Saturday, February 4, 2017

AotM ~ The Weight of It All & Perfect Catch by N.R. Walker (Reviews+Giveaway)

The Weight Of It All   

Buy link: Amazon

After being dumped by his long-term boyfriend for being overweight, Henry Beckett decides to make some drastic changes. In a vain attempt at getting his boyfriend back, Henry does the most absurdly frightening thing he can think of.

He joins a gym.

Reed Henske is a personal trainer who isn’t sure he’ll ever be ready to date again. He’s sick of guys who are only interested in the perfect body image, never seeing him for who he really is.

As Reed tortures Henry with things like diet and exercise, Henry enamours Reed with recipes and laughter. As the friendship lines start to blur, Henry is convinced there’s no way Thor-like Reed could ever be interested in a guy like him.

Reed just has to convince Henry that life isn’t about reaching your ideal bodyweight. It’s about finding your perfect counterweight.

5 + Hysterical Stars!!!

This book was amazing. I absolutely loved the story and adored the main characters. Henry and Reed are so sweet and so perfect together. I loved that Reed accepted Henry for who he was on the inside. He looked past what was on the outside and really saw him for who he was. Henry is so funny. I know some of that is a defense mechanism, but even at the end, once he was comfortable with himself, he was still so funny. I don't remember the last time I laughed so much while reading a book. Fair warning, put the book down before you go near food or beverages. Take my word for it, Diet Coke is painful when it tries to exit your body through your nose!! #TrueStory

As with every book I've read by N.R. Walker, this book was well-written and flowed well. The relationship is definitely a slow burn, but I laughed so much I didn't really notice it. The story is filled with sweetness, friendship, so much laughter and of course, love. Henry and Reed had an undeniable chemistry and the sex was passionate and loving. The story is inspiring and motivating and I want to know where I can get a Reed!! Haha

Seriously, I couldn't put this book down, and it's definitely my favorite so far this year!! I can't tell you enough to just go One Click this!! Definitely recommendable!!

*Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie by the author/publisher for my reading pleasure, a review wasn't a requirement.*

5 Stars! 

An incredibly funny, well-written tale that ends with realism and the start of a HEA. Very sweet and surprisingly romantic.

This book had me LOLing from the very start, and I didn't stop til the end. It's a sweet tale of a couple of seemingly very opposite guys who came together as personal trainer and person-in-need-of-losing-weight.

There's not much sex in this, which isn't a problem, and I liked that both leads saw beyond physical appearance and that they got to know and like the other for the person each was.

It ends in the start of a HEA that was realistic and sweet, and all the more so because of the realistic elements to it.

I received a copy of this tale to proof-read; no review was requested.

Perfect Catch    

Buy link:  Amazon

** Perfect Catch was previously released as part of an anthology. Now available as a single release. 19,000 words, gay romance. **

Calvin Lynch and Troy Hoffman have been best mates since they were fourteen years old. They’re both hard-working tradesmen, both love weekends away fishing, both gay, but have never been single at the same time. Until now.

What is supposed to be a weekend away fishing with a group of mates, changes at the last minute when friends bail out in an attempt to give Cal and Troy some alone time.
With more than just hooks on the line, can these two see what’s been right in front of them the whole time?

The Perfect Catch is a short story about falling for your best friend hook, line, and sinker.

**Please Note: This review was originally posted as part of the anthology "It Was Always You"**

5 + Stars

And they saved the best for last. I absolutely loved Cal and Troy. I loved that the friendship was so genuine and the back and forth banter was funny and how best friends should be. This is probably one of the best friends to lovers I've ever read. The chemistry was undeniable and the sexual tension explosive. The sex was sweet, hot and filled with love.

If I had to pick just one story from this anthology to read, it would definitely be this one!! Highly recommended!!

5 Stars! 

Typical NRW tale with warmth, romance, sweetness, sexiness and the start of a HEA. Even better the second time round!

This is a classic tale of best friends who've been in love with each other for ages, finally getting together with a little help from their friends, told NRW style.

It's set in Australia, which is perhaps where the very best NRW tales take place, and it has that relaxed, 'anything goes' vibe that makes it so believable. It only takes place over a few days, but it works because the guys have known each other for so long, are so comfortable with each other and openly acknowledge that they love each other as friends, so it's not a huge jump to realise that they want more and can have their cake and eat it. I love how open they were with each other, that they both were on the same page, wanting a commitment and a future with each other, and that they used that magical word, 'forever'...

ARC courtesy of the author for my reading pleasure.


  1. Oh my, that is a tough question. I love Sixty Five Hours and Learning to Feel. They were the first books by N.R. Walker I read. They always will be a bit special, because after reading those I was hooked.
    The Weight of it All is super too. So funny.

  2. Yes that's a really hard question I've loved all her books but I'll go with "The Weight Of it All" it is a wonderful book and I know I'll read it again and again.

  3. i have to say the weight of it all is my favorite so far

  4. The Weight Of it All is my favorite.

  5. I just started The Weight of It All and am really enjoying it. So, I may have to go with it even though I'm not done yet.

  6. I enjoyed both Sixty Five Hours & Learning to Feel.
