Monday, April 10, 2017

Blog Tour ~ Rainbow Sprinkles by Anna Martin (Giveaway)

Blog Tour ~ Rainbow Sprinkles by Anna Martin (Giveaway)

Hello! And welcome to my blog tour for my Dreamspinner Press ‘States of Love’ novella Rainbow Sprinkles.

Rainbow Sprinkles tells the story of Cooper, a down-to-earth guy who makes ice cream at the Dreamy Creamery, and Drew, who’s a Prince at Disneyland. I’d actually had the idea for the characters for a while when I saw the open call for States of Love novellas, which gave me the perfect excuse to write a ridiculously fluffy little story about two guys falling in love in California.

And Disneyland.

I’m a big, big Dis-nerd. Unapologetically so, with a huge amount of love and an abundance of opinions. Since Rainbow Sprinkles is only a novella I don’t want to give too much of the story away, so I’ve got a little excerpt for you and then
through my blog tour I’ll be covering some of my favourite parts of Disneyland!

Up today is my favourite attraction in Mickey’s Toontown. Please do leave a comment and let me know your favourite rides and places at Disneyland!
Anna xx

March 29 - Love Bytes
March 31 - Diverse Reader
April 3 - Gay Book Reviews
April 7 - My Fiction Nook
April 10 - Bayou Book Junkie
April 14 - Joyfully Jay
April 16 - Anna Martin

Length: 21,795 words


Cooper Reed has a fairly relaxed life for someone who lives in LA. He’s no celebrity—just the guy who makes sundaes at the Dreamy Creamery, and that’s the way he likes it. The highlight of every week is the beautiful guy who turns up and orders a sundae with rainbow sprinkles. Cooper still isn’t sure if that’s a code, because he has a huge crush and the hot guy is terrible at flirting.

Drew Tanner, it turns out, is an original California dreamer. He’s as wholesome as apple pie and twice as sweet, a real-life Disney Prince at Disneyland. But while Drew’s head is in the clouds, Cooper’s feet are firmly on the ground, and their different outlooks might be more than their new relationship can take.


“Can I get a….”

He looked over the menu like he didn’t stop by here at least once a week. Cooper would have expected anyone who got two sundaes a week to be a little chubby around the edges, but not his hottie. He was tall and broad shouldered, with a narrow waist and long legs. Most of the time he came by in workout gear. Whoever thought to put an ice cream parlor on the same patch as a gym was either an idiot or a genius. Probably a genius, since the Dreamy Creamery was signposted on billboards for miles, and they were on the main route into Disneyland. The place saw a lot of tourist traffic.

“Birthday Cake and Green Tea.”

Cooper winced. “You sure?”

“I’m adventurous.”

“You’re sure something,” Cooper laughed, turning back to the freezers and his scoop. “In a cup, right?”

“Yeah. And with—”

“Rainbow sprinkles,” Cooper finished for him.

Always the same. Always gross combinations of ice cream, topped with rainbow sprinkles, and if that wasn’t code, Cooper was going to die.

Mickey’s Toontown

Mickey’s House

Are we going to be honest with each other, dear readers? Because we might admit quietly to one another that Mickey’s Toontown has seen better days. I imagine that back in the bright and carefree days of the early 90’s it was a real draw to the under 5’s crowd, but these days it’s a sad and tired little corner at the back of the park.

If we are to believe the rumours (and I like to think I’ve got an ear to the ground when it comes to all things Disney parks) Mickey’s Toontown could close not long after Star Wars Land opens in 2018 to make way for a Fantasyland expansion, including a new Frozen themed area. This would certainly make sense, considering how on-the-ball Disney have been in incorporating their current “big thing” into the parks (such as the previously mentioned Star Wars Land, re-theming the Norway attraction at Epcot to Frozen Ever After, and giving Tower of Terror at Disney California Adventure a Guardians of the Galaxy makeover.)

If Anna and Elsa do move in, there’s one very important attraction that would have to find a new home, and that’s Mickey’s House. Though Roger Rabbit’s Cartoon Spin is a great ride, for me, the main reason to venture back into Toontown is the chance to meet the mouse himself.

As Walt himself said, “it all started with a mouse”!

Author Bio

Anna Martin is from a picturesque seaside village in the southwest of England and now lives in the Bristol, a city that embraces her love for the arts. After spending most of her childhood making up stories, she studied English literature at university before attempting to turn her hand as a professional writer.

Apart from being physically dependent on her laptop, Anna is enthusiastic about writing and producing local grassroots theater (especially at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, where she can be found every summer), going to visit friends in other countries, and reading anything that’s put under her nose.

Anna claims her entire career is due to the love, support, prereading, and creative ass kicking provided by her best friend Jennifer. Jennifer refuses to accept responsibility for anything Anna has written.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Hosted By Signal Boost Promotions

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