Monday, September 4, 2017

Flashback Review: And It Came To Pass by Laura Stone


Adam Young is a devout, young Mormon following the pious path set forth for him by his church and family. But when his mission trajectory sends him to Barcelona, Spain, with a handsome mission companion named Brandon Christensen, Adam discovers there may be more to life and love than he ever expected.

5 Stars

Adam Young is sent to Barcelona, Spain to serve as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of LDS, for the next two years. Although he was raised in the religion and strictly follows it, he hasn't found that spark that others claim to feel at being called to serve. When he arrives at his destination, he meets his companion, Brandon Christensen, the man who will take Adam under his wing and guide him.

As time goes by and Brandon and Adam spend more time together, they open up to one another about their questionings of the church's scriptures. Both men have questions about the scripture, something that is frowned upon. You don't question the church or their leaders. While Brandon is a bit more comfortable, Adam is much more frightened of the strong feelings he has for Brandon and both men war with themselves about acting on these feelings. What will happen if they are caught?

I'm always torn about reading stories focused on organized religion, especially one as strict as the Mormon religion. I get so angry that people pick and choose from the Bible what they want to follow and preach.

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Adam had heard his father say he’d kill “any son of mine who turned queer” in a priesthood meeting after the Church made its official statement about children of gays and lesbians being denied the blessings and promises of the Church, of baptism. He remembered his father’s smug satisfaction when the Church doubled down on their LGBT stance in November of 2015, saying children of gay and lesbian couples would be denied baptism and the blessings of the Priesthood until they turned eighteen and denounced their parents, rejecting them as family.

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How is this Christian?! This is just beyond disgusting and it's a shame that some people really feel this way.

I absolutely loved both Brandon and Adam. They were so sweet and very lovable characters. My stomach was in knots throughout the story hoping they could find their way to a Hea. They had amazing chemistry and I loved the natural progression of their relationship, it felt organic and unhurried. Their fears were realistic and valid and in the end those fears were also well founded.

The story is well-written and paced well. The author's extensive knowledge of the religion really comes through in her writing. I not only loved the main characters, but I really liked some of the other missionaries.

Although most of the story is serious, as is the subject matter, the story is also filled with friendship, acceptance, laughter and of course, love. Very recommendable!

*copy provided by author/publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

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