Friday, January 6, 2017

Book Review: Boyfriend Material by K. A. Mitchell

Book Review: Boyfriend Material by K. A. Mitchell

Title: Boyfriend Material
Author: K. A. Mitchell
Release Date: August 15, 2016
Length: 92 pages
Amazon ~ GoodReads


Physically, it’s easy for Ethan and Wyatt to be together—well, if “easy” means stolen moments when Ethan’s roommate is away, or sneaking away to a hidden nook in the library. Privacy is hard to come by in a dorm, but finding ways to connect is half the fun.

Emotionally, though, that’s a different story. Wyatt isn’t sure if a relationship is something he can make last—years of having to hide his emotions have left him with a shaky sense of self-confidence. And when it’s time to head home for the holidays, their steamy on-campus connection may not translate so well to the real world…

4 Stars

**Note: This is a true serial and should be read in order for better enjoyment.**

*Copy provided by the author/publisher via NetGalley for my reading pleasure in hopes of an unbiased opinion, a review was not a requirement.*

We pick right back up with Wyatt and Ethan where the first installment left off. They are planning to head to Ethan's for Thanksgiving break, something Wyatt is not looking forward to.

I loved book one and I adored getting to continue to follow Wyatt and Ethan's story. This was a quick and easy read. It's well-written and fast paced. For a short novella it's jam packed with angst, heartbreak, sweetness, love and hot sex. The author also manages to recapture that chemistry Wyatt and Ethan shared.

I can't wait to get the final installment and hopefully a HEA for Wyatt and Ethan!! Very recommendable!!

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