Tuesday, September 5, 2017

GRL2017 Blog Tour: Bayou Book Junkie Welcomes Dianne Hartstock

GRL2017 Blog Tour: Bayou Book Junkie Welcomes Dianne Hartstock

Hello! Welcome to my stop in the GRL Blog Tour. Are you having fun with the tour? I know I am. We have some fabulous hosts for us again this year, and I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone participating, authors and readers and blog hosts alike.
How many of you will be at GRL this year? This is my virgin trip, and though I’ll be attending as a supporting author, I’m still a little nervous. I saw a meme on Facebook the other day that said something like, ‘If you look up introvert in the dictionary, you’d find my name.’
That’s so me! I was a nervous wreck just signing up for GRL. I mean, what if I get there and no one wants to talk to me, and I end up sitting alone and lonely in some bar? Or worse! What if they all want to talk to me and are then disappointed I’m not the life of the party? Yep, this is the convoluted thinking I do every day.
But I took a deep breath, gathered my courage, and hit SEND.
And honestly, when I look passed the numbing fear, I’m genuinely excited to be going. Have you seen the list of participating authors? Wow! So many of my favorite authors will be there. I’ll be in fan girl heaven. Can’t wait to share this joy with my fellow readers.
You know, I think this is why I write the characters I do, each a trifle flawed and insecure, attracted to the flame of a more outgoing, confident lover. Well I know the pounding heart and sweaty palms as he waits, breath held, for their glance to meet.
Oh, the electricity when it does! Caught, he can’t help but stare at the object of his desire. Blood rushes. His face is hot. Dear god in heaven! Don’t let his uncontrollable arousal be noticeable. Shyness strikes light lightning and he drops his gaze to his shoes. How would such a gorgeous creature be interested in someone like him? He fights the demons in his head telling him he isn’t good enough. What is he doing there? Better question, why had he come in the first place!
But like most introverts, he stumbles across the room anyway, blurting out the words he’s rehearsed in his head all evening, hoping to hell he doesn’t sound like a blathering fool, “Hi. I was hoping you’d be here tonight.’
Did he even make sense? Hard to hear over the roaring pulse in his ears. But glorious day! His crush smiles and says, ‘I said I’d come.’
Okay, I’m getting off topic. I’ll take a breath, though I must confess this scenario sounds more like me than any of my characters. They always seem to have more poise and confidence than I ever will, sweet and sure, with that indefinable something that draws their lover like a moth to flame.
So anyway, if you happen to see me at GRL with a self-conscious, slightly bemused but happy smile on my face, come introduce yourself. I’d love to meet you. I just might have trouble making the first move.

Shelton in Love
Shelton is falling hard for his best friend and roommate, finding Nevil's dark good looks and moments of gentleness almost impossible to resist. But Nevil is more interested in affairs of the body than the heart. As Shelton's desire for the man grows, he wonders if he can change Nevil's mind. But does he even want to? Nevil might not stay, once he learns Shelton's secret, and then his loneliness would be complete.

Dianne Hartsock
Dianne is the author of paranormal/suspense, fantasy adventure, m/m romance, and anything else that comes to mind. Oh, and a floral designer, which is the perfect job for her. When not writing, she can express herself through the rich colors and textures of flowers and foliage.

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