister and Rose, and I really wouldn't be opposed to reading a story with Augustus and Cross and seeing where all the persuading got them. 😉

All in all, I have a new favorite Ruby Moone book! While I've loved all the books by this author that I've had the chance to read and review, there was something special about Memories, from the characters to the writing to the excellent plot and to the very realistic ending. Highly recommendable!

*** Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure, a review wasn't a requirement. *** 

Author Bio

My name is Ruby Moone and I love books. All kinds of books. My weakness is for romance, and that can be any kind, but I am particularly fond of historical and paranormal. I decided to write gay romance after reading some fantastic books and falling in love with the genre, so am really thrilled to have my work published here. The day job takes up a lot of my time, but every other spare moment finds me writing or reading. I live in the north west of England with my husband who thinks that I live in two worlds. The real world and in the world in my head...he probably has a point!

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Twitter - @RubyMooneWriter
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