Monday, January 2, 2017

Release Day Review ~ Love's Tethered Heart by C.L. Etta

Release Day Review ~ Love's Tethered Heart by C.L. Etta

Title: Love's Tethered Heart

Author: C.L. Etta

Release Date: January 2, 2017
Category: Contemporary
Pages: 226

Two years ago Mico and his partner suffered a savage gay bashing that left Mico a quadriplegic—and ended his dreams of traveling the world as an archeologist. Abandoned by the man he loved, he lives in isolation, tethered to his bed by the machines keeping him alive, with only his caretakers and immediate family as companions.
Assigned to interview Mico and uncover the story behind his assault and his refusal to identify his attackers, journalist Danny is unprepared for his reaction to the fragile, yet enigmatic man. Mico is afraid to let Danny into his life, and Danny is unsure how to change his mind. Mico is also keeping secrets, and he isn’t the only one. Danny is determined to protect Mico, and he’s determined to show Mico that their feelings for each other can thrive amidst the mechanics of Mico’s existence.
If you enjoy romantic tales of heartbreak turned to hope, the life-affirming story of Danny and Mico will make you believe in the possibility of love for everyone—no matter what obstacles they face.

*Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie by Dreamspinner Press for my reading pleasure in hopes of an unbiased opinion, a review was not a requirement.*

Journalist Danny has been given a chance to interview Mico, a quadriplegic that lives in isolation. Two years previously, Mico and his lover suffered a gay bashing that resulted in him losing his lover and all his future plans. He refused to press charges against the men who attacked him and has never granted an interview before. But Danny doesn't expect his attraction to Mico and doesn't expect the revelations he learns through his interview. Danny has to deal with writing Mico's story but also, accept what he learns about Mico. He also has to figure out a way to accept his attraction, convince Mico of his feelings, and figure out a way for them to be together.

Danny was raised in a religious household, his father being a pastor and his best friend. Danny still lives at home with his parents and have a great relationship with them. Danny leans very heavily on his father and seeks his counsel often. Danny has a plan for his life and falling for Mico makes him alter his dreams. Once he decides to build a future for Mico, he's all in, with no thought to what Mico may want, which creates issues.

Mico was living his dream life before the attack. He had wonderful, supportive parents; a boyfriend, whom he loved and planned a future with; and an exciting career as an archaeologist with lots of traveling and exploring. When attacked, Mico took the brunt of the attack to protect his boyfriend, who didn't get any harm. And then Mico lost his boyfriend as a result of the attack and had to count on his family. They had a very set life in which all of them worked out a schedule to care for Mico but living in the shelter of their world, Mico didn't deal with everything from the attack. With his attraction to Danny and Danny's pursuit of him, Mico has to come to terms with the life he now has.

Danny and Mico's love/relationship happens within days, but the acceptance and fixing of the issues between them take longer to fix and makes their love stronger. Just a note for readers who may care, this book has a religious element running throughout the story, with many religious verses recited throughout.

Rating: 4 stars

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