Thursday, February 2, 2017

AotM ~ The Spencer Cohen Series by N.R. Walker

Spencer Cohen Book One

Spencer Cohen is the guy who gets answers to relationship questions. Playing the role of the new lover, his job is to make his client’s ex realise one of two things: he doesn’t want to break up or he really does. Either way, his client gets answers.

The ex would either apologize and beg, or turn and walk. But in the end, Spencer’s client won. If he wanted his ex back and got him, it was great. If the guy walked away, then as hard it was for the client, he knew it was over. Regardless of the outcome, Spencer’s work was done.

Andrew Landon’s ex left him without so much as an explanation. But his sister can’t stand to see him miserable, so, much to Andrew’s dismay, they hire Spencer to be Andrew’s new boyfriend to get the ex back.

For Spencer, it is never personal. Merely a business transaction. No emotions, no strings, no complications.

Yeah right.

Even a blind man could see how this would end.

Spencer Cohen Book Two

Finally going from fake boyfriends to the real thing, Spencer Cohen and Andrew Landon are trying to take things slow. They know what they have could be something special and despite the flammable sexual tension, they don’t want to crash and burn.
Spencer is learning to open up and share the secrets of his past with Andrew. Afraid to put his heart on the line but unable to stop himself, Spencer knows he’s falling in love. Andrew is petrified of leaping in blindly, yet the slower they go, the faster they fall.
As they navigate their new relationship, Spencer worries Andrew will freak out when he takes on a new client. But it’s not a normal case, and Spencer soon realises all is not what it seems. When the job takes a downward turn, Spencer and Andrew work together to help the client. They’ll need to decide if they’re ready for the next step.

Spencer Cohen Book Three

Learning to be in a committed relationship has been easy for Spencer. In fact, too easy. Andrew has fit into his life seamlessly. Spencer’s let go of his insecurities and hang-ups, and he and Andrew are enjoying where things are headed.
For the first time in years, Spencer’s life is unbelievably perfect.
Andrew overthinks everything. So when Spencer gets a phone call from Australia, he’s certain Spencer will push him away.
But instead of driving them apart, maybe it will solidify what they already have. Maybe Spencer will depend on Andrew more than ever. Maybe the Spencer Cohen story will come full circle, and maybe, just maybe, Spencer will have the happily ever after he never thought possible.

The Spencer Cohen Series

4.5 Stars! 

*** Books were purchased by the reviewer. ***

Book #1

Some call him a "Boyfriend for Hire", others a "Relationship Fixer". Spencer makes a living helping men and women make their exes jealous. This is done with the intention that the ex will either want to get back together or they will finally realize there's no hope for reconciliation. Either way, Spencer's client gets closure.

When Spencer meets his new client Andrew, he finds himself in a bit of a predicament. He's not sure if he wants Andrew to get his ex back because in a perfect world, Andrew would rather be with Spencer. However, Spencer prides himself on his ability to help his clients and if that means making Andrew happy by getting Eli back then that's what Spencer will do.

Spencer is a pretty cool guy and I really like him. There are a few moments in which I thought he might be too perfect but, overall, he is definitely a loveable character. I'm not going to lie and say I didn't want to know more about who he really was, though, because he is quite obviously carrying some baggage but as the series goes on we find out a lot more.

I liked Spencer and Andrew together but I wasn't quite sure at first if Andrew was going to be a good fit for him. It becomes clear right away, though, that the two are perfect for one another.

At the end of this one, you'll be ready to jump straight into book 2.

Book #2

Spencer and Andrew are at the very beginning of their new and very real relationship. With Andrew's track record of rushing into things, the two men decide to take things slow. Of course, that's not as easy as they originally thought.

Spencer still works as a "relationship helper/boyfriend for hire" and while he isn't ready to end his career, he's concerned Andrew may not completely accept what he does on the job. Andrew just wants to know that Spencer trusts him and won't keep secrets from him when it comes to the things he does. With their relationship newly defined, the two men are having to figure out how to navigate the waters and where they fit into each other's lives.

I really enjoyed Spencer and Andrew, they are definitely that sweet couple you can't help but roll your eyes at when you see them together because they're just so cute. They love spending time together and seem to seamlessly fit into each other's lives. However, it's obvious that they'll have to work together to ensure that both Andrew and Spencer's pasts don't color their new relationship negatively.

Since we get a more in-depth look into Spencer's family issues and how he ended up in the US, it's easy to see he may have trust issues or abandonment issues to deal with. Andrew, however, has the opposite type of family. They are supportive and loving and it's good for painting the picture of the kind of man Andrew is. I like all the secondary characters that the two men have in their lives, they added an extra layer to the story.

My only gripe is the fact that NR Walker is so great at building the sexual tension and it seemed like it took forever to finally get to the steamy bedroom scenes. I definitely think it was worth it there at the end but while I was patiently and not so patiently waiting for something to happen, I was getting a tad frustrated.

Overall, book #2 is a great read and of course, leaves you wanting to jump into book 3 right away.

Book #3

This is the emotional one, so just be warned that you may need a tissue. It seems as just as Spencer and Andrew have got everything on track, an unexpected call from his younger brother changes Spencer's life once again and he and Andrew are faced with whether a trip to Sydney is a good idea. It hasn't been that long since they had started dating and while Spencer knows he's in love with Andrew, he's having a hard time saying those three words out loud.

I love Spencer and Andrew, they are so great together. They not only have great chemistry but their banter is just as entertaining as their sex scenes are hot. Andrew is the perfect balance of sexy geek and unassuming Alpha. Spencer, of course, is fun and funny and sweet and caring. You have to love them together.

I definitely recommend this series. I love NR Walker, she's generally a one-click author for me and she didn't disappoint with Spencer Cohen.

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