Monday, September 4, 2017

Blog Tour: The Bones of Our Fathers by Elin Gregory (Guest Post + Giveaway)

Crazy Questions

Many thanks for agreeing to host me.

If you could be any Disney character who would you be, and why?
Easy and I think quite obvious choice. He's lucky, durable, and at a crucial moment, though if you blink you'll miss it, he saves the day, then he goes back to his simple, undemanding life with no stress or worries. He's truly content to be who he is and if that isn't bliss I don't know what is. I'm thinking of Heihei the rooster from Moana. What a cock!

If you could have a superpower, what would it be and why?
Proofreading. No, honestly it IS a superpower. Just think of what's involved. You have to be able to read a whole book with utter concentration but without being distracted from the plot, be able to focus on the smallest irregularity – a misplaced comma, a doubled space – without losing sight of the structure of the paragraph, be able to pick out typos both on an individual basis and with regard to consistency when the word might only appear chapters apart. And you need to be able to do it under pressure with a tight deadline. By my book that is most definitely a superpower!

If you had to be a cat, dog, or a rat, which would you choose and why?

There's something to be said for all three. Cats sleep for up to 16 hours a day and spend the rest of their time demanding food or attention, or murdering things. Dogs are more active but the dog that I know best still spends a fair amount of time upside down snoozing. When he has topped up his energy levels he goes back to seeing how many tennis balls he can get in his mouth, offering them to you but not quite giving them up and begging for cuddles. Rats are the busiest and seem to have loads of fun, but they only live for three years so have a lot to cram in. On the whole I think maybe a dog would be best as long as it was a properly appreciated dog.

If you had to be a character in a Stephen King book - which one would you choose?

This was really difficult. I'm a fan of Stephen King's writing - what writer isn't? – and am filled with admiration for the way he throws everything he's got into a plot and makes it all work. But I have to admit that while I like his style his characters don't stay with me. Maybe it's because I'm not a horror reader? Until a few years ago I hadn't read any of his books, but work colleague said that I ought to and loaned me a selection, one a month, of the ones that weren't horror as such, or were less horrific. I truly wouldn't want to be in any of the books, but I guess the character I found most accessible is Jake Epping, the time travelling school-teacher in the book 11/22/63. I remember the Kennedy assassination, and had a great time rooting for Jake and wishing that he'd succeed in stopping the destruction of the world, but all things considered I'd rather be in Middle-Earth.

In Harry Potter, what spells would you have written that JK Rowling didn't?

Well now, I have to be truthful here. My very first piece of publicly displayed fiction was a Harry Potter fan fic concerning a museum conservator accidentally finding a wand and a sheaf of handwritten spells concealed in the spine of a copy of Isaac Newton's Principia. Spells include:

Nepabractarus - curse, causes victim to believe his trousers are full of scorpions. 

Sternutamentum alga - hex, causes recipient to sneeze copious amounts of seaweed. 
Fellatifalsus - curse, causes recipient to experience sensations associated with oral sex.
Semper simper - hex, causes recipient to smile continuously.
Testetinnare - hex, causes recipient's testicles to jingle when he walks.

If nothing else they prove that I have only the barest nodding acquaintance with Classical Latin.

Length: 80,000 words approx

Publisher: Manifold Press

Cover Design: Michelle Peart


Malcolm Bright, brand new museum curator in a small Welsh Border town, is a little lonely until – acting as emergency archaeological consultant on a new housing development – he crosses the path of Rob Escley, aka Dirty Rob, who makes Mal’s earth move in more ways than one.

Then Rob discovers something wonderful, and together they must combat greedy developers and a treasure hunter determined to get his hands on the find. Are desperate measures justified to save the bones of our fathers? Will Dirty Rob live up to his reputation? Do museum curators really do it meticulously?

Answers must be found for the sake of Mal’s future, his happiness and his heart.

Author Bio

Elin Gregory lives in South Wales and works in a museum in a castle built on the edge of a Roman Fort! She reckons that's a pretty cool job.

Elin usually writes on historical subjects, and enjoys weaving the weird and wonderful facts she comes across in her research into her plots. She likes her heroes hard as nails but capable of tenderness when circumstances allow. Often they are in danger, frequently they have to make hard choices, but happy endings are always assured.

Current works in progress include one set during the Great War, another in WW2, one set in the Dark Ages and a series of contemporary romances set in a small town on the Welsh border.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Hosted By Signal Boost Promotions

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