Monday, April 10, 2017

Release Day Reviews ~ Saved by Karrie Roman

Release Day Reviews ~ Saved by Karrie Roman

Author: Karrie Roman
Category: Romance
Genre: Contemporary
Theme: Crime
Word Count: 70000
Sex Content: Explicit
Pairing: MM
Orientation: BisexualGay
Identity: Cisgender

Tags: criminals, gay, kidnapping, law enforcement, PTSD, thriller

Buy Link: NineStar Press  Amazon


Detective Jack Mitchell is not a people person. After fourteen years dealing with the monsters of society, he has learned to keep people at arm’s length. Failing is his biggest frustration, and on the case of his career, he is having no luck hunting down a copycat serial killer…or the one man who survived the original case.

Six years ago, Will Blaikie was taken by a monster who changed his life forever. Narrowly surviving, he has become a prisoner in his own home. Friendless and alone, he watches in horror as a new monster emerges who only wants to copy the murderous deeds of Will’s monster…including taking Will.

When these two men are thrown together, and the monster comes for them both, one must learn to feel safe and protected, and the other must learn to feel love and peace.

4.5 Stars! 

These two men might seem like complete opposites but when it all comes down to it they are perfect for one another. I loved how their relationship evolved naturally as the case went on. From their first uncomfortable meeting, their embarrassing second encounter to the development of a friendship that blossomed into something more. I had no trouble believing in Will and Jack.

Jack may have begun as a jerk. The type of cop that everyone avoids because they can't tolerate him. But my opinion changed fairly quickly and I found myself falling for him right away. He was funny and a bit rough around the edges. However he was loyal and protective and when it came to Will he was rather sweet.

Will was extremely likable and I was rooting for him throughout the entire story. His interactions with Jack were great and I liked that he was stronger than many would give him credit for. I would love to see how his character progresses after his ordeal now that his life is so different and he has a wonderful support system.

I think Karrie Roman did a fabulous job with Saved. I was entranced the entire time with the story as well as the romance. I'm very interested to see what the future holds for Karrie and will be on the lookout for another story. I would definitely recommend this book.

***Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie by the author/publisher for my reading pleasure in hopes of an unbiased opinion, a review was not a requirement.**

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